My heart keeps stopping: 10 pm last... - British Heart Fou...

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My heart keeps stopping

throatissues profile image
10 Replies

10 pm last week when walking in kitchen , felt a really strong thund in middle of my chest,

at 11/30pm I had tight heavy feeling in the same area lasting for 2 seconds,

At the time I was checking my pulse on an oximeter as it felt fast, When it happend I seen the lines on it Go flat for 2 seconds before it registerd a heart beat and normal up and down lines So I know for sure my heart stopped for 2 seconds that time.

At 4 am and 4:24 AM in the morning it happend again but this time it was shortner less than a second

I have had episodes like this for past year but last nigts felt the worse and lasted the longest,

Im scared that next time this happens my heart wont re start it self.

Ive been A and E many times in past for chest pain and had ecgs and normal

I believe there could be a serious underlying condetion causing this to happen which isnt being picked up on

Cause your heart stoppimg for a few seconds is not normal.

It happens every day multiple times, it makes me jump almost the feeling when it happens is horrible It almost feels like my

heart gets blocked and then unblocks it self.

I have had episdoes of this for past few years but only use to have every few weeks or even months apart and thought nothing of it,

Its only recently its been every day and getting worse.

I feal so weak and ill like my body is giving up on me, last few nights ive been going to bed thinking im gonn die in my sleep

i HAVE been in my bed 20 hours of the day sleeping for most of it, waking up ever 20 mins with both hands dead.

I am also 26 yo who is 26 stone, Which scares me that I have plaque filled artiers in my heart which is causing all this and the blood

can not pump normally. I am so scared no matter which GP or a and e I go to they never seem to care or beleive me, and say im to youngfor anything serious ect.

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throatissues profile image
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10 Replies
Terrywill12 profile image

I would say that this is a good chance of palpitations/ectopic beats which is why your pulse oximeter isn't picking it up. However I'm not medically trained to give any diagnosis but I get alot of ectopic beats that's feel as though my heart stops for a second as I get a big thud and a sinking feeling in stomach. I've also found that laying/siting thinking about them makes it worse as your building anxiety towards them. Easiest thing to do is go back to A&E if you are concerned but also maybe speak to your GP for some anxiety medication to help and possibly beta blocker if not already on one.

As I say I'm not a medical professional but I've had a rough fee months with ectopics due to myocarditis and newly diagnosed mild HF. These meds worked for me I'm kind of used to the ectopic beats now.

throatissues profile image
throatissues in reply to Terrywill12

Thank you for your replay, and advise, My Pulse oximeter does pick it up thou, its a normal up and down heart beat and when it happens it goes flat untill the pain/sensation goes away and then it contuines a normal heart trace.

DeepFriedMarsBar profile image
DeepFriedMarsBar in reply to throatissues

I get this too - and please don't worry!

An ectopic beat is an extra one that comes between two normal beats. This empties the chambers of the heart easily as they were only partly filled - it kinda 'slams shut' hence the big thud. And so, when the next 'scheduled' beat comes along there is nothing for the heart to push against - it feels like your heart has stopped - it hasn't - but it really feels like it has. It take a while to get the signals and the muscles back in sync - but the body is very good at doign this, however it does feel weird and scary.

Pulse oximiters often need a baseline to latch onto - and often show a flatline following an ectopic beat. They need to 'catch up' as it were with the new rhythm.

Try not to get too fixated on the electronic devices - only a proper ECG would show what's going on.

Explain your feelings to your health care professionals and at any time if you think you're life is in danger, call an ambulance.

Dear thoatissues

I am really sorry to hear the distress that you are in over your heart.

I am not sure how we can help you , other than to assure you that you are not alone and many suffer as you do.

Heart problems can be at any age so I cannot for the life of me understand why you would be told that your to young for any problems.

The worry is { remember that I’m not medically trained } is that you seem to getting your reading off an oxygen / pulse meter at home.

These must only be used as a guide as they are notorious for varying readings.

I’m surprised that you were not fitted with a monitor to see what was going on.

You have to find answers because your anxiety levels will make you ill and can give false readings on home monitors

I really wish you well and if I or we can help in anyway please post or ask.

You are in my thoughts

firstlight40 profile image

Hello, if you are worried about this please go to your gp. They can arrange for you to have a heart monitor which measures your heart for a day and picks up any strange events. You normally have a button to press if you feel anything strange which will help them locate the problem

road2ruin profile image

I would also add that what you comment on sounds just like my ectopic beats. Feels like my heart stops for a period. Sometimes I have a few a day, sometimes very little. Stress adds to the tally.

Prada47 profile image

Hello Like all members of the forum I am not medical trained but I am pretty sure your heart is not stopping, it may be Pausing or like others have said maybe ectopic beats. The only way to tell what is going on is by a Holter Monitor recording your heart beat for a 24hr period. Onmy last Holter my Heart would pause for 3 seconds and Cardiologist said that wasn't significant so hence I don't worry about it !!!! Just get it checked.

throatissues profile image
throatissues in reply to Prada47

Thanks for your reply, What scares me is that when it happens I can feel it its a strong like a stab in the heart, I dont get any other symptomes when it happens just that horrible sudden sharp feeling in heart. Thanks again for your advice, It normally happens when im resting, I can go for long walks and never happen.

Qualipop profile image

Ignore the oximeter, they can be very unreliable and also any phone apps which are ot exact and can cause people to become obsessive about their health. It certainly sounds like palpitations, a sort of hiccup in the electrical signals. Most times they are completely normal and harmless but when you are so worried you need to see your GP. I developed palpitations over 20 years ago and still get them at times- mostly when I'm stressed. . It took forever for the medics to catch them because they we re so intermittent.- never happened during an ECG or when I had a holter monitor for a full week. I then had a stress test which again showed nothing. But they happened to leave the electrodes attached and switched on when I sat down to rest and thankfully I suddenly had several so they were able to see which bit of the heart they came from and could reassure me they w ere completely harmless. Anxiety will make them far worse which is probably why you notice them more when you are resting. Your heart is NOT stopping, it's just a bit late with a beat and makes up for it with a double on the next one which is what you are feeling. Staying in bed certainly won't help. You need to exercise, not violently; just steady walking. Your final section says what I suspect is your biggest problem that you know deep down. You are over weight and suffering from health anxiety. YOu need to see your GP about the palpitations and get them investigated but also take a good long look at your lifestyle; more exercise and sort out your diet. Nothing drastic just cut out take aways, snacks and unhealthy food. I had a heart attack 3 years ago ( I am 73 and it's easily 50 years since my palpitations started) and just by cutting out all pastry, pasta, pizzas, cakes and crisps and filling up on veg, I lost 2 stone without any effort. I also swapped minced beef for Quorn. ( My husband who is a pie and meat freak, still hasn't even noticed.) I wasn't even trying to lose weight but come summer when I got my skirts out and they fell off, I got a shock how much I'd lost. The main BHF website has a fabulous section of heart healthy recipes. I'm not being nasty because I feel deep down you know what the problem is or you wouldn't have mentioned it.

Jetcat profile image

Hi, It’s a terrifying thing when the big thud and missed beat kicks in out of nowhere I know. you need a appointment with a GP for a heart monitor. Ectopics can be horrible and after a while can start playing games with your head.? as frightening as they are don’t think they are going to kill you because the worry and fear won’t help? Most folk have missed beats and don’t notice them( lucky ones).

I am one of the unlucky ones who feels every single one of them😡

call your GP tell them how it’s affecting you, ask for a 48 hour monitor. And in the meantime try not to worry too much because you will still be here posting for many years to come. Best wishes to you. Ron.x

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