hello, my mum’s has heart failure for about 7 years now and it has slowly got worse over time. For the last two months she has had terrible abdominal pain and her appetite has dropped significantly. I’m worried this is a sign her heart failure is worsening and that she may be near the end. Doctors don’t seem to understand her condition sadly and I feel so confused and scared. Does anyone know whether this could be a symptom of the heart failure? Other than Google I don’t know where else to turn
Heart Failure Worseninh: hello, my mum... - British Heart Fou...
Heart Failure Worseninh

Ahhh I'm so sorry your so lost trying to deal with your mums health 💔. Sorry your mums doctors don't seem concerned with how your mums health has got worse! 😔💔. Have you spoken to her consultant?? I don't have any experience with heart failure but there are plenty of other people who can advise on this. I hope your able to get some answers as to why your mums feeling like this ❤️. Keep us updated on your mums health x take care 😘
Is she getting tested for anything else.Abdominal pain and loss of appetite can happen for many reasons.
It does look like she would need a thorough assessment, not just if her heart symptoms but probably an abdominal assessment and referral to Gastroenterology.
If your GP has organised blood tests and any referrals yet it's time to get your Mum seen and chase these things up.
If you don't feel you are getting the help you need from your surgery , get your Mum to Aand E during the week as a check up there may get her seen by a Specialist on the spot.
Hope you get some news soon. Take care , Bee
Thank you both so much for your kind words and taking the time to reply, it really means a lot ❤️ She has had a blood test so we’ll see what that shows and then hopefully a referral to gastroenterology if possible. She’s in so much pain, it really hurts to see her that way 😞 xx
sending best wishes to you both x
I hope you get some answers from the blood test. Do persevere for more information. Best wishes to you both.
Make sure that you ask questions about the blood results and get an appointment if necessary and I know its not easy for everyone but just spell it out to the doctor how worried you are about your Mom and her declining health and ask if they can refer her again. There's nothing worse than seeing your parents suffering and you feel so helpless. I have been there it's upsetting as well. Come back for support for yourself because you need it as well. We are a friendly supportive group on here. Take care. Brian
Are the doctors saying to you they do not understand?Understand what? They are there to assess your mothers health and you will have to insist they do this.Are you refering to your GP or the hospital consultants? Who ever is presently in charge of your mothers health must attend to her wellbeing.I am not intending to be harsh but feel this needs a hard line approach in order for you and your mother to get the answers you need
Take your mum to A&E she needs to be checked properly and shouldn’t have abdominal pain like that. I waited 9 months for a gastroenterologist appointment after a GP referral so if it was my mum I’d take her straight to A&E.
Could be any blood thinning medication she's on mine effected my stomach after a while can give you stomach ulcers so speak to GP or specialist
Hi sorry to hear your mum is feeling worse. When you said doctor is it her Gp or her cardiologist?
When my heart became worse. My stomach felt uncomfortable especially when walking and I lost my appetite, it was due to excessive fluid retention. I just felt full all the time and my stomach was very bloated and it would hurt when I tried to eat.
I think you’ve said she’s having some tests done so hopefully she will find out if it’s to do with some other issue and not her heart. If they still can’t find out what it is then maybe she should ask to be referred back to see her cardiologist.
Thank you for your reply Deejay. I was convinced this is related to her heart failure as she is very bloated and in the later stages of the disease. But the gp said definitely not and that there is little fluid in her abdomen. I find this hard to believe but I guess they know what they’re talking about. She hasn’t seen a cardiologist for ages now, she really gets very little help with the heart failure at all. Did they manage to reduce the fluid retention for you?
Best wishes x
She does need to see a cardiologist or get an echocardiogram done at least, to see what’s going on with her heart.
It’s been a battle with the fluid. Especially in the heat. Eventually my cardiologist changed my diuretic from furosemide to Bumetanide because the furosemide stopped working. I find having a low heart function I’m constantly battling fluid and breathlessness caused by the fluid.
My gp thought I was suffering from something gastric and he sent me to the hospital for that, after pressing my stomach and I kept heaving, she sent me to see my cardiologist as I saw them once a year and the nurse every 6 months.
Abdominal pain is a red flag and GPs should and do take it seriously.
There are a few who don't have a good bedside manner, but they should be able to explain things to both of you to at least prove that what should be done is being done.
They can't help you unless you make it known that you are concerned.
I've found GPs far more helpful than their hospital counterparts.
Thanks so much everyone for taking the time to reply and offer advice, I really appreciate it. I managed to get her seen by a gp and they are finally taking some action which is a relief. She is suggesting mum has a gastroscopy to check for cancer. The only problem is my mum is refusing to have this - she hates invasive procedures and cannot lie flat due to the heart failure 😞 I’ve asked the gp if there is a non invasive alternative such a a CT scan or ultrasound but she insists this isn’t an option. I’m really stuck with what to do now as her pain is increasing and she’s loosing weight so fast. Does anyone know if the gp can refer her for a scan or should I try and do this privately instead? I’m so worried about her and feel so helpless 😥
I would go back to your doctor and ask for an ECG etc,