looking to meet people who can relate. hopefully this forum can bring me some sort of assistance in a really difficult time or I can be assisting to someone else.
I've had heart issued for the last 6 weeks or so. was totally healthy 31yo prior. cardiologist said I had covid around Xmas time as I was pretty unwell at that time but wasn't tested. beginning of Feb I started getting chest pain and then it just got worse from there. heart palpitations no sleep. NHS basically left me, didn't care even though I was in agony struggling to breathe,couldn't sleep and weak. (they did however tell me to get sleep leaving me with a heart rate over 100 up to 155) I got so fed up I ended up paying to see a private cardiologist and was diagnosed with pericarditis which is damage to heart lining usually caused by infection (such as covid). the symptoms of that is chest pain and tachycardia (fast heart rate) the only way I can describe it is AWFUL. even now when I write this I'm up because I can't sleep due to pain. hence my midnight trial for a forum so I could find others like me, they claim rest will make it go away on its own but its not. there are nights when I physically cry myself to sleep in pain if I am fortunate enough to do so. night's like tonight I will stay awake to the point of exhaustion and pass out at some point. its been like this for weeks now. I've been put on beta blockers to reduce the heart rate and honestly speaking that has helped but only after 2 weeks of intense side effects.
the joys of this pandemic seem to be endless. I just live in hope that it will get better