heart flutters. Help please! - British Heart Fou...

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heart flutters. Help please!

Alig23 profile image
44 Replies

hi, hoping someone can help (and not judge).

I am 35 years old, unhealthy, overweight and a smoker.

For 6 days I have been experiencing “flutters” I think? Like my heart beating really strangely and then every like 10 beats my heart thumps hard. It lasts for an hour or so and then goes for a few hours and then comes back. Last night I couldn’t sleep as they were there all night.

I have tried to call GP today but couldn’t get through. I am going to try again in the morning. I am trying to avoid A and E as it’s hard to get childcare for my daughter and they do stop for a while, but always return.

my first step is to quit smoking! Then start eating more healthy. Maybe this is the push I needed?

Has anyone else experienced the same symptoms please? Thanks for reading x

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Alig23 profile image
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44 Replies
Yumz199725 profile image

Hi Alig23. Don't worry no one is here to judge you 🤗😉.Sounds like you have been experiencing ectopic beats. As someone who also suffers from these I can tell you there awful and feel really weird 💔. First time I experienced them I ended up going to A&E because I had chest pain aswell, long story short turned out it was ventricular Tachycardia which I now take verapamil 40mg x2 for my palpitations. I find stress is a huge trigger for palpitations! I wish you all the best, maybe see if your GP can arrange a holter monitor to try and pick up what's causing the palpitations xx

Alig23 profile image
Alig23 in reply toYumz199725

Omg thank you so much for replying. Thought it was going to be a long night alone lol.

I was diagnosed with ectopic beats whilst pregnant and was consultant led. As soon as I had my daughter (11 years old now) they went.

I can’t remember them feeling like this …. Or lasting this long. They seem to be every 10 seconds or so. It’s so worrying. Especially when you Google. According to them I am having a stroke 🙄 so trying not to Google now. Found this page and it’s amazing.

It’s literally like I can see my 10th heart beat through my chest. It’s horrible 😔

Sorry for rambling and thank you for replying xx

pinkmutt profile image
pinkmutt in reply toAlig23

So I'm 23, and earlier this year I had this same things happen to me, every few beats there was a hard one. I was feeling a bit irritable. I decided to go into the ER to find out that I was it VT (Ventricular Tachycardia). I would go into the ER if then to shrug this off. It wouldn't be good if it was prolonged VT as your heart is working harder.

Alig23 profile image
Alig23 in reply topinkmutt

Thank you so much for your advice. I hope you are better now ❤️

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply toAlig23

Ahh you poor thing I can only sympathise with you there horrible I had some that lasted about a week of an on all day the slightest movement would trigger them was rough my heart felt like it was having a party dancing the night away in my chest always when I wanted to sleep!!! 😅😴😭. I hope you can get answers as to what is triggering your palpitations! 💔. It's even worse when you don't know what's the course of it! For so long it felt like it was all in my head 😕😳. But finally got it confirmed on a one of many holter monitors bout a year ago. I was like you googling everything it's even worse when you know you have heart issues and then experiencing that on top the stress only increased it (major trigger) sorry for rambling 😂😅I'm so tired 😴. Anyway please let us know how you get on and when you find the answer to your problem xx

Jalia profile image

Do make sure you speak to your surgery tomorrow where you need a proper diagnosis although it sounds like ectopics.

Stopping smoking will be the most important step you can take for your health as I'm sure you know . One thing at a time !

Wishing you well


Alig23 profile image
Alig23 in reply toJalia

Thank you Jalia. My first step is to stop smoking. It’s going to be hard but I know I can do it ❤️ thanks for messaging too. Means a lot. Xx

in reply toAlig23

As others have said, this is a wake-up call! I believe the best way to stop smoking is just sTOP! I did, my husband had been away on business, and I had passed my driving test in the meantime, then when he came back I said we must get a car! He said we can't afford one and smoke! So that was it-i have never had a cigarette since! Think of your daughter, how you want to be healthy and well to do things with her for a long time! Once you stop, things taste better, your hair and clothes don't have that lingering odour, your skin will improve, as well as your purse! Good luck, it can be done, and women have a lot more willpower than men!!

Alig23 profile image
Alig23 in reply to

This was the comment I needed. It will help me on my quest. Thank you so much xxx

Blondie12345 profile image

Snap ! Welcome to the club.

It does sound like ectopics … if no other side effects whilst you have them usually A&E arent interested

devonian186 profile image

Yes, first thing is to get a diagnosis so be very persistent with your Gp and as much as it may be difficult, if you can't get an early appointment then you must try 111 or turn up at your hospital

You already know what you must do health wise so try to eat better, cut down drink if you are a drinker, no matter how modest, and needless to say those cigarettes must go. I suspect you might need some gentle exercise but I would wait for a consultation before starting that. Your anxiety is no doubt making things worse.

You could usefully start a health diary to see if your condition is sparked by something you eat or drink. Do you know your blood pressure readings?

Noodlesalad profile image

I found everyone who answered a question for me on here extremely helpful and kind. I wish I had joined sooner.I do hope you get sorted and all I can say is don't ever feel alone or judged there's plenty of help out there all you need to do is ask.

Good luck don't be too hard on yourself.

Evaluna profile image

Hi Alig, it's really worrying when your heart does strange things but, as the others have said, it sounds like ectopics. Definitely push to get a 24hour monitor as they probably won't happen on a 90 second ecg. Some people find cutting out all caffeine helps ... doesn't seem to help me tho!!Good luck.

Kristin1812 profile image
Kristin1812Heart Star

This sounds worrying. In the same position, if I couldnt get my GP I’d call 111. You will be guided to the service you need. I recently called and got a GP call then an ambulance sent directly, But be warned! Calling 111 does mean you’ll get huge number of questions. Very necessary, I’m sure, when they want to get the advice right.

Excellent way, with GPs so busy, to get an expert view of a worrying or changing symptom. Better than delaying.

Wenlock profile image

Morning Alig23; I have flutter (atrial fibrulation) which wasn't aware of until I had a pre o p.. And was reffered...to a Cardiologist. I am now on Apixaban (to dilute my blood) and Amlodopine (to slow my heart down). I am now under the care of my local Heart Failure Specialist Nurses. (Bootle) , who are doing an excellent job. Suggest you go to A+E with your child as soon as possible as you are at risk of Heart Failure,ie..for heart can just stop. Good luck. Wenlock.

Fullofheart profile image
Fullofheart in reply toWenlock

I'm not sure where this advice has come from but it may cause unneccessary anxiety for the poster, which I am sure is not your intention. Your situation and that of the original poster's sound very different.

Alig23 profile image
Alig23 in reply toFullofheart

I don’t think any harm was meant. I do think it maybe ectopic. I am awaiting an appointment with my GP so fingers crossed I get to the bottom of it. Symptoms still the same xxx

wischo profile image
wischo in reply toWenlock

Does not sound like Afib to me in the least and more likely simple ectopics. Get it confirmed and get your blood pressure taken at a pharmacy. I foun a simple very low dose of bisoprolol stopped mine. Do not worry!! you will not drop dead or have a stroke. Get it checked though to put your mind at ease.

Fullofheart profile image

It does sound like ectopics (my husband gets these) unlike AF (which I have) there isn't usually a treatment plan as such as they are considered benign but it's still worth seeing your gp. And definitely worth then looking at lifestyle changes. One step at a time. 🌸

1234_6 profile image

Hi Alig23

If you have chest pains go to A&E.

Otherwise get to GP. Tell GP Receptionist it is urgent for you to see GP.

Ask for BP / heart / chest to be checked out & push for a reference for ECG and Holter Meter. The waiting lists for Cardiology investigations can be long & you want to get on them ASAP.

Good luck with giving up smoking. It is hard but worth it.

Having given up smoking myself I'd advise that you need to find other ways to calm anxeity & to find things to occupy your hands & mind (like knitting or a figit toy) but more importantly to always remember to still walk away from the situation that makes you want to have a smoke and to still breathe deeply but without the cigarette smoke. 💐 .

I'd also say don't try & diet at the same time as that's too much to expect of yourself, but just try & eat a little more healthily.

Hope you feel better soon.

Alig23 profile image
Alig23 in reply to1234_6

Thanks for the advice. It’s the routine I will struggle with. I have a cigarette the same time every day and breaking that “habit” will be a struggle but I will get there I’m sure xxx

JeremiahObadiah profile image

Good Morning and sending you lots of positive vibes.

I have never smoked but I know it’s very hard to stop something that has taken over your brain and body in the way nicotine can. Please get help to stop, your doctor should be able to give you advice/encouragement /methods.

Likewise with losing weight, again not straightforward and especially when tackling smoking too but healthy and sensible eating choices combined with light exercise should start to make a difference both to how healthy you feel and how you feel about yourself quite soon and will pay off hugely for your future years.

Do you drink a lot of coffee and or tea? Coffee can be a cause of heart palpitations too.

Maybe you could get your daughter on board for a health and fitness drive together?

Whatever you do choose to do, it sounds as if you have the desire and reason to give yourself a fresh start and turn your health around and I wish you fortitude and enjoyment along the way.

Keep us posted as to how you get on , always people who want to encourage and cheer you on on here.

Fullofheart profile image

And please remember Alig23 that we are not medically trained folk on here. Just people with experience, sharing their experience. And, as you can see, that will vary.

Debbiejudge profile image

I had a similar problem last Xmas, I went to my GP ,they took my blood pressure and said it was very high. I had my heart monitored and found my heart was pumping too fast. They put me on Ramipril and I feel normal again plus I packed in smoking started eating healthier food and stopped drinking alcohol. I feel great since . Get yourself checked out as soon as possible. I had high blood pressure but it's normal again know.

Bingo88 profile image

Good morning Alig23. You have had plenty of good advice from members with experience of your symptoms on here. Regards stopping Smoking there's a quit smoking support group here as well. If you click on the 9 dots at the bottom left of the homepage you should see the support group. Hope you get everything sorted out. Brian

Alig23 profile image
Alig23 in reply toBingo88

Amazing thank you xxx

momander profile image

HiIts so frustrating when you can't get through to your GP isn't it. Did you mean no one answered?? Our GP does answer but you might have to wait in a queue. Maybe phone 111 or just go to A&E and take your daughter with you?? It sounds like ectopic beats. Could be caused by any number of things!! I used to smoke and drink and stopped smoking the minute I has my first heart attack!! Then I stopped drinking. Best thing I ever did. I dont miss it at all. I eat healthy now too. Everything low fat

No snacks, sweets or junk foods and no processed foods. I eat all the major food groups and enjoy my food. You can do this!! You have to want to though!! It was pure fear of dying that made me change!! Good luck. Xx

Izz18 profile image

Hi Alig, sounds like ectopic heart beats which I also am prone to and I understand how scary they can feel. My triggers are caffeine, alcohol and stress. I also had high blood pressure which I am now on medication for (amlodopine and Ramipril). They, cutting out caffeine and practically cutting out alcohol seem to have done the trick! Occasionally I still feel them,. Try and get in touch with your dr to get checked out, but ectopic beats (I was told) are fairly common and nothing to worry about usually. But, I’m no doctor. Wishing you all the best.

Deejay62 profile image

Hi I Alig welcome. None of us know what’s going on with your heart and we cannot diagnose you, only a doctor can by doing tests. If you can’t get through travel to your doctor and ask for an urgent appointment if you can. I don’t know if your surgery as econsult, that’s a good way to get an appointment. Usually their website would tell you if they have.

The first step is to see your doctor and explain everything to them. Like someone said if you’re getting chest pains call 111. Take your little one with you and explain you have no child care.

Let us know how you get on. All the best.

Tigger_2 profile image


On the face of it, I would agree with the others that it might be ectopics.

These come in different flavours and apparently are very common.

Principally they can be PVCs (Premature Ventricular Contractions) or PACs (Premature Atrial Contractions)

Mine were diagnosed about a month ago as they interfere with my pacemaker(complete heart block). Apparently, I get an average of 100 per hour and I'm still typing.

I know of another sufferer who gets 808 per hour.

They do need to be looked at and a 12 lead ECG can locate the source (the focus).

Make sure your take your pulse and record it. Invest in a decent blood pressure monitor with recording and arrhythmia detection.

A word of warning. It can be a slow process. My GP was many times more helpful than the hospital consultants. Promised a lot, did nothing until the GP did some prodding.

Yes, I do know how worrying it can be, so get checked in and on the system.

They may not do anything other than monitor you. You might have to take some medication.

You are in good company though.

Smitty1956 profile image

Hi, Alig23,

No judgment—we all are just a work in progress. I like to think that we are all trying to do better. So, maybe this is that wake-up call that you were waiting for.

It sounds like you have some good ideas already about what might help you. For example, you mentioned quitting smoking and maybe cutting out salt, etc. Those are great ideas for helping you to get healthier over the long term.

For now, I honestly would suggest seeing a doctor about your heart palpitations and possible high blood pressure. It’s a really good idea to see a doctor just to be on the safe side, and to discuss how you can proceed to get healthier.

I wish you the best in finding out what is going on with your heart, and in making some lifestyle changes that should help you. Please keep us posted on what you find out. ❤️

valspia profile image

I’ve been there with the smoking. You CAN do it! This is your motivation. No one is judging here, but lots of support and keep posting 🙂

GrandpaM profile image

I had something similar 18 months ago and contacted the GP. I ended up in A and E anyway. So it might be best to bite the bullet and go to A and E. They will check your heart properly.

KimG21 profile image


I hope you are feeling ok, I have had ectopic beats for nearly a year, they come and go but apparently they are harmless , just frightening because I hadn’t had them before. It’s the fear that they cause , I don’t find them painful, then my heart faces because I panic! Speak to a gp and they will hopefully arrange a holter monitor. Do I get them when u are resting? Sometimes when the heart is lower they creep in. Watch dr Sanjay Gupta on you tube a cardiologist from York - he is amazing. It could be hormonal as well as mine started after my hysterectomy. Sometimes it’s caffeine or alcohol, certain food, inflammation, stress… basically if you have a structurally normal heart then these are not going to kill your and a holter will help confirm that. They are just pests! Hope this helps xxx

Alig23 profile image
Alig23 in reply toKimG21

It’s strange you say that because as soon as I sit down that’s when they are most prominent. They are there throughout the day but as I’m busy I don’t feel them as much. But soon as I lie in bed they are constant 😔 xxx

Jetcat profile image

Hi Alig. It’s most probably ectopics especially with you feeling a thud. Iv had them on and off for decades.! It would be ideal to get them caught on ECG for peace of mind, try not to worry too much about them, easy said than done I know. In the meantime keep trying to get an appointment with your GP who may get you a 24 hour monitor fitted hopefully.

Take care,best wishes.


KIMMY60 profile image

You need to get refered by your doctor to a specialist, also go into A and E while it's happening to get a record

Please live by this quote for you and your daughter, I wish you strength in the transformation:

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

Or Eat your food as your medicine Otherwise you have to eat Medicine as your food

isobelhannah18 profile image

Strong caffeine gives me palpitations so coffee, coke and chocolate. I have them in moderation. Your daughter's a good motivator to get healthy so definitely stop smoking and start eating healthily. Once you've seen your GP and got sorted exercise is important as well. None of it will be easy but it's well worth it and I've found this forum a brilliant source of support. No question is stupid and it doesn't matter how often you post for support.

Goo luck and let us know how you get on.

Auiron profile image




Alig23 profile image

thank you everyone. You have been amazing and it has made my day how strangers can give you the most comforting advise more than people you know (if that make sense)

It’s easy for loved ones to say “well those fags are not helping” …. When you already know! It doesn’t help. It just makes me want to carry on as silly as it sounds.

Well my heart is still doing the same. More so when I stop and rest. But I have an appointment with my GP next week (best they could do apparently) so hopefully will get the answers I need. Again, thank you everyone for the advice and reassurance ❤️

Manderson27 profile image
Manderson27 in reply toAlig23

Just to add, I am not judging you for smoking, I was a life long smoker but have transitioned to vaping and reduced it to nicotine free vape now and should be able to quit even that soon. This has made a difference to my overall breathing and health, my doctors were pleased that after two years my lungs are clear now. Nicotine is a stimulant so may well be contributing. to your flutters along with the anxiety of not knowing what is causing them. I know it is a really hard addiction to stop but if you can you will find such a difference in health and wallet. Good luck and all the best.

Manderson27 profile image

Of course there are many reasons for this but mine turned out to be a Left Bundle Branch Block. Just an electrical fault but no underlying heart conditions so I am OK and not on any meds, just being monitored annually. Had 7 day holter monitor then echo then MRI for confirmation on underlying heart health. But do push to get a consult regarding this.

I had runs of ectopics show up on 3 day ECG. I still get them and can make me light headed if go on too long but deep slow breathing tends to stop them for me. Sleeping on left side can make them more frequent. I don’t smoke but not the healthiest lifestyle. No one will judge you on here, it’s support on offer and advice from caring individuals. Get yourself seen and referred. Take care 🦊xxx

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