5 weeks and still have diarrhoea - British Heart Fou...

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5 weeks and still have diarrhoea

pmh1953 profile image
26 Replies

Hello , 15 months ago I had metal aortic valve replacement, and had weak left ventricle. Until 6 weeks ago I have experienced great health, felt good mentally and physically. I felt so lucky that the rehab process all has gone well, meds were increased to the level that my heart consultant and nurse were happy with the levels I achieved. I was able to be active and10,00 steps each day were not challenging. Then!!! 6 weeks ago started diarrhoea and almost every have since had between 3 and 12 episodes each day. A colonoscopy was carried out and all the tests proved thankfully negative. Meds I take are ;ramapril 5mg, lamotrogine 2x100mg, vitamin d3 25mcg tab, bisoprolol 5mg, tamsulosin 6mg, atorvastatin 80mg, aspirin 75mg, eplerenone 25mg, omeprazole 20mg, B12 injection every 3 months. I had not changed diet or life style/stress. I have tried a really bland diet on occasions to see if there was an obvious problem related to diet, which is mostly pretty healthy. I do look forward to any help or suggestions you can offer.


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pmh1953 profile image
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26 Replies
bantam12 profile image

Have you checked your Vitd level as to much can cause diarrhoea, if your Vitd is high then you must check your calcium level, high calcium is not good.

pmh1953 profile image
pmh1953 in reply to bantam12

Hi Bantam12,

Not had antibiotics, but suggestion of gut health including prebiotics and natural yoghurt sounds sensible. Thanks.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

Hello and welcome to the forum! One thought have you had a recent course of antibiotics. I was put on a course, of one I cannot recall ever having before, and felt queasy until the nurse changed the timing. Even if not it might be worth promoting gut health by including probiotics such as yogurt, sauerkraut and other pickles, and sourdough bread!

pmh1953 profile image
pmh1953 in reply to MichaelJH

Hello , thanks for your reply, yes probiotics is something I would like to try but apparently has vitamin K in it and pharmacist said that is not advisable to take together with other meds I have to take.

Annaelizabeth profile image

I definitely think you should try an extremely good probiotic. I am not sure whether this is allowed in a post, but Symprove is excellent, expensive but absolutely worth a go.

pmh1953 profile image
pmh1953 in reply to Annaelizabeth

Hello Anneelizabeth, yes probiotics is well regarded and will have to check again with chemist as they strongly recommended I do not take them, as they will have an adverse effect on other meds I take.Thank you.

Pollypuss profile image

I’m afraid I also had the same for about 3 months. Although I came through my bypass ok it was the medication which the hospital could not identify was the problem . The cardiologist took me off everything apart from aspirin after 3 months which made an enormous difference. It took a couple of weeks to get the drugs out of my system. I really sympathise because I couldn’t go out for fear of an”episode” Seven months on there are still foods I cannot tolerate but I can tolerate healthy food but not tea which I miss. If I look back now on my op for triple bypass it’s not the operation I remember but the horrible diarrhoea. The worst was omeprazole.

pmh1953 profile image
pmh1953 in reply to Pollypuss

Hello Pollypuss, I'm sorry your problems have been worse than mine. Interestingly you mention specifically omeprazole . Through the recommendation of another contact they said try stoppingt this drug and last night was the first time. I will stop taking it for7/10 days and see if this is the problem. Thank you.

080311 profile image

Hello pmh1953

Just a thought, I too had my aortic valve replaced and bypass done nearly 4 years ago, while in hospital I was diagnosed with diverticulitis, (inflammation of the sacks in the colon) this can cause diarrhoea, will last a few weeks certain foods can cause a flare up I try to avoid seeds nuts and very spicy food (which I love).

I take probiotics daily as a drink, helps line the colon. and promote gut health.

As I said just a thought it might be worth an ask at the GP.

Take care Pauline

pmh1953 profile image
pmh1953 in reply to 080311

Hello Pauline, I am definitely going to look into taking probiotics- the benefits have been echoed by so many members.Like most things in life do it with ' moderation' Thank you

Pollypuss profile image
Pollypuss in reply to 080311

I used to be a great no fat yogurt eater . Now I can’t tolerate it

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Pollypuss

Have Greek no fat yogurt mixed with stewed apple every other day bananas the other days, helps my diverticulitis wasn’t a fan of the yogurt but it seems to help! Have got use to it now. Though I always feel my teeth have cotton wool over them! Have to clean them straight away 😊

HampshireLass profile image

Omazeparole is a PPI and one of the side effects is diarhrea. I am trying to wean myself off at present as I was originally (10 years ago) only prescribed this as a precaution. I am cutting back to one every other day and it works. Best to discuss with Doctor though as depends why you personally we prescribed it.

pmh1953 profile image
pmh1953 in reply to HampshireLass

Hi Hampshirelass, yes not taking omeprazole, 2nd day today, fingers crossed. Thank you. ps what was your dose?

Eadaoin profile image

Hi pmh1953. Last year I had major heart surgery. A problem occurred during it and the surgeon later told me “you were very, very close to dying”..”you were at the edge of life”. Recovery was slow of course. Then last December I was rushed into Resus with an abnormal heart rhythm yet again but this time with severe stabbing pains in my stomach. I was not in there too long but since almost that time I have had diarrhoea. After 8 weeks I went to my gp, did tests and found I have raised gut inflammation readings. Am now referred to gastroenterology. Has been suggested that it could be linked to ptsd :” your brain is trying to work out what has been done to your body”. Shock on shock. Don’t leave your problem too long before getting an opinion on what to do next. It is stressful just finding out what foods you can safely eat. With best wishes.

pmh1953 profile image
pmh1953 in reply to Eadaoin

Hello Eadaoin , gosh never thought of PTSD. Will consider all advice I am given but hoping stopping omeprazole is the trump card. Good luck on your journey. Thank you.

Eadaoin profile image
Eadaoin in reply to Eadaoin

My gp got me to do a stool test called Calprotectin. I had a v high reading of inflammation as for Crohns, colitis etc. Scary. Next test came out much lower but still too high. Have just done the fourth one and the inflammation Is still there hence off to the Gastro Dept. Has your gp suggested that test? It’s quite a usual stool test rather than just being sent for endoscopies first. At least there are facts and results to go on.

Pollypuss profile image
Pollypuss in reply to Eadaoin

You poor thing. I now know, six months on, that this was directly attributed to the post op drugs I took for my triple bypass. I cannot believe I ingested much of them I used to long to be constipated like other people who had side effects. When the cardiologist took me off them all apart from aspirin the change was incredible. I always eat a low fat healthy diet prior to my op and my cholesterol and blood pressure was fine. Weight also. Now I cannot eat any junk food at all ( like chocolate cake for a treat) and worst I cannot tolerate probiotics which I used to eat a lot of . My digestive system has become tetchy. I long to have a cup of tea but that is like human combustion. Imodium helped a lot though and anti sickness pills looking back. This could well be something the brain is trying to sort out - or warning me not to eat the wrong food. Good luck with your gastro specialist. Don’t despair it will lessen

Eadaoin profile image
Eadaoin in reply to Pollypuss

Thanks Pollypuss. It really helps to hear how others are coping with a similar condition even if the reasons for them are all a bit of a mystery. Good luck with your tetchy insides!!

P0rtnahapp1e profile image

Really interested in this post as I had, on 9th February 2018, in a strange city, a horrible attack of diarrhoea and have had it 6/8 times daily ever since.

I could give you directions to every public loo in the British Isles, and some abroad.

I tried a colonoscopy but immediately after the enema my bp sank to a really low level and they had to abort the procedure.

My consultant has fiddled with my medication, removing digoxin, atorvastatin, lowering my Entresto and changing my 12.5 mg Bisoprolol to carvedilol, all to no avail.

It’s now become a night problem and I have to get up three or four times , as well as frequent visits during the day.

My consultant, concerned that I’m losing so much fluid, and therefore essential salts, keeps saying, “we must be missing something”.

I take probiotic drinks, yoghurt and anything else that I think will sooth my raw innards, and we won’t even talk about my “Ring of Fire” as Johnny Cash used to croon.

I went off wheaten bread and granola which I love, but it made no difference so enjoying them again and to pot with the consequences. No pun intended!

pmh1953 profile image
pmh1953 in reply to P0rtnahapp1e

Hello POrtnahapp1e,

You have to cope with so many issues, it makes mine look insignificant. It's great that you have a sharp sense of humour and are so positive. Good luck. Thank you.

Pollypuss profile image
Pollypuss in reply to P0rtnahapp1e

Do you think it could be carvedilol . I

Crochetwoman profile image

Hi, so many suggestions! Here’s another one.

I had severe diahorrea , long story short, my Ramipril was swapped for Lorsartan and wow. Sorted. I had been taking Ramipril for a while but I’ve been told now not to have anything ending with “il”.

Swapping Aspirin for gastro resistant Aspirin helped my guts too.

Good luck.

Pollypuss profile image
Pollypuss in reply to Crochetwoman

Which aspirin are you on.? Glad you have this sorted

Crochetwoman profile image
Crochetwoman in reply to Pollypuss

Hi, it’s just a ‘hearty’ 75 mg a day of Aspirin, enteric coated, gastro resistant tablets. Available cheaply over the counter as well.

Hi, hoping your all sorted now, but just incase.....along side probiotics, fibre supplements could also help such as OptiFibre or Benifibre, as they should help regulate the bowels consistency and comes in neutral flavours which can be added to normal food or drinks to help give the bowels substance. However probiotics sound a great idea too, to get the gut flora back under control if that is a possible concern. VSL#3 or bio-kult, are super probiotics.

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