All day I’ve been getting fluttering in my chest when I’m sitting down , I thought I’d see if the ecg in my watch showed anything up and at the times I felt the fluttering I had a few differences on the ecg to previous ones . If anyone is good at reading ecg tracings I’d be interested in what you think . Im not taking that much notice of the reading as it’s only off my watch . I’ve circled the differences
Heart flutters : All day I’ve been... - British Heart Fou...
Heart flutters

yes i have flutters daily that last minutes to an hour - especially when at rest, i have been reassured its nothing to worry about.
I get them after sitting for a while associated with back pain on my left side around the back of my heart. I'm told there is a connection between the heart and irritation around the spine and its joints. But my Kardia app doesn't flag up any heart rhythm irregularity.
hi. Possibly eptopics. They are usually nothing to worry about unless you get absolutely loads of them all of the time. They can be triggered by all sorts of things including food etc. if you are worried it’s worth getting checked out and an nhs walk in center should be able to run an ecg.
Looks like PACs.
hi, you are showing normal sinus rhythm with occasional ectopic beats. Perfectly normal. Your watch shows ECG lead 1 🤩