Heart flutters and thuds : I am a 3... - British Heart Fou...

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Heart flutters and thuds

12 Replies

I am a 36 year old male. I have always been into fitness, running, rugby, weight training (resting heart rate mid 40’s). I do however struggle with strange heart flutters, thuds and skips mainly at rest but occasionally when exercising, these freak me put, take my breath away and sometimes lightheaded. I have seen 3 cardiologists over the past 10 years and had various tests, stress tests, EKG, ECG and most recent in 2017 heart MRI. They all say I’m fine! They don’t feel fine!

Today I’m getting a weird flutter/thud every 10 mins which takes my breath away. More than usual.

I hate to admit but it’s scaring me and getting in the way of my day to day life as becoming obsessed that something is wrong.

Any advice or reassurance would be really appreciated!


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12 Replies
Buddy00 profile image

Curwen , I would suggest a trip to AE . I had fluttering and pounding and ignored it for a long while putting it down to dehydration. I needed up blacking out while driving and had an emergency pacemaker fitted as I had AV blockage.

Faub profile image

I would suggest you pop to A&E or you contact your cardiologist to repeat the tests. If you done your last ones in 2017, it's 4 years ago. Definitely worth having them done again.

Theshed profile image

Hi, Curwen,I would agree with Buddy00 and visit A&E with these chest pains and ask for more detailed investigations.

I started with similar symptoms for some months before then suffering from more heavy heart spasms and angina ‘attacks’ that, thanks to a very understanding cardiologist, meant I had more detailed tests and an eventual diagnosis of coronary heart spasms and microvascular angina.

Although, I remain more tired than I ever was and still have horrible and upsetting ‘attacks’, only after taking and juggling the various recommended medication was I able to manage my life with greater understanding and a sense of normality.

Best wishes.

Thanks55 profile image
Thanks55 in reply to Theshed

I have this also exactly line you then often I get a period where my heart seems to quiver rather than beat it’s really scary I have been hospitalised three times and am currently waiting for a pulmary heart ablation in the meantime I’m on bidoperal apiciban a statin and thyroxin my doctor just says everyone has it it’s how you live which is not true at all

Marcathon profile image

Totally not worth the risk, I was fit running monthly marathons last year, had some thuds, thought nothing of it, friend insisted I got checked out and drove me to A&E in December, ended up I had had a heart attack aged 45. This isn’t to alarm you but just to say it’s worth getting checked for sure.

Sunrise_ profile image

Hi, I second Faub's advice... don't delay and good luck!

Hi, im new on here too and just read your post regarding your condition and symptoms. I'm a 50 year old male with a busy physical job, i try to keep fit with running and cycling and watch my weight etc. I have always had an irregular heart beat which would come and go with months between episodes and was told it was because I'm drinking too much tea/caffeine etc. Back in 2017 I had episodes of breathlessness and fatigue with my heart pounding and feeling lightheaded I actually blacked out while going to the bathroom one night and woke up when I hit the floor. I brushed it off as getting up out of bed too quick even though my wife who is a nurse wanted me to go and get checked out which i didn't. Then in 2019 while donating some blood I was told by the nurse my pulse was irregular and erratic and refused me from donating blood and referred to my gp for some test. So after seeing a cardiologist and having various test from an ecg, exercise test,echo, 24 hour monitor and scans they said I had mild left ventricular hypertrophy (lvh) which is a thickening of the inside wall of the left ventricle, so the volume of blood in the chamber was reduced due to the wall thickening and this would cause the heart to work harder to pump the blood out more often as the volume would be less creating the palpatations and thudding sensation etc so i was prescribed bisoprolol to help out things. I now have bradycardia with a resting heart rate of 33 while sleeping but generally about 38 to 42 while awake which can make me very tired and lightheaded at times and now after my last echo they said I have a leaking mitral vale (mvp) and tricuspid valve too??I'm now waiting for a telephone consultation in April to see what happens next.

One other thing which I've noticed lately is my resting heart rate has gone up to around 55 to 65 but sometimes it races upto around 120 then back to 40 then up again within minutes then i have terrible shaking hands/body etc for no apparent reason which has resulted in me having to take a rest from my job until it settles down usually around 30 minutes later. That with oxygen readings of 83 sometimes while asleep and waking up gasping for air makes me wonder what is up with me??? I hope you get things sorted out asap.



Pommel profile image
Pommel in reply to

Hi TazI think you should go back to your GP and tell them about this new symptom. I'm guessing you are monitoring yourself with oxometer? It would be worth checking your readings with equipment from the doctor's too. But not to wait until April for a discussion. Your GP might re refer you. X

in reply to Pommel

Hi pommel,

Thanks for you reply and advice and yeah I think maybe I should make an appointment to chase things up but like always I don't want to bother him or anyone else I've had lots of test done during the last 2 years and they keep saying different things so I sort of give up now.

I know I'm a bit breathless at times, feel lightheaded and so fatigued but it passes and I can go days without any other episodes so I just ignore it.

My heart rate was around 42 beats then would drop to 37 and I would then feel terrible and sleepy....but it passes.

Now my heart rate is around 55-65 but it will jump up for no reason to about 120 and feel like my blood is boiling burning up inside but im cool to touch?

I will see how it goes as last week I had an episode as I mentioned at work which knocked for for six but it settled down after 30mins and I felt ok.

Hopefully when I have my appointment in April things will be a bit clearer.



Pommel profile image
Pommel in reply to

I hope it works out, I think you can call BHF to speak to nurses who could give advice. I kept putting off pushing GP to get to the bottom of my weird feelings as they kept passing but I was pretty poorly in the end. I don't think it's the same as you or the person who wrote about strange thuds from the heart but it was that symptom that eventually was able to be heard at the GP that found my problem. I know how you feel about badgering about it all though!

Keswickcres6 profile image

Could be anxiety

Blondie12345 profile image

Do you have any updates to share with us?Im very similar to your story above

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