How much Bisoprolol?....... - British Heart Fou...

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How much Bisoprolol?.......

Sconie profile image
4 Replies

Hi hubby had an AVR on 22 January 2020.... post op was arranged for 17 March, which of course was cancelled, due to Coronavirus....eventually, had post op on 11 August. The Consultant said his heart was beating very fast, infact, it was rapid, so suggested having a Cardioversion. He had to go on 8 December for pre-op and Covid test, then Cardioversion on 11 December, however, when at the pre-op, they gave him an ECG and said it wasn't as bad as was, so wouldn't do the Cardioversion, but upped his Bisoprolol from 7.5mg twice a day to 10mg twice a day. Got an appointment for 11 January 2021 for check up. What do you think? Have to say, hubby is not aware of his Artrial Fibullation, he can't feel it 'happening' if you know what I mean. Anyone else like this?


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Sconie profile image
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4 Replies
GeoffM profile image

Hi, i recently have had diagnosis of rapid AF and had a chemical cardioversion in A and E. I woke up in the night with it and also used my blood pressure machine to check and the wobbly heart came up. This prompted me to go to the doctors straightaway.

Whilst i am only 50 years old i recently lost my father so am possibly putting it down to stress

Whilst my bp machine is not as accurate as an NHS one it did show i had rapid AF and i could feel it.

I would get your husband to check on his machine if he has one.

My rapid AF was intermittant, went to doctors in Oct and ECG was normal. Then last week came on and showed on the ECG with pulse of 150.

During the experience I could feel the AF but now back to normal.

I would get your husband to go back to doctors for another ECG if he is worried. I cannot feel anything currently so i am assuming my heart has reset itself.

I have been put on 1.25mg Biprosolol and referred to cardiac team so hopefully it wont happen again but have been told if it does then straight for A and E.

In answer to your question can you have AF and not feel it I cannot say but if his pulse seems irregular however slight i would get to doctors for advice.

Hope my thoughts help a little. Never had AF before so this is all new to me

H-ar4row profile image

I suppose it depends how he feels on that amount of Bisopropol. It make me feel pretty second hand even in small amounts. Was it a cardiologist or your GP who prescribed? I thought that 10mg Bisoprolol once per day was the usual maximum, but I always hesitate to question drugs. You could speak to your pharmacist.

Greenfarm profile image

I have AF and three leaky heart valves and I started having fainting episodes. I saw my GP and she prescribed a very low dose of Bisoprolol 1.25 twice a day. It seems to have worked. My GP said they would slow my heart down so not so much stress. I very rarely get palpitations or such and then only when I am extremely stressed which is rare, thankfully. I am 78, quite active but I do get tired. I hope this helps. Take care

Prada47 profile image


10mg Bisoprolol twice a day is a big dose, now this may sound a little stupid but is that what it says on the box it came in i.e. pharmacy label ?? Just on 10mg my heart rate was down to 33 bpm and my Cardiologist wrote that he thought I may have been a tad over beta blocked !!! Maybe a call to a BHF heart nurse may be worthwhile just to put your mind at rest !!

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