Has anyone had severe heart damage with ef 31 but improved their ef without icd and only meds I would like to hear plz if anyone has improved and wh they did thank you
Ef : Has anyone had severe heart damage... - British Heart Fou...

I hope you feeling ok now mine was from a heart attack four years ago althou I have alwaz eaten healthy and good bp heart rate but I was having side affects without realizing to some medication I took which caused the ha every day I want to live my life normal but alwaz that fear when they said oh heart is severe damaged but carry on but Mayb u need a icd I otherwise feel fine and walk everyday thank you for your reply
Yes, I was diagnosed in October 2018 with an EF in low to mid 30s. With medication and a few lifestyle changes my EF was around 50 in October 2019.
I'm due another echocardiogram now to check progress. This is happening on Sunday. It was due April time. I've had a severe arthritis flare up during lockdown and was unable to access treatment for months. I am worried this may of affected my heart negatively, but I'll know soon.
Wishing you all the best please let us know how you are hopefully everything will be fine i last saw cardio in March and not heard from anyone since accept he said in March to see if in sept go into detail about a icd I hope that with your words of encouragement that my ef has improved
Yasyass, if your cardiologist is happy to wait until September to discuss an ICD for you, it says to me at least he has confidence in your being able to care for yourself in the meantime. Six months is a long time to 'be on hold' but it is a reassuring thought that he trusts your ability to manage for that long a time.
Do you feel your EF is improving?
Hi Yasyass, I was diagnosed ln May lady year with EF of 25%. I have been on meds ever since, feeling much better and I am having another echo in September to find out if there is EF improvement. I will let you know!!!
I had a H/A just over 7 weeks ago, had one stent fitted in my completely blocked left artery. I was told 48 hours later that I had severe heart damage and an EF of 30. I could barely walk more than a few steps without gasping for breath. Now 7 weeks on I'm exercising every other day, hardly any breathlessness, back to doing all of my housework, and have lost over 1.5 stones. Tomorrow is the big day for me....I have my follow up echo and then see the cardiologist. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that there's a good improvement in my heart's workings and that an ICD won't be necessary at this point! I'll let you know what difference the meds and lifestyle changes have made to my EF. Take care of yourself.
Hi, my Ef was 29 in september last year had a echo about 3 weeks ago came back as 46 i was so happy, really if i'm honest its the med's that have helped me i've not really changed my lifestyle as i should have done ( got other long term disability's), i have dcm and hf i also had a angiogram done 2 weeks ago that came back clear so no coronary heart disease thankfully i am 50 years old.