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Has anyone had successful results for Silent Reflux

Mistymorningstar profile image

Hi Guys, have had silent reflux for over 20 years whilst treated for chest infections, virus's, and over 12 years of asthma. Chronic cough especially on rising, inability to swallow certain foods, the need to clear my throat constantly, and slowly the loss of my original theatrical voice, are not symptoms of asthma. Lansoprazole and other similar medications have had no effect, and now surgery has been recommended as i have barrett's. Has anyone else issues with silent reflux and how are you managing if medication has not worked.

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Mistymorningstar profile image
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34 Replies
Placebolove profile image

Hi, I've suffered for years too. Things that help me are slippery elm, mastic gum deglycyrrhized liquorice. Propping the end of the bed up a few inches helped. Obviously diet plays a big part, but even eating properly and bland doesn't prevent the reflux sadly. Hope things improve for you soon.


Mistymorningstar profile image
Mistymorningstar in reply toPlacebolove

Hi Simon, thank you for your reply and recommendations, much appreciated. I have had my bed raised which surprisingly enough was quite effective. I also bought the book written by Dr Johnathan Aviv, which recommends not eating anything below PH balance 5. Have written down what you have found of benefit and shall see how it works for me. Thank you, Lucia

Vanilla88 profile image

I’ve suffered with this for 20 years having a recent endoscopy showed a number of ulcers in my oesophagus Omeprazole stops the acid but not the reflux however I have stopped drinking alcohol and this has stopped the reflux at night. I’ve been 3 months now without a problem unless I have a drink of alcohol or eat late. Whilst I’m still over weight I’m hoping to lose a bit to see if this also helps,

Kristicats profile image

For me avoiding milky drinks ( using lacto free milk now) and cutting down on the spices.🤞🤞

Mistymorningstar profile image
Mistymorningstar in reply toKristicats

Fantastic!! its obviously not as serious as with some where they have to resort to surgery.

Hi Misty, It sounds like you may have a hiatal hernia. What does your doctor say? That is your first step. I've been dealing with this for over half my life so far (I'm 84). For a comfortable life, there are a few things that I have learned to do: get serious about weight control, after eating dinner (evening meal), stay vertical for at least two hours before going to bed, invest in a hospital type bed that is adjustable (very important), no midnight "snacks". After all this, there still may be a problem sometimes. I take care of that with "Picot", (located next to alka seltzer) with about 6 or 8 ounces of water. I get almost instant relief if I've stayed away from food. If that doesn't work, I just wait it out. I figure I have to done some paying for a misspent youth. For the cough, I use Halls "Intense Relief" or "Maximum Strength". These have maximum menthol. Anything else and you're just joking. The other Halls are just candy. good luck and let me know how it works out for you.

in reply to

typo above

Kristicats profile image
Kristicats in reply to

It’s funny to me when you say you take cough sweets for gerd as I take rennies often to stop a cough!

Mistymorningstar profile image
Mistymorningstar in reply toKristicats

I took them purely by accident in the midst of a coughing fit (reflux causes constant chronic cough) when i was on a bus and it helped. Your cough then must be acid related, is that so?

Kristicats profile image
Kristicats in reply toMistymorningstar

It seems to me that acid reflux seems to start the coughing then that turns into a flare up. I know cough sweet , strepsils etc make my throat worse. Sips of ice cold water help me at night when I get it and a couple of rennies,

Mistymorningstar profile image
Mistymorningstar in reply toKristicats

Yes and it comes unexpectedly, you could be driving, sitting in a theatre, on a bus, and you go into this coughing fit which is horrendous. Especially now with the Covid virus, if i start coughing in my back garden my neighbours run indoors - seriously, i even said to them, instead of running for the hills why don't you ask me what is the nature of my cough and i would tell you. Nightmare !! The coughing is intense hence reason for trying to grab asap anything i have in my bag to ease it, and cough sweets do help for a while, at least I don't have to pull over or get off the bus.

Kristicats profile image
Kristicats in reply toMistymorningstar

Luckily I only get a cough when I get a exacerbation . Then it’s non stop for around 10-14 days.

Mistymorningstar profile image
Mistymorningstar in reply toKristicats

Coughing non stop for 10 - 14 days is a long time to be in such discomfort. Your neck glands must be really painful. I wonder what was the cause, in my case I've never drank finding alcohol either too sweet or acidic, though i loved my sharp flavours, chillies especially and cooked with them often. But not one for junk foods. Strange isn't it how for most its not a problem but for some its a life changer.

in reply toKristicats

The particular cough drops l use are for the menthol, which is an anesthesia, and is made in Canada. Whatever is a "Rennie"?

Kristicats profile image
Kristicats in reply to

It’s just a minty calcium type sweet much like tums.

Mistymorningstar profile image
Mistymorningstar in reply toKristicats

Yes you're probably right, though i have not used Tums. M

Mistymorningstar profile image
Mistymorningstar in reply to

Hello again, Rennie's work to relieve the symptoms of heartburn, and indigestion, it contains antacid to neutralise excess stomach acid. M

Mistymorningstar profile image
Mistymorningstar in reply to

I am so sorry for not replying sooner, no idea how I missed you as I answer all my emails but today have noticed that there are 3 that I haven't got back to, not something I would do. No I don't have hiatal hernia but have Barretts and am awaiting surgery, though it's been cancelled 3 times due to the Covid. Your comment on weight control is relevant as in lockdown I have put on weight. Not one to go jogging (an ex para, gym enthusiast, and played squash for 15 years 3 times a week) and in this weather - even gardening has been put on hold. My prob also is that I am low blood sugar, though not diabetic, so cannot go long when up without eating. The upright bed has helped, surprised it's been the most effective, meds haven't nor has Gaviscon Advance. So glad that you seem to be on top of it all, kind regards and thank you. Keep well Misty

Mistymorningstar profile image

Thank you for your reply and recommendations. I too found that cough sweets do help, and most of what you have mentioned i am familiar with and do as well - but as i have never been a drinker as I don't like the taste of alcohol finding it too sweet or too acidic i have no idea why i have it so bad. Having had 3 specialists confirming what i have during different investigations i now am facing surgery once this virus subsides and things get back to a more normal pace. My diagnosis is Silent Reflux which has been misdiagnosed as Asthma, though symptoms totally different. My son is considering getting me a hospital bed as well, though at the mo the raised bed is doing fine. Thank you again for your time and input, much appreciated. Keep doing what you are doing as it seems to be working for you. Kind regards Misty

in reply toMistymorningstar

I recommend staying away from the cough sweets, like l said. Use the ones I suggest for the menthol. Werks for me.🤕

Mistymorningstar profile image
Mistymorningstar in reply to

I certainly shall, and have made a purchase from Amazon, thank you. Misty

Tinker2015 profile image
Tinker2015 in reply toMistymorningstar

Just seen your post Regarding silent reflux. I. Started back in 2014 Jan. took me sometime to figure out what it was. I never hardly get indigestion I did a lot of research on this and I found out that the ppl drugs are not much help. It’s pepsin that gets aspirated if that’s the word when you burp it’s this that causes the damage. I was once recommended to take Gaviscon advance as this is ideal for LPR recently just started Amlodipine and this is causing me trouble a bit I think. Over the years I let it slip my diet but not really suffered any problems. Can I ask do you get ear problems with it like when you swallow it’s tender abit well feels like it

Mistymorningstar profile image
Mistymorningstar in reply toTinker2015

So sorry tinker for not replying, its only now when someone else has that I have seen your contribution, sincere apologies. My main and only symptom is a chronic cough which rips my throat to pieces, there is also a need for throat clearing. I self diagnosed myself 20 years ago but it was ignored and was told I have asthma. No I don't have ear problems when swallowing nor do I burp - I just get this gurgling sound in the throat and am terrified of tooth damage. No meds have helped and surgery has been cancelled 3 times due to Covid. Please keep in touch regarding any progress. Take care Misty.

Tinker2015 profile image
Tinker2015 in reply toMistymorningstar

Hi nice to hear from you since my last post I now take digestive enzymes as when your older you don’t have enough enzymes to digest your food so it’s sitting there. I wouldn’t be without my Gaviscon advance. No problems apart from one morning I suddenly started to cough it must have been a reflux on my lungs. But on the whole no symptoms as far as I know my throat is fine no swelling no phlegm build up I don’t drink alcholol don’t really eat too late at night bed propped up. So far ok

Mistymorningstar profile image
Mistymorningstar in reply toTinker2015

Glad the Gaviscon Advance has made such a difference - unfortunately not with me. Thanks for sharing and long may you feeling better - continue. Best wishes Misty

TuckBox2 profile image

I suffered 30+ years of GERD, It affected my asthma, I kept losing my voice, it was the acid burning my vocal chords, it ruined by back teeth. I went through all the meds, some helped most didn't I was on Esomeprazole (Nexium) and Renitadine.

I had a Nissan Laprascopic Fundoplication in 2009, this has helped reduce all my symptoms tremendously, I was 3 days in hospital, 3 weeks off work (usually 2) 6 weeks soft food diet.

I still avoid spicy foods, I have raised the head of my bed and sleep mostly on my left side.

I have had no problems with reflux since, I only have problems with my voice when I have changed my asthma meds.

Nissan Laparascopic Fundoplication
Mistymorningstar profile image
Mistymorningstar in reply toTuckBox2

Hi there Tuck, thank you so much for sharing. I have had misdiagnosed Reflux for over 20 years, self diagnosed it via Google but was told by the doctors over and over "Not to be silly" and was treated for chest infections and other bits and then over 12 years of asthma. My most obvious symptom was/still is a chronic cough. Did you have a cough? This worries me as I am aware that as no meds have worked to ease this, I may be heading for throat cancer. I have worked in therapy over the years and have met people with throat cancer and the chemo destroys your teeth and eventually you die. My surgery has been postponed 3 times due to Covid, and I am coughing so bad all the time that all the glands around my neck ache. I have raised the bed, Gaviscon advance does not help - though I do take it at night, and chew gum - that helps. But due to the chronic cough I am unable to catch public transport (freak other passengers out) and cannot drive (exhale more than inhale - so come over dizzy) and like you avoid spicy food, never been a drinker but like the occasional wine - no more, and also sleep on my left side. So glad that you are feeling the benefit of surgery, take care and best wishes, Misty

TuckBox2 profile image

I too stopped drinking as it seemed to cause reflux flare ups, stopped smoking 30+ years ago as I had a constant cough, then diagnosed with asthma.

After having a few problems losing my voice when changing asthma meds I found doubling up on the antacid meds seemed to help with my voice problems, asthma problems and the reflux problems I had further examinations which led to the surgery which has helped the most.

Mistymorningstar profile image
Mistymorningstar in reply toTuckBox2

Fantastic that you have found a solution - thanks for sharing. My surgery has been cancelled 3 times due to the Covid - take care Misty

Acidaccount77 profile image

I don't know if I have "silent " acid attacks I only ever seem to be aware of discomfort in the gut at night when laying down - I have had all the ultra sound and endoscopy tests after having a weird experience of like stones in my chest strange stinging pains.This happened over 12 months ago - all was clear but the specialist said he thought I had a 'sensitive ' stomach - I had not been able to take PPI's all I was given I seemed to react to - at least the two they tried I had begun slightly sooner then this after having Lansoperosol- and becoming ill with what had seemed like a tummy bug - I had very raised amylase after being given a test in A&E at Christmas in 2018 which was thought to have been gastroenteritis- but a doctor in the family said I had more likely cleared out my good bacteria and caught a bug after having Lansoperosol- ( apparently one can react to this PPI badly) however the finding of the raised amylase pointed to my pancreas in some way or gall stones however all the above mentioned tests were negative - only last year 2010 did I have one episode of mild chest pain and some features of lower left rib pain which was pointing again at my pancreas being a problem - Nothing was done but I was booked to have a CT scan - not had this yet .

my acid at night never goes away - the specialist was happy for me to continue to take Gaviscon as and when - this as and when is every night ( I take only one tablet of Gaviscon and its all fine ) - its as if the smooth muscle responds to this treatment well so I just live with it

I am not good at avoiding eating just something late at night - as I guess I should try to - I do use raised pillows this helps a bit - I think I am sensitive to things I have like tonic water or a fizzy water before bed or even avocado on a crisp bread - and certainly any chilli food - but I try only to avoid extremely spicy food - I try to reintroduce a little but generally avoid the culprits and eat healthily but still its there !

I don't think a CT scan will do any good at this stage because I am now not showing issues with my pancreas - I avoid sugar type foods cakes and biscuits etc and try to avoid triggers like chocolate - but its always a thought that I am having more acid than I can actually feel and I do fear that its doing some harm to my insides - I never have the sensation that I have acid higher up than that gut - but I have heard of silent reflux.

I have wondered if I have IBS or even celiac disease - but I am not losing weight etc

IBS is possible and given that my father died of bowel cancer and his father stomach cancer I realise I might be on track for something like this - My dad did say he had a "sensitive stomach " - ironic really because he never saw a doctor about that - and at 80 he thought he had begun with IBS - turned out not to be


Mistymorningstar profile image
Mistymorningstar in reply toAcidaccount77

Hi again, the consultant mentioned a couple of times that I must raise my bed, and having got two strong me indoors bed was raised by putting a large long log under the bed at head level. Raised pillows do not make a difference, a raised bed and then a couple of pillows do. Only prob is that you will end up sliding down the bed during the night as the bed is not geared to be positioned this way. My bed also now has a dip in the middle. Just thought I would mention this - have your bed raised. If I didn't pay so much for my bed, Id get an orthopaedic bed which can be raised when needed. But meanwhile the raised bed helps. Best wishes, take care.

Acidaccount77 profile image

I am just coming back to you on your silent reflux and the loss of voice etc ..I know you will have to have your procedure and treatment for your ongoing issues with acid - and its not a Speech and Language Therapist's area given the underlying causes however I wonder if there would be some benefit from you having advice on good vocal hygiene -

If you can avoid over clearing of your throat - ? I know this may be impossible but if you could refrain or more gently throat clear this would support your voice

If you could avoid cough sweets and other irritants this would help too - this includes checking that you are not sleeping in an overly dry atmosphere too - being upright helps to prevent acid moving upwards to the vocal folds and higher, Left side sleeping ( I find I have to do this for my night time acid ) -

Honey may be a soothing substance also healing is eating banana and avocado foods this may even protect your oesophagus

Coughing is an automatic response I do realise this however if you can work at trying to reduce the ferocity of your cough you may begin to lessen the impact on your voice.

Breathing exercises and mindfulness would also help this. - just a thought !

Sorry if you have tried all - and I wish you well with your treatment you've put up with such a lot !

Mistymorningstar profile image
Mistymorningstar in reply toAcidaccount77

Thank you so much for going to all this trouble and detail, it is much appreciated. Yes you are right, in my despair have tried everything and nothing works, hence awaiting surgery. Forgot to mention I have been diagnosed with Barret's though minor (so the doctor said trying to pacify my shocked reaction but for me its like saying - sorry madam but you're slightly pregnant) so should have had surgery but due to Covid not yet. I hardly clear my throat as live alone and no need to be talking much but my cough is chronic to the point that at times I am physically sick. I don't know its coming, it just erupts and more so in the morning because I am hungry. I have never had belching or burping, its all up top in the throat area only. Thank you for your good wishes, and my sincere best wishes to you to.

Columbo70 profile image

see my recent post, i think i have silent reflux or Laryngopharyngeal reflux. It was helpful for me to read replies to your posting. How are you now?

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