Hi everyone please can anyone offer advice on how long your body takes to get used to bisoprolol only a week on them and I feel so tired and week !
New meds : Hi everyone please can... - British Heart Fou...
New meds

Can't remember but your body needs time to adjust, my arrhythmia nurse suggested I take it at night which works well for me, might be worth trying.
Hi, it took me a couple of weeks for my body to adjust to it, 2.5mg a day, but everyone is different. It will also depend on dose and any other meds + your condition.
Hope you feel better soon.
Take care
Hi Best,
It took me a few months to get used to bisoprolol and in the end had died reduced as so tired and so dizzy . If you ring your Gp and explain they may reduce your meds ?
Take care hope you feel better soon .
Take mine at night as could not get on with it when I took it in the morning
Hi Best2. They reduced mine in Hospital last year from 7.5 to 2.5mg, glad to say. I did mention to my own GP a long time ago about them through tiredness etc..!.He wouldn't change them - His answer, better you take them than have a Heart Attack!! How do you answer that??? I've now been Operated on though but still have to take the lower dose as advised by Surgeon!! Not half as tired now thankfully. That could be because of the Operation though as well, who knows? 💘
my consultant took me off it,i just cudnt function
I felt like a zombie when they tried to increase it a few months after my bypass. Everyone is different but when it was reduced to 1.25 mg that was more comfortable for me & now have no probs
I never did get used to them, felt dreadful, changed to Nebivolol
I was on 2.50 mg a day for 6 months after operation and dizzy etc. but when I reduced to 1.25 it was OK. It seems all my body can take without negative effects.
I'm another who can only cope with 1.25mg. I was started on 3.75mg and got it reduced in two stages. I take it in the morning, but get issues with dizziness in the evening when my pulse rate is lowest. Getting up after being sat for a while can be "fun". 😁
I was only on mine for two weeks and had to come off them as they didn’t agree with me and gave me terrible side effects, could’nt open my eyes because of dizzyness was on 1.25mg. In the first instance listen to your body, if you still feel awful after 3 or 4 weeks, I would speak to your GP. Good luck
I had runny nose and white fingers on Bisoprolol which was prescribed after my stents. My dose was reduced after 2 weeks and then discontinued after 2 more weeks. I was already prescribed and taking Perindopril for high blood pressure without any side effects and continue to do so.
I thought I was the only one with dramatically reduced blood flow to my extremeties it led to a worsening of skin condition and a massive increase in cracked skin on hands. It also worsened my arthritis in my thumb joints. I also had a number of other problems such as breathlessness, low heart rate and chest pain. Im so glad to be off them. Now I only use them as an emergency pill in pocket for tachycardia ans ectopic 'runs'.
Hi I am having breathlessness too ,, did you decide to just take when and as needed or gp advice please , as thought was dangerous to just stop but would prefer this way to take them as side effects are horrid , thanks x
I told the specialist team nurses that I wasn't happy remaining on bisoprolol as I had found out that was making me breathless after not taking any for 4 days when I ran out and realising it wasn't only my heart making me breathless - it felt like I could take a proper deep breath for the 1st time in years!!. They reluctantly agreed that I could stop taking them. I was fine without it - I'd had my 2nd ablation which so far has worked so don't really need it anyway.
I asked to keep it as a pill in pocket along with the flecainide for the occasional, sometimes frequent tachycardia and bigeminy/trigeminy that I get when I've overdone activity (or just for the hell of it!!) .
My GPs have never been prepared to, as they see it, go against the specialists advice and stop or change meds .
I only really use them now as pill in pocket if I'm really sure I need to ie. things have been going on for hours, as even having 1 bisoprolol 1.25mg disrupts my sleep badly, makes my extremities cold (even in the summer) and makes general activity/walking harder for at least the following day.
I was told by the specialist team that I could stop taking the bisoprolol pretty much overnight as its a low dose, but I took the advice of others from this site and took it really slowly weaning myself off them over several weeks and had no real problems from this approach (possibly a few more short fast runs of arrhythmia but that could have been just my normal unpredictable heart rhythm issues).
I hope you get off them soon they, for me at least were very destructive of my quality of life and weight. I was unfortunately on them for years - initially on far higher doses, but until the 2nd ablation was unable to stop them as within 7 - 10 days of stopping them I would have another big rapid Paroxysmal atrial Fibrillation attack.
Best of luck with your journey.
Ahh ok I was thinking are you mad as read it can be dangerous,, I’ve just been told my b12 real low aswell so just gonna hold out on mine for a bit longer ,, but if I’m still same ones couple weeks when had ferrus tablets I’m gonna come off as it is awful been breathless just wears you down ,,
May I ask what yours was for was it hypertension or different plz ?
That’s a good idea just gotta be careful with some things but 1 safe by sounds good
Yeah I find that like you get something from consultant at hospital n gps are like tryna change them lol
Oh so it’s definitely a side effect sleep problems with it then and yeah I’ve found it a task to do my daily walk too whereas I had no problem before
Ahh I see and that’s definitely the best way to wean off I’d say for sure I’m glad you did it that way
Yeah I’m gonna see how I go incase just my low b12 thing and if still have problems gonna try get off I’m only on 2.5 but will defo wean off if I do I’m always unlucky so darent take a high risk
Thank you 😊 and you take care x
Started on bisoprolol for blood pressure 5mg Drs said it wasnt causing the side effects that it was (shouldnt have listened), then it was upped in hospital when I had a type 2 MI and major rapid paroxysmal atrial fibrillation attack (1st), eventually it was dropped down due to seeing the electrophysiology team at a better hospital. Couldnt totally get off it as it would lead to more RPAF attacks until after 'recovery' from my 2nd ablation. It is unpleasant but useful as a 'pill in pocket' when my hezrt is really playing up with tachycardia or other arythmias for long periods of time.
Ahh okay so I’m not going insane ,, it must of being horrible having side effects then being upped aswell ,, I’m glad it was reduced at that time for you too ,, really glad your in recovery now and definitely I understand that it makes perfect sense as and when needed ,, thank you for replying , wishing you stay in better manageable health 🙂 x
Was given 5mg for three month after bypass OP, then reduced to 2.5mg because of low heartbeat. After six month was recommended to take twice 2.5mg again but instead reduced it myself to 1.25mg. Thinking of get rid of them completely though no big side effects.
I took at least 3 months to feel any benefits and had to have my dose ; 2.5mg split to twice daily to be able to tolerate it. That worked better for me and 9 months on I do feel better
I’m 10 weeks into my meds and still get tired. Something I’m learning to live with.
Hi, I’m on 1.25mg and also take it at night, as I had quite a low HR before and now it’s down to 42 at night sometimes. It took about two to three weeks to get over the lightheaded feeling in the daytime and I still get it occasionally. But overall I feel better on it, it has reduced my AF episodes. If your blood pressure is low, make sure you keep well hydrated and don’t stand up quickly!
I was originally put on Amiodarone in hospital after my heart surgery as I had a few episodes of Afib then. When I was readmitted to hospital a few weeks later with pneumonia my Cardiologist put me on 1.25mg of Bisoprolol daily so they could gradually wean me off Amiodarone. I've been on it ever since. I take it in the morning because taking it at night wasn't great with my sleeping. Still don't sleep great but I have no side effects taking it in the morning. I did try and convince my Cardiologist to take me off it but because I've had Afib and Tachycardia since my surgery he wasn't overly keen. Though both conditions were caused by infections requiring hospital admissions post surgery. Outwith that I've had no episodes of Afib or Tachycardia that I know about.
Hi Best2, pray your well. I've also been on 2.5mg bisoprolol for a week now after a SVT attack. I'm also trying to adjust to my new meds. I take mine in the morning, my sleeps ok at night but during the day I feel a few symptoms such as some weakness, bit tired sometimes, occassional lightheaded feeling in the day, evening. I have noticed the odd achy feeling in my upper arms, hands, mainly left and some heart pain but possibly due to the trauma of my attack. Overall my SVT palpitations problem is controlled for now so I'm ok adjusting to my new meds. Praying that I can have my ablation asap so I can come of the meds eventually. All the best🌺
Hey! I was put on 2.5mg after HA and a stent was fitted. After a couple of weeks my heart rate was really low all the time and I felt rotten. Went to A&E as I felt so bad and the dose was halved and I've been fine ever since.
I’m on bisoprolol 2.5mg in the morning and 2.5 at night. Spent the first couple of weeks feeling fatigued but levelled off much thereafter. Have no problems now. Being coupled with Entresto a couple of weeks again might have helped.
Thanks Curlyman83I've been on Entresto since 2018 which was wonderful. Now I am going on bisoprolol 5 mg but Dr. o.k. me to half it 2.5. I would of liked to start off at 1.25 mg so I can tolerate slowly. Knowing someone else is on these two medication gives me relief. Appreciate This!

You’ll be fine. Just keep an eye on how you’re feeling and if you notice anything untoward (which I seriously doubt) then inform your gp! Good luck! 👍
Thanks for your encouragement!

I m so glad i joined this forum , love how there’s always someone to answer questions and give support!
I think I was one of the lucky ones, low dose to start &increased after two weeks. I then felt terrible for 1st month, tired & heavy! One more increase & my body/reactions settled down. So 6wks until I feltgood on it really. Has been a couple of years now & no problems.
Hope it getsbetter for you soon. Taking at night is a good tip, I did half am half pm whilst adjusting. Good luck.
Thankyou I will try taking it at night and see how I go just wondering if it helps with sleep as I’m getting very little at the moment !
It took me about a month for the tiredness to go. I’m on 1.25mg.
Hi.I was on 5mg bisoprolol morning and 5mg evening from when I was in hospital after my dissection and replacement valve operation. I was often feeling really lightheaded and generally not good. I asked the consultant if I could reduce it and now on 5mg am a d 2.5mg pm. I do want to try to lower it a bit more, but have to watch my blood pressure, I have to try to keep it down to 120 or below, it is around 124 now so worried about lowering the bisoprolol any more.
I'll see how it goes. I don't feel so bad now.
I've been on them for nearly 4 years now.
Take care
Hi,Regarding bisoprolol.
I was prescribed it ,after having AVR, 6 years ago,
Along with Ramipril,
I noticed the running nose ,side effect almost immediately,
Along with cold hands , tiredness, aches and pains ,
I was on 7mg a day, which was eventually reduced to 2.5mg,
Then eventually, I just stopped taking the stuff!
Felt better immediately,
GP prescribed me Losartan, and we got shot of the Ramipril also.
Just had my yearly check with the nurse.
BP is fine,
On the downside, I recently had a seizure in my sleep,
Now I'm an epileptic apparently!
Oh joy.
Neurologists thinks it may have been caused by lack of sleep,
I could manage on abou 4 hours a day.
So they have prescribed me , Melatonin,
a natural hormone produced in your body to help you sleep.
I'm sleeping like a log now!
Bisoprolol, is known to stop your body producing Melatonin.
Its something to think about ,I was on it for about 5years ,
It's great for some , others just dont take to it,
I'd check with your GP about the melatonin thing ,
Could have nothing to do with my seizure,
( first seizure, no history of epilepsy in family)
but it's a bit of a coincidence,
that the first treatment I get ,, is melatonin replacement.
Take care
sonapharmacy.com/beta-block... one of many articles on the subject,
Some are quite basic ,like this one ,
Others are way above my head ,