Finally got into the X-ray department, after waiting since first GP appointment in June. Thought I would just explain the procedure, in case anyone else is having one soon and worrying about what to expect, although I know the hospital leaflets do explain it quite clearly. I took my normal betablocker in the morning before turning up at the hospital, and drank juice instead of my normal vat of coffee. I was a bit worried about how much undressing/bosom flashing was involved, but they let me have a gown on the whole time, the staff were very good about attaching the electrodes without exposing my chest area. The technician checked my heart rate and BP, then the consultant made me have some GTN spray under the tongue, which I am used to, as I use it for my angina. The scan was in a doughnut-shaped scanner, which didn't feel too claustrophobic at first. The cannula thing put into my arm for the dye didn't hurt at all, just felt a bit of a whoosh in the arm when the dye went in, then sure enough, felt EXACTLY as though I had peed my pants about 30 seconds later. Had 4 goes through the machine, its robot voice tells you when to breathe in and hold your breath and breathe out. They seemed to put more dye in for each pass. The machine itself is very noisy, sounds like an Underground train. I wasn't expecting so much noise from it. Thought I was done, but then they came in and said the first pass was no good as my heart had done an extra beat and messed up the image, so they had to reset the machine. This took a good 5 minutes, during which time they left me underneath the doughnut thing, this was the only point when I felt a bit panicky, just felt very vulnerable. Anyway, it was all done, they whipped out the cannula, then I was told to go home. ( I did feel quite dizzy when I got up from the bed, and for about 20 minutes after, so glad I took the husband along to drive me back... I also had a raging thirst, really dry mouth.) Now expecting a 6-week wait for the results...... So good luck to anyone else who is having a similar scan soon, and don't worry your wee socks about it, it's fine.
Had my CT heart scan today... - British Heart Fou...
Had my CT heart scan today...

I think that explains it quite well apart from your set back halfway through.I had mine done in June last year. The only difference i had was i was told to get up andcwalk back to the room to get changed, i have a Balance disorder and the amount of beta blocker/GTN spray they gave me triggered it off and i had to hold onto a student nurse then get my BP checked over again as i was floating. Ha ha. Not a pleasant experience.. the noise was horrific and being partially deaf i coukdn't hear the instructions. On a positive note about 9 weeks later and pushed for the results, it showed no CAD just the faulty electrics (LBBB)..
Why do they give you gtn before the scan? Couldn't that potentially give a false negative?

Was told it was to dilate the coronary arteries to give a clearer image.
Thanks Dempo, I've got one of these booked for 4th February and I'm pretty nervous about it.I will definitely get my husband to come with me.
It was fine, wouldn’t bother me to have another of these . Please do not worry.
I have one in 3 weeks - I am terribly claustrophobic and am absolutely crapping myself already. Last time I had a CT scan it took 50mg diazepam to get me in the bloody thing ..... unfortunately not an option this time ....
I had to have a CT scan for my kidneys while waiting 2 months for a MRI scan of the heart.
Now I wonder why I was not given a CT scan of the heart instead.