I recently posted that I was taking time out due to a number of ongoing issues. One was related to my stump. I have posted it elsewhere for those interested.
My Stump Issue: I recently posted that... - British Heart Fou...
My Stump Issue

Afternoon Michael,
I have just read your post and saw the photo, I am so sorry you are going through this, I wish I had some knowledge to help, but all I can do is send you my very best wishes, with the fervent hope that they can get this infection knocked on the head.
You are sorely missed here on the forum, but understand completely.
Thank you Pauline. I was in contact with amputee nurse today and following up housing issues. Totally draining.
Going through what your having to endure must be so draining, your not just dealing with the amputation but all that other stuff that as come along with it. Life changing I know, but you will get there. The housing problem will get sorted, there will be a lovely one level property just round the corner. Take good care
Hi MichaelJH. Your photo interested me and I have a suggestion.Do you have an oxygen chamber near you where you can breath pure oxygen with increased chamber air pressure (up to 33ft)?
No medication - Oxygen is natural.
I was 1 of 26 volunteers at my local MS Therapy centre helping to run their chambers until my cardiac problems took over. Over the time they were used for sports injuries etc., and I witnessed near miracles.
You can only try. Good luck
Hi Cysgais,Think you have sent this to me by mistake instead of to Michael. Could you resend sounds interesting.
That is a horrific looking wound! Are they using an antibiotic dressing?
Hi Michael, you are really going through it, I have said before you don't do things by half do you. Please take care and get well soon, hopefully we will soon have some warmer weather and then you might be able to get out a bit (if Boris lets us). All the best to you.Ruth
Hello Michael - I just wanted to send you some good wishes and kind thoughts. I know what a tough time you've had and I sincerely hope things get easier soon.
Hello Michael. Sorry to hear about the stump wound not healing, it looks really painful. Hope you can get someone to address the problem and ensure that some progress is made soon.Russell
Hi Michael, so sorry you're having a bad time of it, and ouch! That looks so sore, hope all issues get sorted/better very soon, wishing you well as always 🙂
I am sorry to read about the troubles you are experiencing Michael. As you know I have close family member with long standing healing issues with diabetes type 1 - and I can only send good wishes as I have seen how frustrated he gets with the problems associated with PAD. Although monitored, that wound looks nasty and painful and restricting - I honestly don't know how you stay so cheerful. Pray you get some solutions to housing issues soon..a ground floor home would now be ideal. Please keep in touch with us..you are missed here.Frances
Ouch, that looks sore, sending you a big hug.
Hi Michael, that sure looks painful. I don't have much experience either I'm afraid, I like your idea of an amputee forum, in fact I'm surprised there isn't one already.
My step dad was an amputee, he had a similar wound on his non-amputee leg (can't say good leg lol), it turned into an ulcer and he had many problems, sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Here in the UK they couldn't do much for him. While in holiday in Cyprus, the local hospital dressed it for him and almost cured it. Were it not for having to come home they may have done. From my little experience, the best you can do is make a fuss, and then make a fuss and if that doesn't work, make a bloody fuss.
Best wishes.
Thanks Steve! I think much depend on the experience and knowledge of the clinician. A friend's wife is from Austria. After her father died her mother came to stay for a few months just to get away. She had had ulcers on both legs for years. When they played up she (my friend's wife) took her mother to see her GP. Over the following months the nurse changed the dressings regularly and the ulcers healed. Obviously there was more to it than changing dressings. The district nurses should be changing my dressing tomorrow - will they?
Michael, that looks sore! Many years ago my son got frostbite in his feet and had to have an area of the sole of his foot and big toe removed. It was reluctant to heal until he started eating high protein foods - he was allowed home for the weekend and asked for eggs, chicken, fish and drank milk, when his wound was dressed the day after he went back into hospital it had begun to heal. Honey dressings and massaging his leg with almond oil with a couple of drops of lavender essential oil also helped.
Best wishes, Jane
Thank you for your reply. I am currently in a DTA (direct to assess) bed in a care home. Despite claims of healthy nutritional meals they are the exact opposite. More like sixties' school dinners! Loads of carbs dominate. It things like chicken pie with potatoes and mover cooked veggies followed by sponge pudding and custard! Obviously as a diabetic I do not eat the dessert (well I had a small portion today as my BG was 4.6!). Part of the reason I want to get out and control my own food. More lean protein, lots more salads, etc. I had not seen "fish eyes" since school - a real "old skool" dessert!
It is really difficult when you don’t have control over your own food isn’t it, especially in the current situation where there are no visitors who can bring really healthy food in for you. Hopefully you will soon find suitable accommodation and be able to organise your own meals. Take care and hopefully your leg will heal soon too.Jane
Oh Michael, that looks painful. I hesitate to say, has anyone suggested leeches? Hope the medics can get it sorted soon xx
Hi MichaelJH. Your photo interested me and I have a suggestion.
Do you have an oxygen chamber near you where you can breath pure oxygen with increased chamber air pressure (up to 33ft)?
No medication - Oxygen is natural.
For 11 years I was 1 of 26 volunteers at my local MS Therapy centre helping to run their oxygen chambers until my cardiac problems took over. Over the time they were used for sports injuries etc., and I know of one stump repair. I witnessed near miracles at times.
You can only try. Good luck
Hang on in there buddy. Pester the shit out of them and get the treatment you require.
You don’t know me Michael but I used to follow your threads and read your replies/advice to others and learnt a lot from you. I’ve missed that.I was shocked when you lost part of your leg and I’m again shocked to see the problems you’re having.
All I can say is my thoughts and prayers are with you and I hope you see signs of improvement soon. I really do. X
Thank you! Trust you are keeping well...
Life changing problems like yoursput my ailments into perspective, so I would say I’m doing ok. Thanks for asking. X
In the last three months two people I know have died from CovID, three have had cancer operations (all clear at the moment), one friend has broken their knee and a friend's brother after being discharged from hospital flowing treatment for CovID has been readmitted with long CovID. Maybe I am OK'ish! I can do pirate impersonations! 🐦 🏴☠️
Bless you ! Pirate impersonations indeed 😊