My 21 year old autistic son got a routine echo in December as part of monitoring for Dilated Cardiomyopathy because his father has the condition and no reason was found for his fathers condition.
2 days before Christmas my son gets his results letter which we presumed would be normal again because the technician appeared to indicate another one was reassuring. The letter said he has now been diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy and he would get an urgent cardiologist appointment, an MRI, a holter and be started immediately onto heart failure drugs. We were all shell shocked.
It took 3 months for him to get an urgent telephone consult with cardiologist which told us very little and left my son quite confused because they were not overly concerned about the diagnosis. Don't work in a heavy lifting job but otherwise carry on as normal and push through any breathlessness or chest pain as it won't be his heart. This is confusing for anyone let alone an autistic person.
5 months on and he has still not got an appointment for the MRI scan.
My question really is, why did they not do the MRI before they have started him on medications? They will never now know what his heart was like before medication.
Have they diagnosed him based on the fact his father has the condition?
It just seems they do not understand the enormity of the diagnosis to us, they are all quite blase about it. They say nothing for him has changed, well that is not true, he now is on meds for life, he has a heart failure nurse who he has to monitor his bp and weight daily for, he will struggle to get insurance etc. EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED.
Thanks for reading my long post. I am so angry he has the condition and just wish they would reassure us more.