Good morning good people. Iv been bothered for last 6 months with what I assume is arthritis in right knee. It has become unbearable and whilst researching more info I found out statins can cause joint pain. I knew they caused muscle pain and probably did know this but didn’t associate it with mine. Iv now in the last few weeks getting a lot of pain in shoulder. The strangest thing is I broke my humorous about 6 years ago near to shoulder joint. I’m now finding I can’t move that arm the same without pain at the break site. Don’t know if it’s related and could be statins to blame. Got an appointment with go next wk but just wondered if anyone had any experience they can share. I take 40 mg atorivastatin ❤️shiona
Statins: Good morning good people. Iv... - British Heart Fou...

Hi Shiona
I started taking 40mg Atorvastatin about a month ago, I'm waiting for angioplasty at the moment. I have a GP appointment tomorrow to talk about the side effects as I have so many aches and pains including a really painful knee and a daily ache between the shoulder blades that no pain killer will shift. I'm hoping for a switch to a different statin tomorrow to see how that works.
Hope you get sorted and feel better soon!
Thanks for answering Clarky. Iv been on it for years before my heart attack and had no problem with it. I had problems with muscle pain when they upped it to 80 mg after heart attack. Just wondered if this rang a bell with anyone else before I go to go moaning again🤣. Good luck in your quest ❤️
Different statin, I was on simvastatin 10mg for a few years, not much issue with it, but then I changed my diet and exercise routine and went from 18st to just under 13st and I started to get chronic pain in my finger joints and as a software tester and bass player it was agony, after a cholesterol test my level was under 3.0 and the doctor thought the statin without the cholesterol to clear was attacking healthy joint tissue.
He stopped my statin and the pain went away fairly rapidly.
Since then I have put on some weight due to other circumstances and heart issues and I am currently on rosuvastatin 5mg and don’t have any problems with it (so far, touch wood)....
Your old shoulder injury is more likely to be the cause of your pain in that area. You may need X-rays to look for any arthritic changes. How long have you been on the statin?

Hi osidge that’s the first broken bone Iv had and didn’t know if you could get problems later on. I haven’t felt any problem with it up till lately. As I said Iv been on it for years without any problems. It’s only since they doubled to 80 mg and lowered it again to 40mg because of muscle pain that Iv had all these silly problems. I’ll certainly bring it up with go next week. Thanks for answering ❤️
Breaks in bones near to joints can lead to arthritic changes long after the bone has healed. Worthwhile mentioning it.
Some info:

Every days a school day. Thanks for enlightening me❤️
I have the same issue with these damm things too,, knee joint pain, shoulder agony,,,, my cholesterol level was only 5.4 at the time of my heart attack,,, it is now after 18months down to 3.3 and I am still being encouraged nay told yo take these damm things,,, will, at my next appointment, refuse any further statins
My husband has been on statins for years and was suffering similarily. At the time I read it up and he then
asked his doctor and is now on Atorvastatin which suits him much better.
Same story here. I've been on them a long time and had some changes and different types because of this very thing. (Kind of general arthritic ache but my left leg in particular causes problems). I know it's the statins because I got a bit of a 6 month ease from it the times I changed. Exercise helps. I run and find if I can't do that for a while then it gets really bad. But swimming, walking, anything like that helps.
It's so hard as they are very effective at lowering cholesterol so it is best to somehow find a way around the side effects.
Good luck!
Hi WGM. I walk everyday about 10 k. I can bear it when walking but can’t find a place to put knee on bed. It’s getting excruciating. Thanks for input❤️
I tried all statins . Aches , lethargy, depressing were consequences . Took myself off them everytime before going back to Dr . Each time felt better. I read Dr Malcolm’s Kendrick book and blog about the cholesterol con. Worth reading for balanced view . I feel well now and still tick along with cycling and running . Try reading the book or blog . Seriously consider coming off them for a while a see what happens. Good luck
I am presently wondering the same thing. Started statins last August and about 2 months ago started with dreadful pain in my ribs and hips. It's so bad now that I can barely stand up first thing. Seeing my GP on Monday. Chest x ray was totally clear. Hips last year did show very mild osteo arthritis but nowhere near bad enough to cause this much pain.
It’s unbearable isn’t it. I just never thought about it being statin related but I’ll definitely be asking about it. It’s my right knee. I can’t put it anywhere on the bed hence can’t sleep. Vicious circle. Let me know how you go. I’m seriously thinking of just stopping them for a week or so to see if there’s any improvement ❤️
My parents died of heart disease, my brother had quadruple by pass. His surgeon said genetics and smoking are the biggest influence on heart diseases. I never smoked , kept fit all my life . I won’t do statins . The cholesterol con book shows statistics have been fudged , even editorial in BMJ points out the statin argument is clouded by only controlled release of data. I think I would reduce statin dose for a week and see what happens.
Took every statin on the market. Crestor, Lipitor, Livalo, Zocor....All unbearable so they put me on Repatha injection once every two weeks no problem! I’m one of the unlucky people who can’t take statins. Felt like someone hammered an ice pick in my knee!
Yes no pain at all. Zocor hurt my knee all the others gave me lower back pain so bad that I couldn’t function. Hope you get better!
Do some research on statins. New science is disputing its benefits and the side effects are numerous. Uffe Ravnskov is a Scandinavian researcher who is a wealth of information. Read these:
I can't take Simvastatin but was started on 80mg Atorvastatin on release from hospital. I had very bad muscle aches at night especially and GP reduced to 40mg. A little better but still not good. He mentioned an injection which lasts a year but said it is very expensive. He has now put me on a statin break to ascertain if it is the statin causing the problems. I have no doubt it is.
I was almost blackmailed into taking them when I was originally diagnosed with chronic artery disease in May so took them even though I have always been against them as witnessed them take my mother and sisters mobility away. They gave me very bad muscle cramps so when I had my CABG x 4 in August I refused them and the surgeon totally understood why I didn’t want them and we, as patients, do have the right particularly as there is much more information about the now.
Hi Shiona, I am experiencing similar problems suffering pain in my hands, elbows and feet. Last week I asked my GP to change the Atorvastatin (Lipitor) I have been taking to a Rosuvastatin (Crestor 20mg). I have an appointment today for blood tests which will hopefully rule out any Arthritis which I've been thinking is the cause of the pain. My late mum suffered very bad from Arthritis so I hope it's not the onset of this condition.
I hope you get some answers.
Hi matsuda it’s only by reading posts on here that made me think of statins. My mother was bed bound with rheumatoid arthritis and it’s always always on my mind too. I think that’s why I just assumed it was arthritis I have 1 finger that throbs like the toothache and it’s kind of arthritic deformed so who knows. I’m gonna stop them for a few weeks and if that doesn’t make any difference I’ll pursue the arthritis.are you any better since changing statin❤️
Hello Shiona,
I was taking statin type medication for a while after a pericardectomy and developed severe pain in my left knee and I was assured it was arthritis but then I also developed pains in my left foot as well. It turned out to be gout caused by the medication which was stopped and lo and behold so did the pain shortly thereafter! I hope that you soon get some relief from the pain and maybe it is the meds in your case too.
i have right sholder pain .. can not lift it . Last 1 week i am not taking 10mg statin , feeling marginally better . Any idea how many days it take to recover ?
Hi shoshov
Just read your post
How are your aches now after stopping statins?

hi alps. i was only off them for a few months. they weren’t causing the problem. i’m now on 80mg but i’m tolerating them ok thanks. hope your doing ok❤️
oh dear that’s not so good. thought it was arthritis but x ray showed it was ligament damage. it still bothers me now and again but lots better now. i do get muscular pain which i put down to statins but it’s tolerable. hope they sort you out. i’m not good with pain so glad mines is manageable ❤️shiona