Last night in hospital emergency - British Heart Fou...

British Heart Foundation

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Last night in hospital emergency

QasimRaza profile image
49 Replies

Last night i did walk and then i geel my heart is stoping. Then heart beat become fast. I cannot speak because i was feeling presure on my heart. I go to emergency hospital. They took my serial ecgs. Please anyone of u explsin what is problem in my ECG. I am attaching these.


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QasimRaza profile image
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49 Replies
SPV123 profile image

Hi, I really don't think anyone on this site is qualified to read your ECG results, I suggest you contact your GP, hope you feel better soon though.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

Hi Raza, the people here are a peer-to-peer support group for those with or related to those with heart problems. I do not believe there is a professional cardiologist among them. Did you ever ring the BHF nurses as suggested a few months ago - I imagine not. Why not ring them about your issues and if they want to see it you could email them the ECG (the image here is not that good). Cheers, MichaelJH...

Yasyass profile image

Hi don’t think anyone is qualified to read them and no one will because u need to see a gp the group can only say wh they have of their own experiences wishing u the best and I’m sure if you did the ecg in hospital a gp would have explained to you the results

QasimRaza profile image
QasimRaza in reply to Yasyass

Yes sir... i agree with u and thankful to u. But main reason is here nothing is free in our country. The intitutes or organization who treats free ...they give along waiting time. Same dr when they check on their private clinics they check throughly. Because there they hsve not much pstients. Alase i have to say education and health department is business in Pakistan.

Here i apriciate u all people who give me good suggestion and encourage me. I want to write about my experience . I want to eloborate my life. I want to tell youngsters that they dont do those things what i did. But first my english is not good second i dont know any forum where i can talk. Please if u know inform me. I want to make of u become friend like a human.


Diver2 profile image
Diver2 in reply to QasimRaza

Pay the money and speak to a electrophysiologist to discuss your EKG

Sensei_Mark profile image

I think the previous replies are spot on.

Even my cardiologist told me that a 30 second ecg tells them very little unless you have a really serious issue.

My cardiologist did an ecg, then an ultrasound. That told him much more.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

Raza, my resting ECG was perfectly normal despite four arteries between 70% and 85% blocked. In fact I was a ticking time bomb! The fact your symptoms came on when walking suggest an Exercise ECG could be quite revealing. An echocardiogram, also previously mentioned, and by Sensei_Mark , could also be beneficial. Both are simple non-invasive tests.

QasimRaza profile image
QasimRaza in reply to MichaelJH

Sir i cannot walk or run on treadmill hoe i can fo sn exercise ecg. This ecg i send was taken when i walk one mile and after 20 mint i was in hospital. And as for you ask to talk with bhf nurse i told u call from

Pk to uk is expensive. I cannot afford it. I request all you people do u know any orginization that can help me and send me abroad for check up. Because day by day i my going down and weak . Please help me . And ask your other friends about this kind or organization.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to QasimRaza

Raza, you can also email the BHF nurses so why not do this? An Exercise ECG starts from nothing and is stopped if and when your heart gets distressed. The ECG shows the side developing. Having an ECG after exercising is not an Exercise ECG. An Exercise ECG and Echocardiogram are simple non-invasive tests. Why not have them done instead of continually putting up barriers?

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to QasimRaza

So Raza, we are a day on. Have you now emailed the BHF nurses as suggested?

QasimRaza profile image
QasimRaza in reply to MichaelJH

Plz give me bhf nurse email address

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to QasimRaza

If you didn't know it you should have asked this morning. You do need to motivate yourself more. It is important and how people here get themselves to follow healthy diets and exercise.

Thr email address is I expect you to report back shortly to say you have emailed them.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to QasimRaza

You are four hours ahead of us. Can I assume you have now sent the email?

QasimRaza profile image
QasimRaza in reply to MichaelJH

Yes sir i send them. They snswer due to covid 19 they r busy. They will answer me as soon as possible.

QasimRaza profile image
QasimRaza in reply to MichaelJH

This is their reply

Due to the coronavirus we are currently experiencing a high volume of calls and emails and this may affect the time it takes to respond to your inquiry. We will do our best to get back to you within 3 days but it may take us longer due to the demand on the service.

For more information on Coronavirus and what it means for you and if you have heart and circulatory disease go to :

Here are links to other areas that may help you:

Gov uk webpage:

Social distancing advice for vulnerable adults:

NHS 111 coronavirus:

If you are experiencing chest pain or think you may be having a heart attack or stroke, please seek medical attention immediately by calling 999 for an ambulance.

Kind Regards,

The Heart Helpline Team

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to QasimRaza

Okey dokey! Update us when you get a reply...

QasimRaza profile image
QasimRaza in reply to MichaelJH

This is answer of cardiac nurse

Dear Syed,

Thank you for contacting the British Heart Foundation, I'm sorry to hear that you have been having problems with your heart. The British Heart Foundation is a research charity and therefore, we are unable to get involved with individual peoples care or diagnose people.

Coronary artery disease is often treated with medication, but sometimes people may continue to get symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath. If your medication is not managing your symptoms, your GP or cardiologist should be able to adjust them appropriately so they can manage your symptoms as best as possible. If you are unable to perform an exercise test, perhaps you can discuss having a stress cardiac MRI with your cardiologist. This test would allow them to take a look at your heart when it is under stress, without you having to get on any exercise equipment. A myocardial perfusion scan can also tell a doctor if your heart is getting enough oxygen, if you have not already asked them about this.

I hope you are able to come up with a plan with your cardiologist or GP that you are happy with soon.

Kind regards,


Cardiac Nurse

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to QasimRaza

Well Syed, it more or less agrees with what I and others have been dating for a while. They suggest an Exercise ECG and haven given alternatives if you really cannot do it. As they stop the test when the patient shows signs of distress I think you are up to it. The fact that you mention elsewhere that a recent echocardiogram was clear is a good sign.

Whilst the first attempt did not work you seriously have to look as addressing your health anxiety.

Regards, Michael...

QasimRaza profile image
QasimRaza in reply to MichaelJH

Yes sir... i agree with u and thankful to u. But main reason is here nothing is free in our country. The intitutes or organization who treats free ...they give along waiting time. Same dr when they check on their private clinics they check throughly. Because there they hsve not much pstients. Alase i have to say education and health department is business in Pakistan.

Here i apriciate u all people who give me good suggestion and encourage me. I want to write about my experience . I want to eloborate my life. I want to tell youngsters that they dont do those things what i did. But first my english is not good second i dont know any forum where i can talk. Please if u know inform me. I want to make of u become friend like a human.


MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to QasimRaza

This is a British Heart Foundation primarily aimed at people in the UK. However, it is happy to accept overseas members and as you have seen the BHF nurses respond to their queries.

Health provision varies between countries and you have to work with yours.

You say nothing is free. Did you pay for all your recent ECGs in A&E? I decided to do some research. My GP practice does a private ECG for £80 and private hospitals for an average price of £100. My GP practice does not do Exercise ECGs but average price is about £300.

The Exercise ECG does seem the most appropriate. You also need to tackle your health anxiety as discussed with Calliope153 Compared to many you are still a relatively young man. Your life seem at a standstill, and you need to try and move forward!

Calliope153 profile image

The Pakistan Heart Foundation (PHF 1974)[1] which originated from the Muhammadi Hospital (MH 1970), and merged with the International Medical Research Centre (IMRC 1988), provides non-profit cardiac care through the MH,

Calliope153 profile image

in different parts of Pakistan, there are some organizations that are working at their best to help the poor people of Pakistan to get treatment of heart surgery in Pakistan. To help others the top 3 heart surgery funding organizations in Pakistan are:

1- Punjab Institute of Cardiology:

2- The National Institute of Cardio Vascular Disease:

3- Malik Riaz Foundation

QasimRaza profile image
QasimRaza in reply to Calliope153

Thanks i know these but you some are in other cities where i driving distance is 6 hour. And the near i have, we have to wait much time and cross many hardles.

And one think more , in our countey they dont check free patients with care. Here health and education department is business.

QasimRaza profile image
QasimRaza in reply to Calliope153

Yes sir... i agree with u and thankful to u. But main reason is here nothing is free in our country. The intitutes or organization who treats free ...they give along waiting time. Same dr when they check on their private clinics they check throughly. Because there they hsve not much pstients. Alase i have to say education and health department is business in Pakistan.

Here i apriciate u all people who give me good suggestion and encourage me. I want to write about my experience . I want to eloborate my life. I want to tell youngsters that they dont do those things what i did. But first my english is not good second i dont know any forum where i can talk. Please if u know inform me. I want to make of u become friend like a human.


Calliope153 profile image
Calliope153 in reply to QasimRaza

The Health service is not free in the UK - everyone who works pays every month out of their wages to the government to pay for it. Waiting times are long here too. There are many people and not enough appointments. It is free at the point of use because everyone is expected to pay in over their working life. We all pay so everyone can be treated.

QasimRaza profile image
QasimRaza in reply to Calliope153

Treatment quality is better than pakistan. Our x Prime minister nawaz shareef dont treat his heart from Pakistan. He is now also in uk. So now u can imagin whst is the level of health care in only buildings of hospitals are beautiful. But treatment is low.

Calliope153 profile image
Calliope153 in reply to QasimRaza

How many doctors have you seen since your ablation six years ago?

QasimRaza profile image
QasimRaza in reply to Calliope153

5 or 6 cardiologist other some psychologist. I lost my all savings on doctors their fees medicines etc.

Calliope153 profile image
Calliope153 in reply to QasimRaza

You didn;t find one good one out of 6?

QasimRaza profile image
QasimRaza in reply to Calliope153


Calliope153 profile image
Calliope153 in reply to QasimRaza

Did they all tell you the same thing?

QasimRaza profile image
QasimRaza in reply to Calliope153

Yes mostly

Calliope153 profile image
Calliope153 in reply to QasimRaza

what did they all say?

QasimRaza profile image
QasimRaza in reply to Calliope153

Anxiety plus heart problem also

Calliope153 profile image
Calliope153 in reply to QasimRaza

what pills do you take every day?

QasimRaza profile image
QasimRaza in reply to Calliope153

I m taking beta loc zok, liprex, loprin alp. Cardinit.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to QasimRaza

What heart problem was it?

QasimRaza profile image
QasimRaza in reply to MichaelJH

Avtually i think drs cdont know what is real heart problem. At this time when i m writing i have pain in chest and left arm.

Ghost84 profile image

You need to get a echocardiogram done. That will reveal any problems with your heart.

QasimRaza profile image
QasimRaza in reply to Ghost84

Sir my echicardiogram done before many time ...3 month ago my echo was normal.

Ghost84 profile image
Ghost84 in reply to QasimRaza

Then it's not your heart. Echocardiogram will pick up any problems with your heart. You might have anxiety issues.

Ghost84 profile image

Panic disorder involves repeated episodes of sudden feelings of intense anxiety and fear or terror that reach a peak within minutes (panic attacks). You may have feelings of impending doom, shortness of breath, chest pain, or a rapid, fluttering or pounding heart (heart palpitations). These panic attacks may lead to worrying about them happening again or avoiding situations in which they've occurred.

Yasyass profile image

We cannot diAgnose but seems you are depressed there are other groups that experience like u do if as you say your tests are all normal you probably need to speak to someone who can help you with the symptoms u have and how to manage them and if you need further tests for reassurance

QasimRaza profile image
QasimRaza in reply to Yasyass

You r right but here dr took alot of fees from me and dont listen me much.

Yasyass profile image
Yasyass in reply to QasimRaza

If your tests r all clear why do you worry the more u panic the more symptons u will experience try to relax didn’t your gp give u any advice such as diet exercise or Mayb a group online to see if anyone has experienced like you in pakistan

QasimRaza profile image
QasimRaza in reply to Yasyass

Sir i become breathless when i walk. I m telling drs when walk or lift little 5 kg weight and then take rest my heart feel difficulty to become normal. Thats main problem with me. But i dont know why dr dont understand. I talk about my anxiety on different forums. Actually i fail in my life most of the times so i discourage and its become anxiety and heart problem. I want to write my experiences. I want to talk. If you know any forum of your country where sincere educated people listen please tell me. I want to talk . If u know any orginazation or department that can help me please tell me. I want to do work. But u know my country in not as developed as your. Here r not much opportunities. May be your efforts makes a noramal life for me. I dont want aid or beg money i want to work.

Thanks you are people who encourage me.

Yasyass profile image

If as you say u pay for your treatment some dr in Pakistan are really good and r u qualified or what job did u used to do it’s difficult in Uk or anywhere else in the world sometimes we have to accept and try our best wherever we are and try make most of what we have got if your results r clear that is a blessing but try little walks if difficult carry objects 5kilo carry less if walk 20 miles walk less try little bit at a time and ask gp and family and friends to help out I’m sure someone will help in pakistan

QasimRaza profile image
QasimRaza in reply to Yasyass

Insha Allah. I try my 200 percent. I m really thankfyl all of u for your golden words

Diver2 profile image

Did you ask you doctor to tell you what yourEKG indicated. My doctor told me that your heart does stop because it is trying to throw you into regular rhythm. They may want to put a pacemaker in if it happens frequently. Your ekg looks to be varied with Afib and Flutter. But I’m not a doctor! Email or fax it to an electrophysiologist and ask him to explain it to you. Keep your copies of all your EKGs so you can compare them over the years. It will help you and your doctor figure out what your heart is repeatedly doing and help make a clearer diagnosis.

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