Hi all
I had an echo last June which showed EF at 35%, dilated LV also have LBBB. Since diagnosis been given meds, Entresto 49/51mg, Spironolactone 1/2 tablet, Nebivolol 1.25mg (1 a day), Dapagliflozin 10mg. I had another echo last week and the results came back as EF 30 - 35%!
No improvement at all, the Dr thinks its to do with LBBB and has referred me for another CMRI for June - August time.
Has anyone else had this, I really hoped things had improved from reading how amazing Entresto could be, obviously I realise one size does not fit all but still feel concerned non the less.
Also wondering if it's anything I am doing - as mad as that may sound.
If anyone has been in/or is in a similar situation would be great to hear from you.
Thank you 😀