Hi,I have just been diagnosed with anjina and it is a bit scary to come out of the blue I'm just wandering how others on here are coping.
Anjina : Hi,I have just been diagnosed... - British Heart Fou...
It’s not uncommon at your age. I was diagnosed when I was 71. You need an angiogram to find out how serious it is. If you can afford it privately then do it. If not take it easy. When you feel symptoms stop and rest. Because of underfunding for years and Brexit you may have to wait months. I was totally unaware how serious my situation was. Had a triple bypass and now feel fine. You may just need medication or a stent but take it easy.
I was diagnosed with angina 8 years ago, with a few much overdue changes to my lifestyle, I was an overweight lazy bugger, I had no issues.I religiously stuck to my cocktail of medications and in the early days I used to take a spray of my GTN before doing things that were too strenuous.
For the last two years I've hardly used the spray as I've felt great, I did still strictly adhere to my medication taking regime.
Then low and behold I had a heart attach 6 months ago and needed stenting to clear a blocked artery.
I'm now back to a full active life.
Don't let angina stop you doing all the things you want to do.
Did you have an Angiogram? It would have discovered any problems.
No, my first angiogram took place after my HA
Your Doc should have seen to that. Would have saved you a HA
You can't say that. It was a specialist who diagnosed my angina, he said following the tests he put me through, including stress tests that an angiogram wasn't needed.
Even now I've had a great service and MOT it doesn't mean that I will not have another HA.
Thanks, I know why I have got cardio problems its because I have prostate cancer and have got no testosterone just had my 6monthly checkup and everything ok accept no testosterone, oncologist said i would get cardio problems somewhere down the line,what can you do.
Wish you health, take care
Depends on what kind of vascular problem is the cause. With me it didn’t feel too bad but I needed a Bypass my Artery was 95% blocked. You have to get your doctor investigate.