Isosorbide mononitrate XL potential s... - British Heart Fou...

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Isosorbide mononitrate XL potential side effects

MrsDoubtfire74 profile image
21 Replies


My partner has been confined to bed for the last few months with exhaustion, chest/back pain and being unable to eat. She was eventually admitted to hospital last month with dehydration and after a week of tests the cause of her illness is still unconfirmed. Her symptoms do point towards CFS but while in hospital she was prescribed a 25mg dose of Isosorbide for the pain in her chest, back and shoulder. All ECGs and echo have come back as normal. A CT scan showed her heart to be healthy and free of calcification and she is now awaiting the angio CT scan to rule out any problems with her arteries. The heart consultant feels only some of her symptoms point towards a heart issue and that other aspects don't fit. So the dose of Isosorbide is prescribed as a precautionary measure. The problem she has is that her pain was never relieved by the tablet (and was constant). In fact it became unbearable, especially burning into her shoulder and neck. We read about the possible side effects and we saw that back, shoulder and neck pain were listed. Her GP was less than helpful and told her pretty much that she had been prescribed that drug so either put up with it or go without. So she's going without and the pain remains but on a lesser scale than when she was taking the tablet.

Has anyone had a similar experience with side effects with this tablet? Or issues after stopping the tablet.


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MrsDoubtfire74 profile image
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21 Replies
Smileyian profile image

I do hope she gets better but no nothing about that drug except what it is prescribed for. We would be interested in what her diagnosis is, if it is nor cardiac related. Best wishes

MrsDoubtfire74 profile image
MrsDoubtfire74 in reply to Smileyian

Thank you

bantam12 profile image

Has she had full thyroid and antibody tests ? hypothyroidism is often misdiagnosed as CFS.

MrsDoubtfire74 profile image
MrsDoubtfire74 in reply to bantam12

Yes she's had bloods done on numerous occasions and they're all fine. Full body CT & MRI clear. It's very frustrating.

isobelhannah18 profile image

Have you thought about stomach acid? That can cause awful pain. You both really need to keep pestering G.P. until she gets some answers. Is there another G.P. or a nurse practitioner ( not a practice nurse) that she can see?

MrsDoubtfire74 profile image
MrsDoubtfire74 in reply to isobelhannah18

Yes she's taking 2 omeprazole daily for her stomach. With regards to the GP we always get the same one. She refuses to come out even though we'll be booked for a home visit. Her attitude is that my partner has to go there (which she can't, she can barely make it to the bathroom). So all correspondence is over the phone and it's always her (her attitude being that my partner needs to pull herself together) so we feel like we're absolutely stuffed without anyone to turn to right now.

isobelhannah18 profile image
isobelhannah18 in reply to MrsDoubtfire74

At my surgery you can request a particular G.P. as long as you're prepared to wait a couple of weeks. Could you try this?

MrsDoubtfire74 profile image
MrsDoubtfire74 in reply to isobelhannah18

I have written a letter to one of the GPs appealing for help. Fingers crossed.

shellarc profile image

How much does she weigh?

shellarc profile image

Maybe you missed my question - how much does she weigh?

shellarc profile image

Fromm the fact that you have not replied to my question, may I infer that your partner weighs more, maybe much more than they should?

If this is the case then I suggest losing weight as a first priority, almost all ill health can be affected by being overweight.

Face up to it, fight it and lose weight.

If weight is not an issue - then good, let me know.

MrsDoubtfire74 profile image
MrsDoubtfire74 in reply to shellarc

Obviously it hasn't occurred to you that maybe I've had more important matters to tend to (like an extremely poorly partner for the last 48 hours) than answer an extremely blunt and quite frankly rude question.

With regards to her weight, actually that's non of your business. But rest assured the only issue with her weight is the fact that she struggles to eat and actually needs to gain. Does that mean she's entitled to suffer again or is it still her own fault she's like this?

I created this post to ask for help because she is struggling, through no fault of her own. I assumed I would be met by like minded people. I wasn't aware we were here to be abused.

With regards to the fact that you felt compelled to fat shame my partner, may I infer that you would benefit from a lesson in manners.

Prada47 profile image

I can't quite see how you have come to the over weight part of your reply !!. I think you have been a little blunt. The question was about Isosorbide which is used as an Angina Preventer I can't see any mention of overweight. I was prescribed Isosorbide and I wasn't overweight !!!

Wash Face Space

Fluffybee profile image

Hi MrsDoubtfire74

I was prescribed the same meds as your partner right at the beginning of having chest pain, then doubled a couple of months on as it wasn’t doing much.

I haven’t had any symptoms the same.

I really feel for you hat you cannot get a Dr out to see your partner at home, must be soooo frustrating for you, how on earth else are they expecting to do an examination that is obviously needed and bloods etc.

Good luck with getting to the bottom of it, let us know how you get on.

Wish I could be of more help 😊

MrsDoubtfire74 profile image
MrsDoubtfire74 in reply to Fluffybee

Thank you x

shellarc profile image

The reason I mention weight is becuase people forget to take it into account when trying to work out what the problem is. Not fat shaming. Just reminding people not to forget it matters.

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to shellarc

I see where you are coming from But without a lead in from the original poster I thought your reply could be perceived a little blunt !!

Wash Face Space

isobelhannah18 profile image
isobelhannah18 in reply to shellarc

Being overweight can cause gastric reflux. It's also an important factor in lots of diseases including heart disease. The question was too blunt because people on here are vulnerable but it was relevant.

Dingledaw profile image
Dingledaw in reply to shellarc

Please don't assume large bodied people are overweight due to some sort of ignorance or moral failure.Conditions like lipoedema are said to affect approx 1 in 10 women and some men and are extremely rarely diagnosed and even if, there is no treatment avaliable under the NHS and nothing effective in UK. This fat is not obesity and cannot be removed by diet.

There are hormonal reasons for fat gain and retention. The body itself acts to protect the fat. 95% of diets fail: not because the person didn't achieve the weight reduction but because body chemistry countered by restoring the "lost" fat and then adding on some more as a safety margin. Over the long term, the more successful the dieter, the more the gains over a lifetime.

There are also genetic differences between people. Some have inherited from lineages where there were famines and their existence is owed to a genetic predisposition to store fat . One single famine ancestrally (or diet) can activate fat storage.

There are subconscious protective measures too with so much VAWG going unchallenged.

Exposure to environmental toxins ( eg air pollution, food packaging, food additives) can change a person's hormones causing weight gain. Also some bodies act to avoid liver or kidney overload by packaging the toxin in fat for later processing. It's the environment causing the problem.

Likewise there are people who are extremely thin and not anorexic nor malnourished.

There are some very poorly informed judgemental people vilifying others in the media, and medical arenas who should know better. In a nutshell, we can refrain from making assumptions and recognise that almost everybody wants to enjoy best health, that their choices may be the same as the fittest and healthiest among us, but the outcomes are not the same.

shellarc profile image

It wasn't meant to be rude blunt just to the point blunt:)

MrsDoubtfire74 profile image
MrsDoubtfire74 in reply to shellarc

It was rude. Incredibly rude. Smiley face or no smiley face !

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