Hey, I've just come out of hospital after my second episode of AFib. I want to buy a heart rate monitor which can be worn constantly and measures heart rate constantly. I know Ama.. is full of them, can anyone recommend one. Please!!!
Which heart rate minotor should i use? - British Heart Fou...
Which heart rate minotor should i use?

If you have an apple iPhone then an I watch is very good. I have used since my bypass.
Kardia ? But used when you get symptoms
Do you not need a mobile or tablet device for Kardia ?
Yes you do need a mobile device. I have a Kardia, and it works with most cheap android phones. It also is certified by the FDA in the states and in the UK is recommended by cardiologists. It does a one line ECG and you can send the output to a cardiologist as a PDF. The challenge is to get the doctor to read it. It does give a clear indication if you are in Afib, and by definition it gives an accurate measure of your heart rate.I also have a Fitbit, and the Kardia heart rate and the Fitbit always are the same. The Fitbit also can do an ECG which will tell you if you are in Afib. I can't vouch for it's accuracy though.
👍 must admit I love all the gizmos the Apple Watch has but each to their own.
I would second Worriedcats suggestion of a Kardia device. I have paroxysmal atrial fibrillation too and use one when I feel something is going on heart-wise. If you are in the UK I understand that NICE have recently approved them for use by the NHS, so it might even be worth seeing if you could obtain one from your GP, perhaps.
Feel free to ignore this bit but my own experience, following a couple of admissions to A&E with AF last year, is that constantly monitoring what my heart was doing didn’t help my health anxiety at all, nor the AF for that matter, as stress and anxiety can make that worse. Whilst it was difficult to do to start with, trying to get on with life whilst using the Kardia device as and when I felt the need, has helped calm the anxiety somewhat. As I say, just a thought.
Thank you for that advice, i will certainly think about that.
You’re welcome. There is a health unlocked forum dedicated to all things AF related, called the AF Association. If you do a search you should find it. Might be worth asking there, too. I’ve certainly had some good advice from members there which was very helpful in the early days when I’d been newly diagnosed and my anxiety levels were through the roof!
Yes Kardia is a good option, you can buy a basic one for about £100 or the advanced 6 lead version for about £150, they srevery good and as said now NICE recommended. I use mine when I get a little anxiety and it helps to know that there sre no specific issues. They have now added additional monitoring for free also for other Heart issues so worth a look, you might even pick one up used on ebay cheaper
I have a Radley watch which will measure heart rate. Not as useful as some, but only £25 or so.
Polar H10 - works with many devices (I-phone, android, smart watches etc) - very reliable, relatively cheap and more effective than watches)
Fitbit Versa 3 is what I have and works great. About £150 off Amazon. Constant heart rate monitoring with nice graphs on the app.
Watch devices are pretty useless as they do not pick up ectopics. Most devices are not much good below 40bpm either.
I have a kardia mobile but most of the time it just reports unclassified. They charge £5 a go for a report which is like a copy/paste job.

I agree, I'm fed up with all the "unclassified" I m getting more unclassified than ever. I showed one to cardiologist this am he said just artifact. I wish I could read them but I've tried and just can't get the hang of it.😊
Download app Cardiogram to use with any fitbit or other android you can track every beat of your heartTry the 7 day free trial
You need to decide on a budget and also what you want to monitor. If its merely heart rate, a simple watch type device for about £30 will suffice, which gives you readings on the go and can be linked to a smartphone for a record. They also come with other functionality, most of which I don't use. That's what I have and it does the job. If you spend more money you may get more functionality or you may just be paying for the name, like Fitbit.

Any oximeter around 20-25 pounds from Amazon ,They do the job ,are nearly all same make anyway and they do the job.Mine was 17pounds and is same as gp.s.
Like Gordon_N I have a Polar H10. I'm not a techie, so just download (upload?) it to my laptop. I also have the chest belt that syncs it with most gym equipment.
Hi TanteMuh
I have a Sense Fitbit which gives me my heart rate the one I have you can do ECG's on it also
It gives you how much sleep you have if you wear it to bed and steps record, I had it for a Christmas present so I could see what my heart rate was doing after my second operation, updated to the one I have now a couple of years ago. It is quite accurate as I was in hospital myself last year after a spiking session and as you probably know you are wired to hospital heart monitors so I would compare with my fitbit which was comparable. Cost I think around £100 but it has been worth it for me, I can see what heart rate is doing and gives peace of mind. Hope this is helpful
Minotor? Load of old bull if you ask me. Which you probably don't.