I was just wondering because I applied and they refused so I challenged there descion. They are reconsidering my claim but I'm really worried that its not gona make a difference.
Has anyone with congenital heart dise... - British Heart Fou...
Has anyone with congenital heart disease applied for pip and actually been awarded it??

A PIP is awarded if your health condition effects how you can live your life.
If you are able to care for yourself and able to walk a certain distance without it affecting your wellbeing you may have difficulty getting an award.
I used this organisation to help me fill in the forms when I successfully applied for mine.
Good luck !
Thanks!. Yeah it does affect me doing certain things have good days and had days.
Do make sure you get help especially if you go for appeal.Citizens Advice Bureau is another good source of help.
About 60% of people are awarded a PIP on appeal .
Thanks this is really good advice!. I did self assessment of pip and it said I would be awarded standard pip which is good thanks for the link! Hopefully an assesor for pip will think the same thing 😉
Cab are really good but failing that follow the guidelines and appeal. It's a simple case of meet the criteria and you'll get awarded it but remember to evidence your claim.
I’mReally interested in this , I’m not on any benifits at all as my husband works but surely I should be allowed to have some income as a human being . I’ve never applied either cus my husband earns 48k a year

It’s not means tested even people who work are eligible it is difficult I would advise to get help filling the forms in but always go for it
Applied but refused.🤔
I mean I applied but I was rejected for pip.
Sorry for delay only just read post. If appeal fails go to Welfare Rights Officer through Social Work as they are almost always successful at tribunal