Has anyone had irregular heart rate a... - British Heart Fou...

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Has anyone had irregular heart rate and palpitations intermittently, but been told by a cardiologist that it’s normal?

Twocatsandcounting profile image

I got taken to A& E by a paramedic last week, with an episode of bradycardia, irregular pulse and and breathlessness. The paramedic did an ECG which picked up an arrhythmia. I was kept overnight on a trolley in A& E . Bloods were normal. The cardiologist did an echocardiogram on me in the morning and said my heart was normal, that the palpitations were normal. He told me to stop using my pulse oximeter-implying that it was somehow causing the problem because I was focusing on the heart rate-which at times went down to 34!

He made me feel like I was a paranoid , middle aged woman!

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10 Replies
jeanjeannie50 profile image

How were you feeling when your heart rate went down to 34?

Twocatsandcounting profile image
Twocatsandcounting in reply to jeanjeannie50

Hi, thanks for your reply. I felt breathless.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Twocatsandcounting

I really wish consultants would listen to their patients and believe what they say. How dare he say what he did to you! Is your GP more understanding, could you call your surgery if this happens again and get an ECG there? See how you get on now and if drinking more water helps. Was your blood pressure low too? X

Twocatsandcounting profile image
Twocatsandcounting in reply to jeanjeannie50

Thanks Jeanjeannie. I have seen my GP and she was really lovely. She has referred me to a cardiologist. My blood pressure was ok .🙂

Dear Twocatsandcounting

What a horrible experience for you that now has left you worried, and I don’t blame you feeling that way.

I was not there so cannot really comment on the Drs behaviour, but he did sound blunt to say the lest by your description.

Remember that I am not medically trained but now it’s time to find out for yourself the results of all the tests that he did, this may or may not reassure you, but at lest it may give you the next step to move onto to.

Your Dr will very quickly have your results, or does your hospital have a patients porthole { on line } which will show you?

The bottom line is please don’t let others make you think that you are a “ paranoid middle aged woman “

The finger Oxygen meters with built in pulse rate, aren’t the best of tests as other posts on here will tell you, but yours was backed up by the Paramedics, and they wouldn’t have taken you to hospital if there was not a reason to.

You are a special individual that wants answers to her worrying feelings, that I feel, makes you human, not paranoid

Thank you so much Blue! I have seen my GP since leaving hospital and showed her the ECG. She felt that the cardiologist had been dismissive too and couldn’t understand why, because the arrhythmia was clear to see on the ECG. She has referred me to a cardiologist, who I’m seeing in February, which is good. She also signed me off work until after I’ve seen them. I feel ok now , just have palpitations now and again, but the bradycardia persists.

in reply to Twocatsandcounting

Well that is great news { I know that sound odd but you know what I mean }To have a Dr that you get on with well and has your back is a Gods send in these times.

So your journey begins and I for one wish you all the best, remember we are here to help with anything that we can.

Take care , you are in our thoughts

A big BOO to the hospital DR that made you feel bad and a big CLAP to the DR that is helping you so.

Thank you Blue!

chickeninthewood profile image

Hi, your story is almost the same as mine except the hospital cardiologist was charming and helpful. All my tests were normal and he was not concerned. He did blood tests, many of them, an xray and further ecg to add to the one the ambulance crew had done. He said everything was normal but he would refer me to GP and to the Cardiology outpatients My GP did blood test, ankle bracheo something or other too, and a further ecg. All normal.

Now going to get a 24 hour ecg in Cardiology outoatients in a couple of weeks and if they are concerned at the resuts they will do an ultrasound but all the signs are that the palpitations are just anxiety which the paramedic caused really as many people if not most do get them at times in their life and the majority turn out to be harmless. Just try and keep calm and carry on, Look at the Youtube videos of theYork Cardiologist, He puts it all in perspective,

Thank you Chickeninthewood. I’m glad you’re ok

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