Hi following recent posts it’s nearly time for my angioplasty so cardiologist can take a look to see what needs to be done with possibility of stent. Really getting anxious as to what is going to happen even to the side effects of clodogrel tablets to be taken beforehand and the risk of bleeding sorry about spelling. Anyone had this done and if it’s painful and do the tablets beforehand make you unwell whilst taking. I always have problems with medications. Sorry about long post but maybe someone can reassure me. Thank you.
worried about angioplasty: Hi following... - British Heart Fou...
worried about angioplasty

I've had angioplasty done twice. I'm now the proud owner of 3 stents. I'm a real scary mary and I had no problems with any part of the procedure, before or after. No pain during angioplasty, apart from a bruised arm, the only experience was a lot of care from a very experienced team. Honestly I really don't think you've got a thing to worry about. Be brave.🤗❤
It is normal to feel anxious. I was advised to ask for mild sedation before the procedure by the cardiac nurse after I had told her about my worries. I am an anxious person by nature so that was the reason.
I had an exploratory angiogram before my open heart surgery. I was given aspirin instead of clopidogrel, but didn't have any problems with it.
I thought it was pretty neat. Almost like being in a science fiction movie. I didn't even end up with a bruised arm.
your team will be very experienced and have helped many people who, naturally, have anxiety about any possible procedures. Put yourself in their hands.
Hi - I've had an angioplasty and a stent fitted as one of my arteries had an 85% blockage.I had a local anaesthetic in my wrist which stung, but only for seconds and I didn't feel the probe at all. Nor did I have any problems when they put in the stent. The nurses were great and very caring. The Cardiologist explained everything. Please don't worry - I'm sure everything will be fine.
I had an angioplasty and stent a few years ago. They offered me sedation but I declined and they let me watch on the monitors. It was really interesting. Seems to have worked well. Clopidogrel is nothing to mind about. You might bruise a bit more easily than usual but that’s it. No pain and no feeling poorly at all afterwards. I did feel a bit unwell before the procedure but I was having a heart attack so that’s not surprising.
st George’s are amazing they will look after you and there is nothing to worry about you are in great hands
JMF I am an honest person. If you don't want to know about mine yesterday please do not read. But it was all worth it. I will leave a space so cover the bottom half of this post if you don't want to read my experience.
Yesterday I taken to theatre for mine. I don't think I had I had any clodogrel tablet. I had been in the main hospital from Monday until Friday afternoon then moved her the specialist heart hospital. Unfortunately at the main hospital I had been having injections into my tummy. Unfortunately one of the nurses injected into the muscle and not my fatty tummy . Suffering from a lot of pain from that site . Everytime I move it kills.. I was very well looked after in the acute cardiac ward that is my only moan.
I am not a wimp and been in my all my life with my limbs due to my rare hereditary neurological condition.
The porter came for me and said it will be a quick trip as it's freezing in the corridors. That was an understatement. I felt confident until I entered the theatre . Because of the injection site even with help painful to get on the table .. Everything they where going to do was explained to me . I had asked for sedation which they gave me but I don't think it worked. Unfortunately some things don't .
Took them a while to find a vein and unfortunately it collapsed. Then I heard we need a blue not a pink then another blue . No idea what . I just lay still had my eyes closed and was crying . They put the lead apron right on top of my painful tum . But didn't say anything just let them get on with it.
My brother had said it was painless and he watch it all on a monitor. I sent him a text LIAR.
But I don't think the local worked on me but I thought it was supposed to hurt anyway they got the wires in and didn't feel a thing in my heart and they spent time having a good look around and got very clear pictures . But my arm was very painful but I still stayed still.
Once everything was removed and dressing put on . On the wrist they inflated a balloon dressing to keep pressure on the dressing on my wrist. After getting off the tablet wrapped in a hot blanket bliss.
They don't think I had a heart attack and the Dr said they would have a MRI on my heart . So I told them I had one in November 2021 on my heart with dye and in the machine just over 90 mins . He asked who had it done so I told him and he said that was me . So he will look back at his records analysis the results from today and send a report. But said he didn't find anything to indicate I had a heart attack.
Once back on the ward they released some of the air in the balloon and after 3 hours removed it. The dressing will stay in place for 3 days before they look to see how it's healing .
For all the pain I went through it was well worth having it done . They wanted to discharge me yesterday but as I am in lot of pain with my tummy my daughter explained my neurological condition plus I live alone even though she can help me she works and has 2 young boys and her husband works long hours. As much as I want to go home I know the pain from that xxxxxxx injection is causing me to much pain . And I could cope on my own . The pain has not gone down but I am moving slower and finding ways to try and lesson the OUCH factor. They may give me stronger painkillers today . I can only sleep on my back propped up which makes my snoring worse 🤣. I am normally a side sleeper .
For all yesterday was painful I would do it all again just to get answers .
I don't want anyone not to have it done but I should have told them it hurts but didn't so that is down to me . The most important thing to me is they could get a good look at my heart inside and they did.
But this is my own experience. Please never not have it done because of fear .
I know some will think I shouldn't be honest but I don't lie and I would rather know the facts than not .
We are all different and can tolerate different pain levels . I am normally good at tolerating pain but this has floored me . I think if my tummy wasn't so painful the whole experience I could have coped better.
I will post please excuse any typos as frightened I will lose this ramble .
Hi, so sorry to hear about your experience. Which hospital was it?
Broad green hospital Liverpool which deals with heart and lungs ...Think on another part of the site they have other specialties .But I should have said something. The care I am having here is excellent. So no complaints before that I was in Aintree hospital acute cardiac ward.
The healthcare I have had since I moved here in 2019 has been excellent from my GP surgery,walk in clinics ,Walton Centre and all the hospitals I have been to. Brilliant healthcare far better than in the black country where I come from ..
I had an emergency angioplasty on holiday in Greece in September 2024. The procedure requires a small local insertion , mine on my wrist and a local anaesthetic. I watched the procedure on a screen, of course that is optional, but I can assure you there is no pain, a little sensation in the chest but that’s it. I had one stent fitted and just ended up with bruising local on the wrist. Try not to worry, you will be fine.
I spent two hours in Cat Lab for mine, no pain whatsoever, just able to feel the catheter in my arm. I was unusual as I had the granddaddy of all bruises, even that didn’t hurt. Two stents here.
I’d have no qualms if I had to have another.
sorry your wasting you worry beads, but I felt very concerned too, but I can honestly say it’s less of a problem than going to the dentist, plus I was able to see what was happening on a screen next to me and it was fascinating . I received a chemical stent so blood thinners only for a month.
Honestly take a deep breath in and out - this procedure is not a problem, you won’t feel it and just remind yourself this is the thing needed to determine what is going on and to put it right - I had a HA 3 years ago, angiogram identified the problem, vein ballooned, no stents - 3 years on now and all sooooo much better than before I had the HA and the angioplasty
I know just how you feel I had mine 2 years ago it sounds really bad I was so frightened
But honestly the worst was going into the treatment room and seeing all the stuff I dint feel a thing I was so relaxed with the sedation I went to sleep I had to have 2 stents but felt well after
Hi, I had an angioplasty done in 2022 and it was fine. The ‘catheter lab’ where you have the procedure is busy, but that’s reassuring. There was no pain and the only thing that was uncomfortable was the position you have your right arm in to allow the catheter to be placed. You’ll be fine.
I’ve had it done and it was all fine. No pain except minor sting from injection. Staff wonderful with me. Remember little about it so no bad memories.
OH goodness, I see loads of replies but here's mine. It's a doddle. Clopidogrel makes you bruise more easily but that's all. There's no massive bleed anywhere and absolutely no side effects. I like you am affected badly by almost ever tablet I take but clopidogrel was by far the easiest. The angio? You will have sedation. I was aware enough to talk to people but couldn't have cared less what they were doing. Apart from when they put the cannula in my arm, I didn't feel a thing. A nurse chatted to me throughout, I suppose to distract me although I wished she'd shut up and let me watch the screens while they fitted two stents. Then it was back into the recovery ward where I had a pressure bandage fitted so there was no risk of bleeding. It's released slowly while you have a cup of tea and toast. I went in at 8am, the procedure started at around 9aaam and I was back home for lunch by 1.30pm. Because of the sedation, someone had to drive me home although I did feel bright enough to drive myself. I had a second one a few weeks later. Strangely I was very worked up about that one but everyone understood and I think I had a bit more sedation. That time they removed the pressure bandage a bit too early and I woke next morning with huge bruise fro m wrist to elbow but it didn't hurt and soon cleared up.
I've had two angiograms, one via wrist and one via groin, and felt fine throughout both. I was so well looked after and able to talk to all those present. There's quite a few - nurses, anesthetist, radiographers, cardiologist - with very dodgy jokes - amongst others. The lab itself was brand new and I was convinced I was going to come out like Wolverine or some other super hero. Good luck
Hi JMF1, please don't worry at all. I'll keep this short. It's a doddle. Sounds scary, but a visit to the dentist is worse ! I had my angio done in 2021. I was scared initially, but when I was taken to the cath lab and had the procedure done, I couldn't believe how painless and smooth it was. I had a Stent put in, was out of the hospital in a couple of hours, and took an Uber back home by myself. Some bruising in the arm later, but again painless. Looks worse than it actually is. You'll be absolutely fine. Trust me ! If you're still really anxious, ask for sedation before the procedure. Good luck with it ! You'll be in good hands and come out thinking what the fuss was all about ! God bless you !
Thank you so much over thinking everything just heard procedure has been put back a few weeks but have assessment tomorrow. Keep well
I hope my post doesn't worry you but it's what happened to me as I said it was my own experience. Others have said they didn't feel any pain . My brother didn't. But I must be like my daughter as normal dose of local doesn't work on her. When you have yours done if you feel pain tell them. Wish I had but just wanted it over.
Came home from hospital last night after a week in . Glad to be home and decided to have a pj week never done that before but an injection I had into my tummy at the other hospital I was in has caused me a lot of pain. Had ultrasound yesterday the injection inflamed the subterranean fatty tissue in my tummy that's what hurts so much. So not going to bother dressing as it hurts enough yesterday ready to leave the hospital ..
Hope your appointment goes ahead this time ..