I had a mild heart attack in 2017 and currently take Amlodipine, Atorvastatin, Ramipril and low dose aspirin. My doctor wants me to take lansozaprole, supposedly to protect my stomach from the long term effect of aspirin. I don't like the look of the side effects and so far haven't taken it. Does anyone have experience taking it with their heart meds? I can't find any reference online as to taking it fir this purpose.
Heart meds and Lansozaprole - British Heart Fou...
Heart meds and Lansozaprole

Hi. Lansoprazole is taken as a means of preventing stomach ulcers. Stomach ulcers can be caused by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - aspirin is one such drug.
I'm on a daily aspirin and a daily lansoprazole to prevent the aspirin causing a stomach ulcer.
Here's a link to the NHS pages of lansoprazole(I have none of the side effects mentioned) and the causes of stomach ulcers.
Hi Lesley,
I underwent OHS for Aortic Valve replacement with an accompanying aortic root graft in July and was prescribed Lansoprazole along with 8 other meds initially.
At my 6 week review I was taken of lansoprazole as the remaining meds were 80mg aspirin/1.25 Bisoprolol and 10mg statin. My understanding was that the lansoprazole suppressed stomach acid production as other drugs (including aspirin) erode stomach lining - I can't say I noticed any side effects of lansoprasole whilst taking it, nor disappearing when I stopped.
There is a good leaflet on the BHF web-site describing the whys & wherefores of most heart medications that may help inform your conversation with the doctor.
All the best
I had a double bypass last summer. I'm on Bisoprolol, Ramipril, Atorvastatin, Aspirin and, to protect my stomach, Lansoprazole . No known side effects.
I'm on edoxaban, bisoprolol, ramipril and atorvastatin, all prescribed by cardiology. GP added lansoprazole, but it gave me bad diarrhoea so he told me to stop taking it and diarrhoea stopped. No alternative prescribed and no noticeable stomach problems, yet.
On the other hand..... I cannot tolerate Lansoprozole or indeed any other PPI. Fortunately I don't have an issue with aspirin and take all my medication with my morning cereal followed by a cup of tea.
You will need to try Lansoprozole and see if it suits you. There are alternative PPIs as well as coated aspirin and a number of alternative blood thinning drugs. There should be a combination that suits you.
Thanks - I always try to get the coated aspirin from a pharmacist, as the surgery only give out the non coated pills. I was on ticagrelor for 18 months for some reason, that was not a good one for me as I bruised so easily and I was very happy to be taken off them.
I am surprised that your GP does not prescribe coated aspirin. My brother was prescribed it for a period before his medication was changed. By the way, my GP's response to my intolerance of PPIs was to prescribe Peptac, a weaker and cheaper version of Gaviscon. Somewhere along the line it got dropped off my prescription.
No problems with it for me.
I used to take it years ago and had no ill effects at all. Unfortunately I developed an allergy to PPIs so can't now take it and have an alternative. Better to take it than risk a stomach bleed
i was taking omaprazole as also on 75mg daily aspirin.. side effects was terrible..already suffer from diverticulitis and was made a lot worse by the PPI.. was actually prescribed by a non cardiac consultant on one of my hospital stays.. when i received a call from my Cardiologist and explained sude effects he immediately told me to stop taking the omaprazole.. no more side effects
Hi Lesley. I have been taking Lansoprazole for 7 years since an MI and subsequent diagnosis of heart failure with a low ejection fraction. My other medications are Aspirin, Eplerenone, Ivabradine, Ramipril and Atorvastatin. None of these have been changed since I started taking them all after discharge from hospital. I read up on all the side effects at first but not noticed any significant effects on my system or any significant changes over the years. Annual blood tests show no concerns and cholesterol is significantly lower so everything seems to be working OK for me. Unless new symptoms occur I am happy to follow the original prescription. Your doctor is likely following standard procedure which works for most people. I appear to be one of them.
Hi, I've been on Lanzoprazole and Clopidogrel, (together with Candesartin and Rosouvostatin ), for the p[ast 17 years. Off and on, now on, I've also had Asprin in addition for a year after each stenting. I've had no problems. There may have been a few side effects at the start, I can't remember, but all settled and I'm happy to continue as I suffered from bleeding from the stomach wall, leading to severe anaemia requiring a very lengthy blood transfusion, after being put on both blood thinners. Every person is different in their tolerances, but if your doctor wishes to prescribe it it is worth giving it a go.
I have been taking 30mg Lansozaprole since my heart attack in June, I found it caused horrendous diarrhoea ! Now on 10 mg Omeprazole and everything has settled down.
I can’t say I’ve noticed any side effects from taking them