Sorry to ask again I'm having nervous shaking feeling headache and neck ears sore lying down could this cause a bleed
Very concerned could these be side effects still have 5 mths to take them
If someone could advise me doctor thinks I'm anxious
Sorry to ask again I'm having nervous shaking feeling headache and neck ears sore lying down could this cause a bleed
Very concerned could these be side effects still have 5 mths to take them
If someone could advise me doctor thinks I'm anxious
I have not had any adverse affects of taking Ticagrelor other than bruising.
Causes of my headaches and neck aches: stress, relief of stress, arthritis, new pillow, lack is sleep. Could be blood pressure or just lack of fresh air/lack of exercise. Rather than blaming meds think of what else could be causing them. If you’re worried ring GP. Take care.
Thanks for the reassurance bp is ok think I need a new pillow what would u recommend soft or firmJust back from 3mile walk felt better beautiful day
Thanks for your help