Hi, my name is David and following a collapse on the 1st June, I have had two Stents placed in two Cardio Arteries. At this time I was also diagnosed with having Pericarditis which is an inflammation around the heart. I was told at Rehab that I may continue to experience slight chest pain, shortness of breath and left arm pins and needles due to the inflammation and slight constriction around the heart. This is now four weeks later, could I ask if anyone who has had Pericarditis if having these symptoms for so long is normal ? Thanks
Pericarditis : Hi, my name is David and... - British Heart Fou...

Hi I too was diagnosed with Pericarditis. A very painful debilitating condition! after having a small heart attack and 2 stents, I was given colchicine in 3 separate occasions to try reduce inflammation. I have had scans which have been all clear, no fluid etc.
I still have a dull ache in chest and pains between my shoulder blades. I’m now looking to see if my medications are the route of this discomfort too.
I should have said this has been ongoing since 17th March 😢
Sorry to hear your not well. I too had Pericarditis in January this year it was around April time before I started feeling myself again. Try rest as much as possible it speeds recovery.
Take care & hope you feel better soon x
I have a different infection in my heart and I’m had it for nearly a year now.
Your very welcome & I hope you feel better soon. If there are any other questions you have about it please just ask. That was my second bout of it so Im getting to be an expert haha x