Heart Super Slow and Stopping during ... - British Heart Fou...

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Heart Super Slow and Stopping during Sexual Intercourse

Adbxt93 profile image
26 Replies

Hi everyone,

This is a serious problem that I have and this post is not a joke,

When I have sex with my partner before am about to finish my heart rate slows down to nothing and feels as it’s almost stopping ! I have noticed this when I used to masterbate too.

My heart will have extremely slow heavy pounds but when I stop doing something sexual it goes back to normal rhythm after a little while.

I literally almost passed out during sex as my heart slowed down that much.

Why does this happen ? Is this normal ? Please can you help me ?

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Adbxt93 profile image
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26 Replies
MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

No it is not normal. Sexual activity is rated as mild to moderate exercise causing increases in bothHR and BP.

You should abstain until you have spoken with your GP or cardiologist.

DaveSpice profile image
DaveSpice in reply to MichaelJH

Sexual intercourse can be quite hard exercise, depending on how it is carried out, the durationation and the age and fitness of the participants. I am sure you have heard the jokes about dangers, well jokes are often based on reality.

Incendentally, how do you know what your heart rate is, it can be difficult to detect at low levels without a monitor?

Yeh talking to your GP sound like a good idea, or maybe monitiring it during an act.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to DaveSpice

Are you replying to me or OP?

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to DaveSpice

You might find this an interesting read. Click on and download PDF at bottom of page.


Hello. It's not good. My heart nearly stopped altogether outside a hospital. I was on my way to outpatients for another health issue. They kept me in Cardiology for a week at the time. Do please see a doctor about this issue. It's important you do.

Dear Adbxt93

This is no way normal and needs investigation, you know it’s not normal, we know it’s not normal so get it sorted.

Not unless your some super stud between the sheets, the act should be like a mild workout.

Please get help, I’m sure { even though I am not medically trained } that there must be help for you.

Take care.

Adbxt93 profile image
Adbxt93 in reply to

It’s definitely concerning it’s like my heart does the opposite thing instead of speeding up it slows down and has heavy hard beats. I am very concerned but getting appointments with my cardiologist takes ages

I need to get it on ECG if I can…… 😞

in reply to Adbxt93

Dear Adbxt93

I really feel for you as without answers all our problems can manifest themselves into something they are not.

But you are a young man and after reading your health history you should be under some form of medical help.

How easy we have seen physical medical problems left unsolved soon turn into mental ones.

If I was suffering as you I would not hesitate in getting help, even A&E to get some answers, as it sounds like you can bring on these attacks yourself.

Good luck with everything, you are in my thoughts

Kristin1812 profile image
Kristin1812Heart Star in reply to Adbxt93

Call your GP. They will get access to Cardiology if that’s what’s needed.

airmanUK profile image
airmanUK in reply to Adbxt93

My heart rate at rest used to drop to 35 bpm as evidenced on my heart rate monitor watch and other devices but was always normal when I visited my GP. I bought an AliveCor KardiaMobile 6L ECG device which enabled me to capture an ECG and prove that I had a problem. In the end it turned out I had a 2:1 AV Block meaning my heart was skipping every other beat. Subsequently, I was fitted with a special pacemaker which does nothing but monitor until it detects my heart skipping beats then the pacemaker comes into play and forces my heart to beat normally. It was a simple operation under local anaesthetic and resolved the problem instantly. Amazon has the Kardia device.

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to airmanUK

The Kardia monitors are also available from Arrthymia Alliance, a heart charity. The profits from these sales goes to this charity.


firstlight40 profile image

Clearly you need to get it looked at although it might be difficult to diagnose in a hospital situation!

I think it's possible you might be tensing your chest/lungs during your endeavours.

When I tense my chest I can slow down my heart. With the issues you already mentioned maybe that's the problem.

Heythrop51 profile image

I imagine A&E could hook you up to an ECG while you pretend to be a sperm donor!

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

Are you alright if you walk briskly, jog or run up three flights of stairs...

Letsallhope1 profile image

Speak to the doctor!No one here is qualifies to give you professional advice and you could be in danger while you wait.

Possibly your heart might feel like it is stopping but it goes into fibrillation so make an appointment with your GP asap!

Good luck!

DanniC88 profile image

Im not a man but im quite sure this isn't normal. Sex is classed as a physical form of exercise so in fact your hear rate should be increasing. You are also a young man so I would be concerned. Please make sure you get checked and push for answers. All the best and take care.

Justjune1959 profile image

I would call your cardiologists secretary and leave a message that you need a telephone conversation you don’t have to discuss with the secretary but lots of people are becoming worse because we can’t get access to our consultants

Johnbobby profile image

I’m thinking this could potentially be linked to the vagus nerve. An orgasm, in my mind, could over stimulate the vagus nerve leading to vasovagal syncope (passing out).Obviously the usual i’ve had no medical training etc, but maybe worth looking in to. I had a quick google and it seems it does happen to other people.

Certainly check in with your GP.

Adbxt93 profile image
Adbxt93 in reply to Johnbobby

you are very close to one of my problems, they think I have a hypersensitive vagus nerve which also triggers my Tachycardia symptoms when I bend forward. It is only an idea me and my cardiologist had, as I have Tachycardia attacks after bending forward or down. Maybe it’s putting pressure on the nerve causing my heart to slow down then when I come off the nerve the heart compensate by going into tachycardia. This is one of our theories.

another possible theory is this…. When bending over, there is increased intra-abdominal pressure and this is transmitted up the esophagus (or a hiatal hernia) which lies directly against the back of the left atrium. This is the most common cause of non-cardiac palpitations.

Sadly my diagnoses is not really concrete but I have been diagnosed with Atrial Tachycardia as they wasn’t able to trigger an SVT which they thought it was. So they think I could develop Atrial Fibrillation soon…..

Fish4Info profile image

Not normal. Seek medical advice. One of my symptoms 15+ years ago was sharp chest pain at orgasm. Long story short. Within a month unstable angina diagnosed. Heart bypass followed two weeks later. Was 47, now 62 and OK. I'm not saying you have same thing ... but definitely needs checking out. If you have trouble getting through to Dr, try 111.

Take care. HNY.



Fish4Info profile image

Have you got to the bottom of this?

Adbxt93 profile image

hello everyone.

I haven’t really got to the bottom of my problems but I have had every test possible going. This involves a test for

POTS - Negative Result

Echo - Only a slight thickening of the heart

Exercise Test - no trigger of SVT or Tachycardia

Cardiac Ablation - was a failure no SVT was induced and body was pushed into Atrial Fibrillation which caused a dangerous rhythm which resulted me in being Cardioverted by electric shock as chemical was also unsuccessful.

Electro Study - no abnormalities found or SVT symptoms.

After concluding I didn’t have POTS or believe to have Wolf Parkinson White Syndrome Basically my cardiologist and a group of specialists believed I had something called Supra-ventricle Tachycardia which is where the heart circulates more electric from the top of the heart. The plan was to go for a Cardiac Ablation procedure to burn away the extra electrical impulses to cure this proposed SVT.

During the procedure they was unable to induce SVT which was confusing to the cardiologist and other specialists. After giving me loads of adrenaline to try and cause an SVT they ended up pushing my heart that much I went into a very strange Atrial Fibrillation rhythm which was very uncomfortable and quite dangerous. They tried to chemically convert me back to normal but my heart would not go back into a normal rhythm…. (This was a very scary moment of my life as your awake when all this happens and it really was horrible the whole procedure, if I was asked I would never have it done again) due to my heart not going back into sinus rhythm they had to put me to sleep and electrically convert my heart back to normal.

As the Electro Study was a failure the cardiologist said that he’s going to diagnose me with something called Atrial Tachycardia and I may be diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation in a few years time…. They put me on a medication called Bisoprolol which was supposed to control these tachycardia rhythms but to be honest it’s done nothing and I still have them to this day I have just given up….. Nadolol was the only medication that worked but the side effects were to heavy hitting and out weighed the positives.

So currently am taken Bisoprolol for this Atrial Tachycardia which I don’t believe this is the problem and I take Ramipril for my blood pressure. My blood pressure is great now but the tachycardia attacks still happen to this day. They did try Verapimril and Dilitzem and it didn’t work or do anything so Calcium channel blockers do nothing for me just beta blockers but only Nadolol worked up to now.

My Tachycardia attacks only happen when I bend forward or bend over I learnt that this is the trigger otherwise it doesn’t happen. This is where after speaking to my cardiologist I said I believe it could be to do with my Vagus nerve as when I apply pressure on it my heart slows down and then when I lift off it reacts with a tachycardia beat to try and balance the effect. This also could explain over the slow heart rate during sexual intercourse like my heart was stopping as my vagus nerve could be hypersensitive which sadly has no cure…..

The last theory could be When bending over, there is increased intra-abdominal pressure and this is transmitted up the esophagus (or a hiatal hernia) which lies directly against the back of the left atrium. This is the most common cause of non-cardiac palpitations as I do have a problem with my esophagus currently which I need surgery for I believe… food getting stuck and heart burn all the time.

Honestly I don’t know what it exactly is but the professionals think it’s Atrial Tachycardia so that’s why am having to be medicated for at the moment. I hope I can find out exactly what is wrong. That’s the best updates I can give you guys, I hope you are all well and okay. Sorry for such a long time for an update.

Jennyisabel123 profile image

Hi, I’m female and 28 and this exact same thing has happened to me for around past two or three years and it happens straight after orgasm. My heart basically goes extremely slow all of a sudden and thuds very hard, I can feel the slow thuds in my throat even. After around 2 minutes or so I can finally regain a normal heart rhythm but it is really concerning as I’m young and only recently had an echocardiogram for my regular palpitations which came back normal? I used to wonder if it’s to do with holding breath/tensing up during climax etc which causes a sudden drop in beats, not sure!

Adbxt93 profile image
Adbxt93 in reply to Jennyisabel123

Hi Jenny,

Have you had your Blood Pressure checked as I think mine was linked to a drop in blood pressure after I would orgasm or nearly orgasm. It doesn’t do it as often as it used too ever since I got my hormone levels under control as I had low testosterone which contributed to the factor of exhaustion. All I can think is it’s either hormone related or blood pressure related.

Have you ever had your blood levels checked for eg thyroid, Iron and B12. I would recommend buying a blood pressure monitor from Amazon they don’t cost much and keep log of your blood pressure. Maybe take it after orgasm, this will also tell you your heart rate.

Has the cardiologist told you what they think it could be. I have been diagnosed with Atrial Tachycardia which is a form of Atrial Fibrillation and a hyper sensitive vagal nerve. When pressure is put on this nerve it slows the heart down to heavy thuds. If I have a full stomach or ly on a certain side my heart does skip beats and feel like it’s stopping every so often . Maybe you might have a hyper sensitive vagal nerve which unfortunately there is no cure .

NosyRosie29 profile image
NosyRosie29 in reply to Jennyisabel123

This has been happening to me. I wasn't sure exactly what was happening at first so I recently started checking my pulse and for an arrhythmia as soon as I finish. I don't know what's causing it but it is scary. My heart rate drops usually around 40-50 bpm & my arrhythmia gets pretty bad. I'm planning on calling my dr when I return from vacation. I hope u get your issue figured out.

Justdavesopinion profile image
Justdavesopinion in reply to NosyRosie29

I think there is possibly a phenomena where some people's heart rate stays low around orgasm. Male or Female. It would be interesting to do a study. One thing is not to get caught up in the low heart rate. It's important to know what your oxygen saturation levels are along with blood pressure and of course your ecg. I have a low resting heart rate had this checked. Was pain free and sats were always 96% or above. (95 and above is normal) blood pressure is sometimes a little low and I do suffer from postural hypotension sometimes. I have similar episodes during sex HR goes a low as 32. Directly after. However I have on purpose carefully got up (got dressed of course) and went for a run. My heart rate then behaved normally. I do wonder if it's a drop in HR due to the "rush" of endorphins or similar?

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