Hi all. I wanted to vent and speak to someone who understands.
My story goes like this. 39/yo make. Have had slight pericarditis on 2 occasions over the years.
I don’t drink or smoke
In Oct 2021 I had a CT angiogram which was normal as Drs were investigating breathlessness upon exertion. I also had an echo back then too and it was normal. These symptoms settled down and I lost some weight.
For the last 5-6 weeks I started to notice heart palpitations when lying down.
I managed to capture them on my watch and the Dr has said they’re ectopic and nothing to worry about.
The palpitations became more frequent and stronger. At times they’ve violently shook my upper body.
I then noticed my resting HR increased, and was between 75-100. (I understand this is normal range but for a youngish guy, it felt excessive)
Standing up would increase my HR to over 100 easily and the highest I’ve recorded it at with standing is 170.
At other times it drops at rest and goes into the mid 50s. It seems to jump up / down erratically.
I then got breathlessness at rest, initially more so lying down or turning over in bed. Now i also have a constant feeling of breathlessness and tight feeling in my chest. The breathlessness feels like I’m suffocating.
I then began to experience significant chest pain with minimal exertion like walking a short distance or climbing a single flight of stairs.
I get either central chest pain with a tightness which lasts for 30-40 mins.
The other type of pain I get is left sided chest pain which radiates down my arm and into the jaw and or into my left shoulder blade.
This chest pain now comes on at rest too or by simply standing up and taking a few steps.
I’m also extremely tired and could sleep all day if I could.
I have had normal chest X-ray
Chest and abdomen CT in April - normal
Normal echo - which I arranged privately.
Multiple ECGs - Normal
Troponin negative. BNP under 9.
I would like to emphasise that the chest pain is a strong gripping feeling in the centre of my chest which can last for hours. It’s accompanied by breathlessness and pain going down my left arm that can last for hours.
I’ve been to the GP and even presented at A&E on 3 occasions with horrendous gripping pain and shortness of breath.
All I get is the same thing - There’s nothing wrong with your heart, it feels like none of them believe me because of the above mentioned tests.
I’ve paid a to see a private Cardiologist who has fitted a 14 day holter and wants to arrange a stress echo to re-review the arteries. He’s also trialling me on 5mg GTN patches which don’t help!
My fear is that while waiting for this echo I may have a heart attack as the pain is happening more frequently and lasting for hours. I’m also breathless at rest and am having palpitations with irregular heart beats. All of this is having a significant impact on my quality of life.
I’m not even sure if it is my coronary arteries as all the drs tell me that a clear CT Angiogram is good for 5 years.
In your experience - Can arteries block within 18 months?
In addition to the stress echo, does anyone know if a cardiac mri would help or did it help you?
Sorry for the rant, I just feel so frustrated and confused!
Thanks for any replies!!!