Hello, what hot beverage is safe to drink and no interactions with Atorvastatin / Ticagrelor / Bisoprolol / Aspirin?
Suitable, safe hot drink?: Hello, what... - British Heart Fou...
Suitable, safe hot drink?

Hi,I'm not sure what you mean?
I haven't been told that any hot drink.is unsafe??

Hi, Redbush (Rooibos) interacts with Atorvastatin, coffee isn't great either nor green tea ☹️I just worry what will come up when I Google next tea 🙄
Hi - also not sure what issue is with hot drinks on those meds? Perhaps speak to your pharmacist. I was on iron tablets earlier this year and had to avoid caffeine, so just drank teas without caffeine (like redbush tea, lemon and ginger) as even the decaf drinka have caffeine in.
Don’t Google. Talk to your pharmacist. Im on Clopidogrel, Edoxaban, Isosorbide Mononitrate, amlodopine, statins. I’ve never been warned off any hot drink. I suspect you’re worrying about nothing
Hi Don
I’ve just read the patient information leaflet from hubby’s atorvastatin. It says to avoid too much alcohol and no more than two small glasses of grapefruit juice a day. There is nothing about any hot drinks, avoiding caffeine or anything else.Check with your pharmacist if you are concerned but avoid random google as it can come up with some weird and wonderful ideas!
Hubby has been taking it for 14 years now with no ill effects that we know of!
Regards, Jane
Decaf PG Tips. 😉
The amount of tea and coffee offered when I was in hospital on the HA ward, I shouldn’t think there’s much of a problem having having a hot drink at home. 🤔
I couldn’t function without me tea though the day. 🫖
My doctor hasn't told me to avoid coffee, so I'm not avoiding coffee. The only thing I cut out entirely was alcohol and even that isn't necessary, I can still drink in moderation. But who wants to drink in moderation...?
I do occasionally still miss drinking (gave up 6 years ago, non heart related). And smoking (stopped 3 years ago tomorrow, heart related!).
Hi Don. As others have said, stop Googling. Rooibos, coffee and green tea are all fine unless you drink a gallon a day. I regularly drink all 3, although I mainly stick to instant coffee rather than a strong Starbucks.
Thanks all, much appreciated 👍🏼
Suggest you stop Googling and ask a pharmacist if you have concerns about drug interactions. With the best will in the world, I suggest you spend less time obsessing about health matters and enjoy living.
Hi, don’t worry about hot drinks. Any herbal teas or decaf tea and coffee are fine I believe. Best thing for your overall health, drink wise, is to avoid alcohol or take very small amounts infrequently. I’ve researched the heck out of heart disease and nutrition and have never come across anything about adverse effects of hot drinks. If you feel you need to delve further go to BHF website. All the best going forward.