Taking 3 out of 4 meds not happy to take statins. Any advice.
STATINS: Taking 3 out of 4 meds not... - British Heart Fou...

Why not ?
I don't like the side effects that they cause. plus I have issues with muscles locking sometimes in my legs I would not want that being made worse. I also have a shoulder injury from a car accident many years ago since being diagnosed with heart failure I am no longer allowed a med that helped the pain... I also have many allergies to drugs one that i was given had to be changed.. so statins I just don't want.

What side effects have you suffered?
I have an allergy to penicillin I have an allergy to many anti biotics when I was diagnosed last month with heart failure I was given 4 meds on was entresto it made me dizzy and light headed plus dreadful headaches it was stopped and I was given candesartan this works I have now to have 8 mg plus Bisoprolol Fumarate 2.5mg aspirin 75mg Furosemide (fluid on my lungs) this is now ok and of course Atorvastatin 80mg I have not taken any of the statins... and having read various replies I am shocked that anyone has such dreadful experiences with these statins... I go for an MRI scan tomorrow then see the consultant on the 19th May I will have many questions... about statins. I cant understand what caused this at all I am not diabetic I am certainly not over weight. my diet from a child has been a mediterranean diet. I decided to go on a diet to see if it would help me time will tell. I weigh 8st and am 5ft 7ins... Toeveryone who replied to me many thanks and I hope you all find a med that helps you not one that causes you stress and pain.!

So the statins have been causing no external side effects then?
I have not used them... and having viewed so many problems people have had on here I cant see me even thinking about it.

For every person who has suffered side effects, there will be hundreds who haven’t. If they weren’t safe, they wouldn’t be prescribed - my advice would be to forego the perceived “wisdom” of others and try them for yourself. Unless of course you are happy to put yourself at greater risk of severe disease and death.
We put ourselves at risk everyday in one way or another ! I do not want my liver or kidneys affected with statins I should think that would be enough to cause a heart attack !
I thank you for your message but at the end of the day I have and always will make my own decisions! Death comes to us all sooner or later ! FACT!

Totally agree: we do all put ourselves at risk - what I’m saying is that by not taking your prescribed medications you’re putting yourself at GREATER risk. Would you cross the road without looking left and right? Would you 70mph in a 30mph zone? Would you jump out of a plane without a parachute? All of the above lead to a greater risk of death. I, for one, would make the sensible choice.
If the statins don’t agree with you, then fine. Have another drug prescribed. But don’t simply sit there and expect to live a long and healthy life.
I hope it all works out for you.
Whenever I have to make a decision about my care I use this tool.
B- Benefit how will this treatment help improve my heart health ?
R- Risks what are they?
Can I quantify them objectively based on research evidence.
A- Alternative is there another treatment available ?
N- Nothing what happens if I do nothing?
There is another consideration, and that is your age.
This can effect how you feel about long term treatments.
The sheer bewilderment of being diagnosed with a potentially life changing illness can sometimes effect how we make our decisions too.

Hello and welcome to the forum!
There are many statins including Atorvastatin, Fluvastatin, Lovastatin, Pitavastatin, Pravastatin, Rosuvastatin, and Simvastatin. There is usually a statin/dose to suit most people. It can sometimes be a process of trial and error so you need to work with your GP. If no suitable statin exists there are other drugs such as Ezetimibe.
I came off roustatin only 10mg as I was having pains in my legs and found it difficult to walk. I have now bee. On ezetimibe and have had severe back and rib pain. I would love to find a statin that doesn't cause muscle pain and now seriously thinking of coming off them altogether. I would rather have quality of life.
Do you know your current cholesterol level? I would like an idea before I reoly further but I will still reply if you do not know!
My total level s 2.9. Apparently my lipids Re on the low side. I have asked for another cholesterol test and liver test. After my heart attack prior to statins my total cholesterol level was 3.
Sorry for the delay in coming back to you. That is a more than acceptable cholesterol level. The thing to remember is that despite this you (and I) still got blocked arteries. Besides lowering cholesterol statins also reduce irritation often the precursor to plaque formation and stabilise any existing. What the cardiologists are trying to do in your place is to prevent restenosis which would need further intervention.
I was changed from Simvastatin to Atorvastatin to prevent muscle pain. Have you tried other statins- there are about 5 different ones.
Good luck Ellester....
I am statin intolerant and take Ezetimibe with no side effects 😊

As others have indicated there are other options available.
Have you discussed with your Cardiologist why you have been prescribed statins and the possible alternatives available?
Have you experienced any side effects yourself?
Many people take statins without any issues though it can be trial an error sometimes to find a statin to suit you.
Are you aware of Pumping Marvellous a support group for people living with heart function problems?
Hi Brazilia,
I too did not like taking a statin. My cardiologist suggested working with a dietitian. She has recommended my taking a phytosterol supplement instead,
and focusing on a more plant-based diet to improve lipid profiles.
Hi RxMe,I have not taken the statins and having read so many frightening situations people have had with them I just don't want to know!
My diet is mediterranean I eat no junk food whatsoever.... I also have many food allergies cant eat prawns anymore etc... I am still trying to figure out why I have heart failure... I weigh 8 stone and am 5ft 7ins ... will look up

Hidden, we are almost the identical height and weight, and I don't know why I am having these heart issues, either. Not a big eater, and I would say my diet is probably 80% close to ideal. (I do sneak a bit of chocolate/cake now & then, admittedly!)
It's hard to adjust to a cardiac diagnosis. Even now, when I go in for any cardiac-related doctor visit, I feel like a poseur, and have no right to be there!!!!
(What scared me most about statins was some research claiming they shorten our telemeres, making us age even faster!)
Hi RxMe ,I had an MR Scan yesterday so I hope that will not show anything other than what the heart ultrasound showed .
My work is art & design so as from today I will be back drawing before my life is taken over !!
I certainly would not change my diet a Mediterranean diet is healthy I don’t have a sweet tooth growing up in Brazil I was only given fruit no sweets!
I have an appointment with the consultant late May and will certainly be asking many questions ...

Hidden, it certainly seems like you have done everything right diet-wise....and it’s good to be arming yourself with questions before your appointment with the consultant!
If our lifestyles are healthy, I guess we are sometimes just the unfortunate victims of our genetics or simply bad luck, as Dr. Gupta has said.
Sounds like you have a lovely career that gives you joy and helps take your mind off the health issues. You are wise to focus on the positives when you can!
I do hope all goes well with your test results and upcoming consultation. 🌸 Nerve wracking, I know!!!
Hi RxMe,Thank you for your message yes I think bad luck !
I am very lucky I have my own business and drawing keeps me focused ( I have to be for my clients) !
If I kept thinking about meds etc I would go mad ! I will just get on and see what my appointment shows !
Hope all is good with you 💐
Great reply. I sometimes wonder if Statins were produced for people who cannot stick to a prescribed diet to lower cholesterol
Statins don't just lower cholesterol.
As someone living with a low cholesterol, good diet, no weight problems, no sign of diabetes, I find it unhelpful to be told to ' eat my way out' of my heart condition.
Statins help reduce the chance of a bypass graft failing.
They stabilise even small areas of plaque which can break off and block an artery causing a heart attack or stroke.
Statins reduce inflammation of the inner lining of the blood vessels the endothelium .
The endothelium is responsible for regulating the production of nitric oxide which relaxes the smooth muscle in walls of the arteries.
This helps reduce blood pressure, keep the blood flowing evenly and prevent vasospasms.
The endothelium is also responsible for regulating platelet production so preventing clots forming.
Endothelial dysfunction is also thought to lead to the formation of plaque or coronary vasospasms.
I have been prescribed statins to improve the function of my endothelium not to lower my cholesterol.
Well then you are lucky you can take them. I had my bypass aged 76. I was born during the war and after the end of rationing we eat all the food we had been denied. In the sixties Apple pies and french fries were the norm...so was smoking. I was never really overweight but it was only much too late that the correlation between diet and heart disease was made positive. The build up of what was to come for me had already .started . Too late I started the right pattern to prevent heart disease. My cardiogist and surgeon told me because of my adopted eating pattern / exercise I prevented the worst onset later than it should have happened. So please don’t tell me that taking responsibility for my own health doesn’t work. I f I hadn’t I wouldn’t be able to be back playing tennis up to three times a week ...wonder if tolerating statins would have allowed that
Lifestyle and diet are only part of the story.
What is important is to be able to make a shared informed evidence based decision with your Cardiologist and GP.
All care is offered and we have the choice to accept the advice we are given by the healthcare professionals we encounter.
Not everyone with heart disease lives with coronary artery disease.
Some are born with heart problems others develop them despite adopting a heart healthy lifestyle.
I developed my heart condition when I was in my late 40's. Despite having no risk factors and being very fit.
Yes I agree and that is very sad,. I can only tell my story . My heart disease was a hereditary factor but I often wonder if the relations that died earlier than my age did not adopt a healthy lifestyle and whether that could have been a factor. However I still think stress is a major contributory factor
Hi Polly I found your info very interesting to read! My late mother used to say during the war years it was a luxury to have foods we take for granted today! When I look at the shelves in the supermarket I find it worrying so much junk good filled with sugar!
Well done you !!! I agree taking responsibility for your health does work for many of us!!
I feel reading your info I might well did a horse again and play tennis !
Sorry typo error ride a horse again !
This is next to religion on the 'discussion' scale.
There is so much conflicting info. even within the medical profession!
I tried one, reacted quite badly with muscle pain, could hardly walk! So had to come off them.
My cardiologist & GP both want me to try a different one, even if I just take 1 every few days! So far I have chosen not to, because I don't want to take the chance again.
You may be one of the majority who don't suffer any side effects but, just be aware of what to look out for in case you're not so lucky.
You have just answered what I was about to say!!

My GP ignored my complaints for 7 years of nightly painful cramps but gave me another dangerous drug to help with the pain. Nobody said try without for 2 weeks or try Ezetimibe (more expensive) instead. The wrong statins can cause diabetes by the way.
That is certainly worrying ! The more I read the more I am happy I did not open the box and take the statins!
I agree although I’ve taken myself of statins after trying 5 different ones over two yrs since heart attack. With in a week I feel fantastic and even though when I was on just 5 mg I was managing until they went up to 10 mg and I couldn’t cope anymore always feeling like I’d run a marathon muscle hurt so much cracking bones in shoulders constantly which I put down to getting older swollen gums, itching lethargic all the time no energy going back to bed every day about 1 pm, tingling and numbness in hands burning sensation under skin but now I’m off them every symptom gone feeling great I realised I had just been tolerating even the 5mg because as I say I feel fantastic now and doc has agreed for me to try the alternative once my results come back about kidney failure and I’m bored aline diabetic which he said is probably due to statins. But I do agree not everyone has problems with statins by friend has never had a problem once they found the one she could tolerate and she swears by them. We’re all different what suits one doesn’t suit another. After my HA on 80 mg which apparently my doc said everyone starts on that amount omg I always felt as though I wasn’t living in the real world felt out of it. So for me I’m relieved my doc has agreed to try the alternative once my results come back
I'm on a cocktail of medicines, and in the weeks after my heart attack started to have aches in my hands and legs and frequent bouts of cramps that had me hopping around the bedroom in the middle of the night.I didn't know what was the cause, but I didn't suffer from muscle cramps or pain in my hands and legs prior to me heart attack so deduced it was either the result of my heart attack or the medication.
I spent quite a bit of time researching each of the medicines I'd been put on to see if any of them on their own or in combination was causing these problems. In the back of my mind was statins, but I'm well aware of the amount of research and other papers that say statins don't cause these effects while there are other articles that say they do.
Finally I found a good article by the Cleveland Clinic on the subject (link below) which suggested that lipophilic statins are more likely to cause this and that a change to a hydrophilic statin may help. I made a request to my GP to be changed from atorvastatin to rosuvastatin, who agreed that I should try a swap. It took a few weeks for the old statin to leave my system but I've since been free of muscle cramps and pains on my hands and legs.
As MichaelJH and Milkfairy have said there are a number of solutions and most people should be able to find one that suits them.
I was started on Simvastatin and developed terrible shoulder aches (I didn't take my jacket off for an hour or two after arriving at work). After telling my GP I was flushing them down the toilet he suggested I try Atorvastatin and the aches disappeared in under a week. I know people who have swapped the other way.
It's hard to comment further without knowing Hidden background and HDL/LDL/triglyceride levels.
Strange isn't it - I went the other way as couldn't cope with Atorvastatin!
Atorvastatin is what I couldn't tolerate, they want me to try Rosuva....... jury is still out

It was starting to drive me mad, I think the record for hopping around the bedroom in the middle of the night was 6 times - that really is a remedy for waking up knackered!
Yea I suffered with cramps, mostly at night, but not as bad as yours sound.
For me it was my legs felt like lead weights, like the muscles just weren't working, what made it worse was that it was a couple of years ago, when i was struggling back to some level of fitness, so not being able to walk was counter productive.
My cholesterol is actually pretty good (Total 4.1, Ratio 3.15 Tri 1.12), well it never was high, but i have got it down more thru diet & exercise. But cardiologist said it's not about the cholesterol more about the other benefits re plaque etc. hence why i am reconsidering, especially reading yours and others experience of being ok on Rosuva, it's just a bit hard to 'put my hand back in the fire' so to speak.
I have non obstructive coronary artery disease, my Cardiologist told me it was all about endothelial function not just plaque too.
I am on a small dose of Rosuvastatin without any problems.
Once they sort out my low BP I have said I will consider it, Cardiologist suggested small dose every 3 days to start, see how I get on with it, as he said any is better than none.
A can of worms topic! I took atorvastatin for a year with no problems whatsoever. Then all of a sudden my liver function tests went crazy and I have very elevated levels now. After much debate the GP has put me on Ezetimibe for 4 weeks to see if makes a difference. Another week to go before I will know after a blood test. I used to think it was as simple as finding something that you could tolerate, now it looks as though you can be affected even after initial good tolerance levels. Confusing! Will look at link, thank you.
Same. I had no external side effects whatsoever (other than a massively increased libido) - tolerated Atarvostatin really well, but unfortunately my poor liver didn’t - my liver function test was off the scale!
Had to discontinue statins altogether until my liver is better and now live in constant fear of another TIA/stroke.
Those people who aren’t sure about taking a statin because of the “possible side effects” I’d say wait until you’d have a stroke and then come back and say “I’d rather not take one”
Hi curlyman! Have you thought about asking your GP to look at Ezetimibe as an alternative? If you look it up you will see it acts in a different way to the usual statins. Just a thought! X
Thanks Nettekin! I think they’re just waiting for my liver to settle before trying anything new. My liver function was over 160 so they said they’ll check again in six weeks. I didn’t have a clue what that meant but the thankfully my wife works in a GP surgery so she knew the upper limit and that my liver function was ridiculously high!
I just want to get back to bloody normal x
Interesting to read your post as I am having same issues. I was on 80mg Atorvastatin for 2 months - no obvious side effects - but was admitted to hospital and blood test showed my liver function was 160 as well. Statins stopped immediately. Just over week later blood test showed liver back to normal 👍. 6 weeks ago cardiologist said must go back on statins but reduced to 40mg because of ongoing heart issues and angina. Admitted 5 days later and blood test showed liver function levels already back to 3 times normal level. Atorvastatin stopped immediately. 3 weeks later blood test to check levels showed still rising. Urgent scan arranged for this morning. Keep getting asked how much alcohol I’m drinking - but apart from when I’m on holiday abroad I don’t ! What did they say was wrong with your liver ? I haven’t been offered alternative statin and wondering if I even need one as my EF has gone up to 55% now. Although the micro vascular angina is still awful despite even more meds 😏.
Read your story and am so glad I have not started Atorvastatin 80mg I was given them along with 3 other meds .. I find it worrying the bad effects statins have on so many people.. I was told if I don’t take them I will have a heart attack well judging by the side effects and other issues people are having that is enough to cause a heart attack !!
It’s a bit of a lottery and I don’t have the answer. Like others on the forum the meds keep me alive - I had massive heart attack October- so I tend to go with whatever doctor tells me. Different people react to drugs in different ways and sometimes you have to weigh up the effects versus the consequences. I never want another heart attack like that but equally could do without liver issues. Dilemmas!! Good lyck
It really y is a catch 22 !!! I will be seeing the cardiologist next month and will be asking him about all the side effects of statins.. I do not want kidney or liver issues on top of heart failure... I find it all a nightmare...
Happy new day to you.
I'd rather not take one

I’d rather not take any drug - unfortunately they’re keeping me alive at present. Beggars can’t be choosers
I’m on atorvastatin with no side effects or aches at all.👍
I hated taking statins 80mg of atorvastatin got some aces initially but after a year I love em ... no probs ... just take your meds and get on with life .. great for teeth, bones and dissolves plaque .. I rattle with meds and never felt better
I was on Atorvastatin until a routine blood test indicated I’d developed prediabetes (a real surprise, no family history or previous indications before heart op a year ago). GP advised me to drop the statin - apparently statins can trigger prediabetes in post menopausal women. Not commonly known - but luckily my doc was on the ball. Now off the statin and trying to bring down blood sugar levels on diabetes-friendly diet.
Only two weeks in to all this kerfuffle (HA was Easter Sunday) but has anyone found lipids clinics useful for tweaking the various meds? Cardiologists asked my GP to refer me to one, given current NHS speeds for anything non-urgent I’m considering using private insurance. But if they aren’t really useful I won’t waste the excess. No side effects from the ticagrelor/ramipril/atorvastatin/lansoprazole mix I’m currently on, some weird shoulder, arm and hand pain but that’s exclusively hemispherical so I’m blaming all the radial angioplasty. On the other hand, I already have a pretty healthy diet and a dog to walk, so I don’t have much opportunity to change lifestyle factors.
After 2 stents, I was on atorvastatin. It caused the wildest of dreams (in a very bad way). Dr stopped that. Then to Rosuvastatin. This caused micro tears in my Achilles tendons. Stopped that 6 months ago and I still can only hobble about. My Doc said officially, 20% of patients react badly to statins but in his experience it was closer to 30. Remember, you are in charge of your own health.
Well it certainly sounds like you have given Statins a try Kimberly ! Good luck with the Doctor and I wish you well 😊
Thank you dovaston well I’ve had a chat with my doctor today and explained how I’ve been feeling and that I stopped the statins last week and now feeling good. I mentioned the ezetimibe he agreed for me to have a try with them but has asked me to stay of statins for 4 weeks whilst they carry out further tests because he said all the symptoms I’m explaining could very well be statins but he also said I could have the start of kidney failure grrrr So I’m booked in for more blood tests next Monday. Fingers crossed it’s not my kidneys it’s hard enough looking after my heart. Also he said if it’s kidneys I’ll will have to change my diet. This will be where it will get confusing as he said all the good things ie spinach brown rice avocado brown bread banana oranges etc etc which I’ve been told to eat for heart disease will have to stop as all these things are no good for kidney failure. But for now I feel good so i shall make the most of my good days. What will be will be. This site is fantastic where we can all air our views and help each other along with our own experiences I’m so grateful
A Statin Nation by Dr Malcolm Kendrick is a worthwhile read.
In theory we can reduce cholesterol by diet and lifestyle changes. In reality any gains from that are minimal. If you want to reduce cholesterol substantially statins are the only things that really work. There are, however, plenty of different statins available.
If the experts recommend them they may just save your life unless you are sufficiently knowledgeable to know better
Hi Misstibbs. Definitely agree with you there!!
Except even the 'medical experts' can't agree!
Maybe, you have the knowledge. A lot of people don't including me, so I would just prefer to 'listen' to the 'Medical Professionals'!! I take them and have done for years. Just saying!
Wow, statins really has got people talking. I had bad experience, felt like my veins were jumping in my body, could not function. Ended up in a&e twice, GP told me to stop meds starting with one a week and statin first, symptoms gone within a day! Now cholesterol going up have tried diet for six months, blood test next week, dreading it. Interesting everyone’s comments.
I have to admit that when I had my procedure I was less than ecstatic about being prescribed statins. I had been recommended them many years ago and declined on account of the concerns about muscle pains etc but didn't see any alternative to accepting the prescription and complying, otherwise I felt that my whole treatment regime might be at risk.
However, I have to say that I am not aware of them causing me any sort of trouble at all, so I am presently now perfectly content with them. I am on Atorvastatin.
I saw an article recently that said that tests showed that the muscle pain issue appeared to be a red herring, and in a trial more people with the placebo complained about muscle pain than did those taking it. The medical profession seems to me pretty united in their view that statins are definitely beneficial. My own experience suggests that they are not a problem for me.
Read my profile for why I believe that Statins are poison for a very few, including me
I read the same article you are referring to (from 2015). It was probably written by one of the shills being paid by the pharmaceutical companies. And by people who have never taken a statin in their life.
The medical profession were alarmed at how many times I had to visit the loo whilst on Statins. No it isn’t all in the mind
"I saw an article recently that said that tests showed that the muscle pain issue appeared to be a red herring"Oh, believe me, how I wish that was universally true. But this little bunny has some excruciating tendon pain due to the damage of statins. My Achilles even throb in the middle of the night. Never a problem before statins.
I am on the atorvastatin 80mg daily and thankfully have had only positive outcomes.
That is really good to hear....
NO! Please read my Profile for why I say so.Takng them was THE biggest mistake of my life!
All the best
I had a triple bypass 22 months ago. Initially my atorvastatin dose was 40mg/day but within 3 months the cardiologist allowed me down to 10mg (actually he wanted me down to 20 and I persuaded him down another 10mg! After a few months more I had been suffering disrupted nights, bad dreams and liverish feelings on waking even on 10mg. One of my self-experiments was to take my atorvastatin in the morning rather than evening. That seems to have done the trick. 10mg has kept my lipid readings at levels that made him very happy too, so all good.
The other tip. My 45yo wife came with me so we could both have a full health care package of tests 6 weeks ago and she was surprised to be diagnosed with high cholesterol and emerging type 2 diabetes. One of SE Asia's finest private hospital tested & diagnosed her and true to its expensive reputation prescribed pitavastatin (and for the sake of completeness metformin hydrochloride for the diabetes). Pitavastatin is three times the price of atorvastatin here in Thailand unless you can get a generic, but my research of the internet led me to believe that it was potentially one of the most effective and least side-affect afflicted of all the statins. It has proved itself remarkably for my wife. No side effects and her Total Cholesterol came down from 245 to 166 in one month (with not much change of diet as far as I could see) [acceptable level of TC is less than 200]. It was a similar dramatic reduction in LDL Chlesterol (the bad one) that got her that result.
So I am another believer in the 'don't give up on the statins" camp!
I was prescribed statins a month ago but am worried about starting them. Apparently I have 30% chance of heart trouble but doesn't that also mean 70% chance of not having one. My diabetes level was 51 which I have been dieting to reduce. Not sure what to do as I would rather take a dietary/holistic approach. These things seem to be handed out like Smarties. Confused? You bet.
I have been taking statins for over 7 seven years now and so far no problems 👍
I wish I had started taking statins 20 years earlier when my doctor first suggested I take them because of high HDL cholesterol. Now I have coronery artery disease, a stent, and a shortened expected life. When I started taking low dose statins 20 years ago I imagined it was causing elbow joint pain and I quit taking. I regret that choice. Now I take 40 mg Atorvastatin daily along with CoQ10. I have no known statin side effects. It is the baby aspirins that causes me problems (duodenal stomach ulcers). To anyone who has high cholesterol I tell them my story and recommend they get on statins. Dietary changes cannot do it alone.
I've taken statins for 8 years with no ill effects.My cardiologist and everyone I've spoken to in the medical profession says the same, there is no doubt that they save lives.
Your choice,
Good luck
Take them they just may save your life! Stay safe keep happy.
I doubt that the price of the statin has anything to do with your tolerance. I took Simvastatin (the most expensive) for three years and ended up with PMR as a result.
Obviously not I’m not stupid it was the doc who said I wouldn’t get a reaction when putting up the mg because they are a more expensive statin and I’d been ok on the lower mg
What is PMR?
Polymyalgia Rheumatica. Woke up on Fathers Day last year to severe pain in both shoulders, both hips, neck. Wrists felt like someone had taken a hammer to them. Fingers stiff and couldn’t close them. My wife had to roll me over in the bed. Those were the same symptoms I had experienced when taking Simvastatin five years earlier. I quit taking Simvastatin and they went away. But. . . . .five years later, they all hit at once.
Sorry to hear your issues with the Covid vaccine ! I had my second vaccine last Saturday with no problems whatsoever .
In April 2019 after an nstemi HA was diagnosed with familial Hypercholesterolemia - a genetic disorder which had, due to its cholesterol raising nature, caused blocking arteries despite the fact I had never had diabetes and had been given a clear heart check only months previously. As a result I had to have emergency triple bypass surgery and alongside several other meds was immediately given 80mg atorvastatin daily. I questioned this as I’d heard negative things about statins and wasn’t happy about taking them but was told that though the surgery had mended the initial arterial damage I will still always have the condition and, even though the choice of taking statins is mine, in order to keep my cholesterol down it was felt essential to take them to help prevent any future build up in my arteries. Given the circumstances, I felt I didn’t really have any other choice so continued with them. Fortunately, I don’t have really bad side effects as I was quite lucky the type and brand initially prescribed suits me so my GP helped sort things with my chemist who always issues the same brand. So far when I have checkups my cholesterol has been kept down to 3 or less so it appears to be working for me. I understand your apprehension as I too am allergic to several antibiotics and some other medication. However, if you feel so strongly about statins it may be worth having a chat with your GP or your cardiologist about your fears and see how you feel then. Best wishes