I had my HA about 3 years ago and had a stent fitted. Since then I have been fine, but something that puzzles me is that whilst I sleep well I do seem to dream so much more nowadays! Whether its age catching up with me (83)? Although I am fit and walk 2-3 miles every day, or whether I have always done it and didn't realise? It's not that my dreams are scarey or anything, in fact they are they can be pretty entertaining sometimes.........not that I can remember them at all..........it's just that split second when I wake and think "well that was odd/interesting...........so my dreams don't worry me at all, but it does puzzle me and I wondered if it may be a side effect of any of my heart tablets which are......Bisoprolol (1.25mg) Ramipril (10 mg) Levothyroxine (under active thyroid) Atorvastatin (80 mg) and Dispersible Asprin (75 mg).............As I say it's not a problem just a mystery!!..................Can anyone throw any light on my experiences??
Dreams: I had my HA about 3 years ago... - British Heart Fou...

Hi Trebor Bisoprolol is notorious for causing vivid dreaming and withdrawing from it more so. I am astonished the stuff my brain dredges up . Can’t comment on the other meds . Did take aspirin before bisoprolol and that didn’t affect dreaming .
Yep Bisoprolol does it for me too.

Not just me then😀 Phew!
I would actually pay for ‘some’ of them! Not all though 🤪

There's a business in there somewhere......after all most of our friends on here are on Bisprolol..............Netflix watch out!
I'm just wondering when you take your bisoprolol? I take mine in the morning and the effect is less at night for me as the dose is gradually wearing off then (half life for the drug is 10-12 hours). I don't need much of a resting BP reduction - maybe switch to taking it in the morning if your gp/cardiologist agree?
I take it in the morning as well along with everything else, apart from the Astavastatin which I take at night. it really isn't a problem ....more a puzzle......but thanks for the input. As Peony said, it seems to be notorious for this side effect