Hi all I had stents 2 and half years ago I'm on bisoprolol 2.5mg clopidogrel 75mg aspirin 75mg and atorvastatin 80mg I had a blood test Thursday but my liver function test showed serum alt level 36 u/l abnormal. Normal range 10-35 u/l. Should I contact my GP should my GP contact me. Thanks
Blood test medication: Hi all I had... - British Heart Fou...
Blood test medication

Give it a couple of days and if your hear nothing by Wednesday give the surgery a call. For me dropping from 80mg to 40mg sorted things.
Thanks Michael
Not at all but I had non of this before being put on meds I weaned myself off pred cos of weight gain and amlodopine because of changed diet lost 1 1/2 stone that i gained while on pred only had 1 chest inf since being on bisoprolol had antibiotics to clear it but would like to know if enzymes have decreased but cant get any answers so it s just a waiting game i guess you take care
I would phone your gp. They will beable to advise. I was originally on 80mg of atorvaststin but had a lot if problems to it was halved to 40mg and now im fine

Thanks doora
Hi danny. I had my ha and stents July 2019. Usual meds, although off clopidigrel after 12 months. 80mg atorvastatin, no issues as far as I knew until November last year when a routine liver function test showed completely deranged levels of ALT (168), ALP etc. After a few months of 'watch and see ' it was me who finally suggested the statin may be an issue. I was taken off atorvastatin and put onto Ezetimibe, which is similar to a statin. After several months, my numbers are starting to come down. ALT in the 50's last time it was checked. I had an ultrasound to check the liver, no problems found. I am now under a lipid consultant who has suggested another alternative to the statin. Just waiting (as ever) for the GP to catch up and prescribe. In your case, such a small rise may not be sufficient for your GP to do anything about it, but I would still question it as more and more these days we have to be out own advocates.
Hope this has been some help. Feel free to ask any other questions. Best wishes.
Thanks nettekin I had four stents in February 2019 due to angina the process from being diagnosed to stents being fitted an cardiac rehab were brilliant but since has not been so good. Not seen doc since before stents unless I contact them with a problem, I have no confidence in GP which is why I posted on here as I find information is better lol.
Hi nettekin I would be very interested in what alternative your be given. I’ve been on 5 different statins with no joy then put on ezetimibe still bad reaction now my doctor tells me there’s no other alternative and I will have to try one of the statins again that I’ve already been on. I know what you mean about doctors I had an endoscopy 29 th June they told me I’d have results from biopsy by 6 th July last time I phoned was 6 th August still no results. I’m also waiting for an angiogram on my letter it states urgent but when I phoned as I’d not heard she agreed it’s urgent but could wait up to 8 months. Why did we pay national insurance all our lives. I reckon this is the start of the end of the NHS they will blame it on covid but the NHS was in trouble before covid. I have no faith in the system anymore doctors still not back in surgery every thing over phone if you can get through no good for us hearties causing our anxiety to rise and stress levels. Hope all goes well for you
Hi kimberley. The consultant I spoke to suggested 3 possible courses of action. 1. Trying a different statin such as rosuvastatin, on alternate days. 2. A 'fibrate' , associated with less effect on the liver. 3. A tablet which binds bile salts in the bowel and tricks the liver into breaking down cholesterol. I should emphasise, that these options are specific to me and my problem associated with statins. They may, however give you some pointers for research. Hope this is helpful in some way and that you get your results soon. X
Is your lipid consultant part of nhs ?
Indeed. One of the few useful things my GP did was write for advice from a specialist in cholesterol. As a result I had a 1 hour (yes a whole hour) discussion with him on the telephone that was very enlightening. I also appreciated the fact he treated me like a person with a brain. He has made medication suggestions to my GP, but no response from them yet and still chasing up new meds.
Know exactly what you mean. Have lost all confidence in my GP surgery. Seen to be constantly pushing and chasing up. As with you, the completely unexpected ha and subsequent stents were all handled well and also the cardiac rehab (albeit cut short by covid). Keep on pushing! X
Hi. I was put on statins in Feb this year after a hA and a stent.
Mine came back as 61 U/L in June this year.
I wasn’t even picked up by GP unless I myself saw it as flagged by an health records sharing app.
Contacted my GP, he said we should repeat tests in ending August to ascertain if anything needs changing
Most of GP’s in our situations are useless
Yes I was on 80mg atorvastatin and it affected my liver function. Cardiologist reduced to 40mg all ok now
Same as everyone posting here, I was on atorvastatin 80mg and following a visit to hospital and results of blood tests I was found to have deranged liver functions , taken off statins for 3 months to allow liver to recover then put on 10mg rusovastatin with the cardiologist advising 3 monthly blood tests , had the first of these July results good LFT remains normal and cholesterol at a good level . I had previously asked my GP to look at the meds I was on as was feeling so bad but he declined saying I was not giving myself time to get used to them . I had my HA and stents Sept 2020 was admitted to hospital Jan 2021 after collapsing , this is when they discovered the liver functions and very low blood pressure so thankfully had BP meds reviewed and dosage reduced , GP has never mentioned it to me just changed meds and arranged blood test with practise nurse ! Feeling so much better now but agree our GPs service during covid is appalling but my local hospital has been truly amazing given what they've had to deal with I hope we never find ourselves without a NHS
Similar story diagnosed with A FIB 2019 on Bisoprolol and apixiban not seen cardiologist follow up blood test showed raised liver enzymes raised ferritin referred to heptologist had ultra Sound and mri showed nafld in july 1 phone consultation said nafld shown up 7 yrs ago but wasn't told never followed up been on atorvastatin 10 yrs was on simvastatin was on predisone and amoxicillian ,tiotropium, and ibuprofen for copd and all these meds can affect liver had 2 consultations cancelled then face to face in july cancelled rebooked for mid Sept tried to get gp app saw nurse 're problem with swelling between lower rib n hip said oh think you best waiting to see consultant said i ve been waiting over 12 months now can't even get gp phone consultation my gp on maternity leave n heptologist off sick totally frustrated with it all
Even though your result is just above the normal range, at the very least your GP should monitor and arrange a follow up blood test in a few weeks to see if statin needs to be changed or the dose reduced. You are on the highest dose of Atorvastatin which maybe should be questioned anyway.
Hi there it wouldn't hurt to contact your GP , I notice your still on clopidogrel, definitely check with your GP as I was told clopidogrel should be stopped a year after your stents.
blimey meer babies. 2 stents youve all got a lot to catch up on to get to my level lol, 5 stents fitted and put on 80 mg atoravastatin in the week after the op. then 6 months of absolutly dreadful diarrhea, sorry for wrong spelling. was going 23 times a day just poured out. docs wouldnt listen to me didnt have this before all these bloody tablets, but theyre saving my life, i lost 2 stone so sent for cancer tests thankfully all ok, its the tabs i said no they said they changed me to ticagrelor form cloopydogrel no better, soi was referred to the lipid clinic even though my levels were well within the range, here they discovered ive got the hereditory gene that makes you more susceptible to HAs great, so now off statins altogether and have a fortnightly injection that costs the nhs £400 a go , i am so grateful but i just cant stomach statins, now just got the anxiety and blood pressure to worry about.220 over70 more tabs and probably a stroke it was ok last week but stressed cos ive got to have 2 cats pts
Hi mate my liver test bad but I drink but also take lots medication dr said could be medication as been taking lots for years had 4 stents 6 years back just keep eye on everything no one else will

Thanks stu
There is another option: STOP taking (frequently, unnecessarily prescribed) statins &/or switch to plant-based cholesterol-reducing foods, proven to be at least as effective than the pharmaceutical drugs with NONE of these awful side effects.
Could you share with the forum members some quality research articles to support your comment about statins?
Statins are also important in reducing inflammation and stabilising plaque in the blood vessels.
For this reason they are important in preventing heart attacks and strokes.
It's not just about cholesterol levels.
Yes, of course.. healthline.com/health/high-...
Another interesting research study..nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/N...
BTW.. statins are only considered to be ‘anti-inflammatory’ due to lowering levels of LDL. It’s the lower LDL level that is actually causing less inflammation, NOT the statins per se; and given that LDL can be lowered without statins or side effects, ‘anti-inflammatory’ results can also be achieved in the same way.
Thank you for your reply. I am not sure that your articles can be judged as being convincing. One is not from a peer reviewed journal the other was published in 1995.
Statins act on the function of the inner lining of the blood vessels the endothelium.
This is particularly important for patients living with non obstructive coronary artery disease NOCAD. Eg Microvascular dysfunction and vasospastic angina.
Endothelial dysfunction is also thought to be involved in obstructive coronary artery disease too.
Between 6-10% of heart attacks occurs without any permanent blockages due to plaque.
Myocardial infarction non obstructive coronary arteries MINOCA.
Here are the forum guidelines which you may find helpful.
Thank you.. please note, I haven’t given any ‘recommendations’, nor have I implied in any way not to talk with a Dr or Cardiologist. I have simply said there are other ‘options’, and my original reply was to Danny462, not posted or directed at ‘patients with NOCAD’.
This is what you have said, no mention of the poster discussing this with a doctor.
' There is another option: STOP taking (frequently, unnecessarily prescribed) statins &/or switch to plant-based cholesterol-reducing foods, proven to be at least as effective than the pharmaceutical drugs with NONE of these awful side effects.'
Milkfairy.. “Option”: ‘A thing that may be chosen’.
I’m aware of what I posted. I’m not responsible for your inferences.
Please now stop with further reiterations &/or reposts.
Perhaps because you are new to the forum you may not have been aware of the the guidelines or the sensitivities of the forum members.
Can I ask you to shoot the message rather than the messenger?
Again, I ask that you please try to stop yourself from further replies..
Please can I ask you to respect the forum members.
This is a peer to peer support group.
Time for a dignified silence from both of us.
Milkfairy.. I have been and still am being ‘respectful to forum members’.I am aware this is a ‘peer to peer support group.
I therefore, respectfully ask yet again, as peer to peer, please stop with any further replies, recommendations, assumptions, inferences, projections, etc.
Thank you.