Sudden withdrawl bisoprolol - British Heart Fou...

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Sudden withdrawl bisoprolol

DanniC88 profile image
37 Replies

Hi guys. Just wondering if anyone could shed some light. Cardiac physiology rang me yesterday and gave me an appointment for 2 weeks time for a treadmill/stress/exercise test. The receptionist told me to stop my bisoprolol 3 days before the test. I was wondering is it safe to just stop like that? I take 2.5mg once a day. Im on it for sinus tachy which is fast heartbeat but being looked at for broad complex tachy. Im worried that the sudden withdrawl even if it is only 3 days will have some unwanted effects.

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DanniC88 profile image
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37 Replies
Chappychap profile image

The stress test would be worse than useless if the readings were distorted by the effects of Bisoprolol. You'll be fine for three days, you should follow the guidance of the medical professionals and stop taking Bisoprolol.

Good luck for the test!

DanniC88 profile image
DanniC88 in reply to Chappychap

I agree that to a true accurate picture of whats going on i need ti be free of any meds and caffeine. I remeber having a tummy bug last year and took my bisoprolo but threw up minutes later so didnt take it again. That same evening my heart was racing, sweating, feeling like i was having a heart attack. Had to call out of hours in the end. That was one day without it! No wonder its called a stress test, trying to push me over the edge 🤣🤣🤣

DanniC88 profile image

I dont go to the gym but i like to keep fit at home and like walking alot and it does feel that these tablets slow you down, it feels lmost like your being weighed down. Its hard to move a bit quicker for some reason. If that makes sense

Rosei profile image
Rosei in reply to DanniC88

Slowing you heart down by taking Bisoprolol is the aim, occasionally I forget to to take mine and nothing happened to me.

Hatchjd profile image

Call back and explain your concerns. The Dr will want you off the medication for the test as it keeps your heart rate at a lower rate. They ideally, like to take the heart rate to 220 bpm less your age.

DanniC88 profile image
DanniC88 in reply to Hatchjd

220 minus age? So 188 wow thats very high!! I didnt know that. Is that safe 😰

Hatchjd profile image
Hatchjd in reply to DanniC88

They will only take your heart rate to the upper levels if they feel it is safe. You are attached to a 12 lead EKG that is constantly monitoring your heart rate, rhythm and blood pressure. There will be two nurses in the room with you.

The speed of the test will gradually rise to a running pace if you are able. Often when running or with exercise, your heart will reach this level normally and it is not harmful. Keep in mind your heart is a big muscle. If you have any problems at all you just ask to stop.

I had 2 stress tests last year. I am 63 y/o and my heart rate went to 176

On the 2nd test 4 weeks later following 2 coronary stents it was 165.

Your blood pressure will rise significantly also, this is normal as your heart works harder.

DanniC88 profile image
DanniC88 in reply to Hatchjd

Wow thats amazing going through all that stress on your heart and after stents.

DanniC88 profile image

Had the appointment confirmation letter through this morning and its handwritten on the bottom "stop bisoprolol 3days before".

Im guessing its definitely got to stop then.

Itsanafiblife profile image
Itsanafiblife in reply to DanniC88

I didn’t have to stop taking mine for my stress test which boggles my mind ! They said everything looked good after and I’m like but how? I’m on medication!

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to Itsanafiblife

My first stress test was done before I went on medication - I didn't last 90 seconds. The second was done after a few months on meds (once daily Bisoprolol 1.25mg+300mg aspirin) without direction to stop meds a few days before the test.

I asked about that and was told the point of the second stress test was to gauge how well the meds were working - LOL, working so very well!

Walking with my cardiologist from his exam room to the room where the stress test was done made us both laugh when he (fit, young man) had to ask me to slow down as my walking speed had improved so much since going on the meds, he couldn't keep up with me:)

Charpop profile image

I had my stress test yesterday so had to stop taking mine. I did notice a small difference in my heart rate, resting it went from early 60's to 70-75 from the first day but that's all I experienced. I took my meds with me to hospital and took them in between my treadmill test and my scan and by end of day I was getting back to normal.

Good luck 😊

Tezza66 profile image

I am on it as well and thought you weren't supposed to stop suddenly either although you are on a very low dose. I wouldn't have thought they would suggest it if it wasn't safe to do so.

DanniC88 profile image

Juat want to get it done and out the way. Then j have to wait for an MRI in the future. Get some answers then. I hope

tommywaits profile image

Hi Danni,

I thought I would relate my experience of abruptly stopping Bisoprolol last week. I am only on 1.25mg following a heart attack and stent five months ago. For the past four months I had been taking it at night, not an ideal time but I didn't like the light headedness I experienced during the first month. The day after stopping my heart rate had increased from 53 to 72 and my blood pressure by a smaller percentage and I felt uncharacteristically anxious. No doubt this was all due to increased adrenaline production. I relate this so that when you stop prior to your stress test you are prepared for and not too alarmed by any symptoms.

I read about a study in the European Heart Journal which others may be interested in. it clearly shows the benefits of taking beta blockers for 12 months after a stent. I restarted the Biprosolol after the two day break, take it during the day and now experience no lightheadedness - I assume my system adapted to it. When I do stop, probably after my next check up in six months, I will be tapering the dose, even though it is small to start with.

The reference:

DanniC88 profile image
DanniC88 in reply to tommywaits

I get that anxious feeling alot. Alot more since ive been taking it and have been on it for just over a year.

Fifimyangel profile image

Check with your gp first.

DanniC88 profile image

I guess they want me to stop it so that they can see what my heart is doing during this test without the medication in my system. I suppose that would blanket any problems they are looking for. Also no caffeine, alcohol or food for 4 hours before. Man its going a be a tough day! Not even able to have a tea or coffee. No wonder its a stress test. More like trying your patience to see what your heart does.

Mikamoo2 profile image

I had to stop taking mine for 10 days whilst having some tests recently felt fine for first few days as take a couple of days to leave your system it wasnt until day 8 that I encountered any bad symptoms as a result so fingers crossed you should be fine if for 3 days. Good luck hope all goes well

Dicky-ticker profile image

I too prior to my stress test had to stop my then dose of 1.25mg Bisoprolol. I can honestly say it really made no difference at all. Though I'm now taking 2.5mg and this hasn't altered my symptoms in anyway either 😬 Rest assured during the stress test you will be monitored, and then you can take your meds again. Good luck.

DanniC88 profile image

Well whether or not i have to stop meds. I wont last 30 seconds on a treadmill 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Tessie28 profile image
Tessie28 in reply to DanniC88

Yes you will! I did my final rehab assessment on one on Wednesday. Yes, wearing a mask is tricky but I had my rehab face to face so always wore one.

beamish21 profile image

I wouldn't fancy doing it while wearing a mask.

DanniC88 profile image

Oh i know! The sweat pouring off me with my bright red face and ginger hair! At least i can hide behind the mask

Misstibbs profile image

Sadly my hospital has stopped doing stress tests which I was keen to have to measure where I am in recovery so make the most if you can

qp3usavk profile image

I was taken down from 15 mgs to 10 mgs (immediately, without tapering ) of Bisoprolol aftee a successful cardioversion a few months ago. About 5 days after, I started having terrible headaches/migraines all day, every day. But after 2 weeks on my reduced dose, I felt fine and the headaches miraculously stopped. You are on a tiny dose anyway and 3 days without it shouldn't make any difference. I want to reduce my dose further after Xmas as I haven't re-started playing my beloved tennis. But I'm having an eye operation under local anaesthetic in 2 weeks so don't want to tamper with it until the recovery from that is complete. Good luck with the test: you will be fine!

Surreychica_1 profile image

Me too. I stopped taking it. I was moving like a snail and felt awful the whole time. It also caused me to have ectopic beats far worse than I have now. It was only after a few days that I noticed the optopics beats were much better and I only noticed a few every now and again, also it gave me a dry mouth which let to my getting ulcers. What a relieve to come off of them.

Papabear752 profile image

I had the same request and because of my pacemaker and its reliance on the beta blocker to control my upper heart beat my heart beat at rest was at 160. This caused quite a panic in the cardiac centre and resulted in a stay in hospital until my heart beat went below 100.

DanniC88 profile image

I can imagine it did cause a panic! Thats very high at rest.

DanniC88 profile image

I might take the bisoprolol to the hospital with me and take it when ive finished the test. Wont find out the result until MRI is completed and then consultant will call me back to clinic and discuss their findings. I am glad that during these difficult times that some clinics remain open,.

Also a massive thanks to the messages and support on here, its amazing! Like a little community of heart buddies ❤

Handel profile image

Hi Danni. My husband had to come off Bisoprolol 2.5mg for 3 days before his stress test too. Can't say he noticed being off the drug. He was asked to take his pills with him. We thought he was going to have to take his Bisoprolol after the test - but no ... the cardiologist dropped the dose to 1.25mg and he's been on that dose ever since (that was 2 years ago).

All the very best to you. Keep us posted xxxxx

DanniC88 profile image

Thats good, how is he doing in the lower dose?

DanniC88 profile image

Hopefully doing it once will be enough

shellarc profile image

I was taken off Bisoprolol, just stopped, admittedly it was changed for something else but I noticed no side effects.

I used to read all the patients notes that came with medication but now I don't read the side effects bit unless I think something is wrong. I think if I know them then its in my head and its often psychosomatic and I would end up with all of them :)

DanniC88 profile image
DanniC88 in reply to shellarc

Thats a good poiny actually

DanniC88 profile image


TroublewithAF profile image

Was only on 1.25 mg but I stepped downthe dosage and completely off for 6 weeks (now 5 months after an ablation). All the mucus tissues have recovered the dryness in the lungs was the most noticeable effect . I felt like I couldn't even jog 50 metres, now full of energy even if November isn't the most inspiring month. No other withdrawl symptoms for me. Definitely saw the effect of the drug in the first couple of months suppressed all the stress hormones,. Quite useful for staying calm in the pandemic, but the soreness in the lung tissues makes one more wary. 'Is it COVID or just what I'm taking'

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