Hi I recently joined the site I was looking for someone’s opinion
I believe I show signs of early heart failure but NHS nurses and doctors play with the mental health card when they speak to me and I don’t feel like I’m being taken seriously
5 months ago I started getting tachycardia episodes and sometimes I’d get sudden lapses of breath for no reason . The experience of sudden breathlessness was horrific , it felt like my lungs would just stop for a second with no explination .
I’ve been to the hospital for ECGS 8 times and my ecgs are always fine , I don’t think they’re doing the right tests .
Lately my breathlessness has increased . When I get a breathless episode it lasts for 10 seconds usually and feels like I’m being strangled slowly then it fixes itself
For the last 3 months I’ve quit caffeine altogether and the tachycardia hasn’t returned but I still get spells of breathlessness temporarily
My ankles don’t swell , I have lost weight and appetite . I don’t get chest pain a lot but sometimes I get aches near the rib cage or above it .
I’ve been trying to get my gp to help me for 6 months now . So far they’ve put me on a waiting list for the heart palpitations clinic for a 24 hour heart monitor ( which could take a year or more ) I’ve also been referred for a chest scan this month . So far I’ve been waiting 6 months for the heart palpitations clinic .
The hospital in the past have done heart blood tests and say my heart isn’t damaged .
They can’t detect anything else though
I’ve also lost a lot of friends , they all use the anxiety card and mental health card in general and dismiss what I’m saying. They say things like “ the doctors would know by now and they would have kept you in “ Actually a lot of doctors don’t get it right.
I hope your doing well and maybe someone can shed some insight ?
For the record , I do have anxiety issues but when I’m experiencing these breathing problems there is no anxiety beforehand . The breathing problems seem totally ad-lib with no anticipation , it feels like I’m about to die when it happens .
I’m actually afraid to call 111 or presssure my gp any further because I’m scared when they start talking about my mental health , that’s when I know I’m not being taken seriously .
My biggest fear is that the nhs put me on a waiting list for two years, this possible heart problem doesn’t get detected and I possibly may die.
Before anyone suggests private healthcare, I honestly can’t afford it.
Kind regards