Father's Day: Today is Father's Day... - British Heart Fou...

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Father's Day

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star
38 Replies

Today is Father's Day. For some it will be a difficult time as our father may no longer be with us or suffering health problems. In under two months it will be the 40th anniversary of my Dad's premature passing. One of his favourite songs was the Hollies "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother". What song makes you think of your Dad?


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MichaelJH profile image
Heart Star
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38 Replies
Sanpedro2019 profile image

My father died about 35 years ago he played the piano and liked winifred attwell very much .I think his favourite was the black and white rag

.For the younger members she was famous in the 1950 s

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Sanpedro2019

Remember seeing her on a black and white tv on a Saturday night she played an upright piano I think.

080311 profile image

Hi Michael my Dad died August 1980, so long ago but feels like yesterday! His favourite song “It’s a Wonderful World “ Louis Armstrong. Whenever I hear it I smile.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to 080311

Exactly the same month and year as mine. Their musical tastes changed in the late sixties/seventies. I feel part of it was a desire to move forward and for future generations never to suffer the horrors of war.

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to MichaelJH

He would say he liked anything with a good beat! My musical taste is the 60/70 so living at home in the 60s listening to radio Caroline he would let me know what he liked!😂 he died from a heart attack but the symptoms he had before were the same as mine before my surgery. When I spoke to the surgeon after the op I said my valve was too much good living? He said you are either born with good genes or not! My valve was just worn out. Often think how I followed him, at another time he could have had a replacement valve, and had some extra time he was the age I am now, he could have had more time, and that’s something we are all working on.

Thanks for the post it’s brought a lot of memories in today.


Shoshov profile image

hi my dad died 1974. i was 14 don’t remember too much but he was always humming chatty chitti chitti bang bang. there’s a blast from the past

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

I lost my father 25 years ago soon after my eldest was born. He never saw my next two children

Elgar's Nimrod played by a brass band.

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to Milkfairy

Nimrod is what I want played at the Crem when I am on my way !!

There is one on you tube at the cenotaph Massed Bands and it starts


Take Care Stay Strong

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to Prada47

Yes, thank you that's the version.

My father went to the crem with Nimrod played on his way in.

Take care, stay well and strong too😊

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Prada47

I want them to leave the Crem to Elbow “One Day Like This” just love the line throw those curtains wide ! Family think I am odd but I find it up lifting. I can just imagine the smiles as they leave that’s what Mum wanted! Told them this before my surgery just in case!

Maisie2014 profile image

44 years on 1 May since I lost my dad. His favourite was Bridge Over Troubled Water that I bought for him on an eight track tape for his car. I bought it so I didn’t have to listen to his Perry Como tape. 😂

Fluffybee profile image

My Dad has severe dementia and doesn’t know who I am anymore, I was always a daddy’s girl and remember getting my pocket money on Friday nights. When he came home from work we would both go and gets sweets, just us two.

His favourite songs were ‘country’ Johnny cash, Jim Reeves.

I sent him a lovely Father’s Day card and a photo of the family but sadly he won’t know who we are but if there’s ever a memory that comes back to him when he looks at it it will be worth it.

Love to go and see him but this rotten virus has stopped that for now.

Happy Fathers Day Dad 🤗🤗🤗

My fondest memory of my father is every Sunday Lunchtime he would put on his favourite Shadows album and he would make us both a Lager Shandy while we listened to it.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to

I saw the Shadows live once (in Brussels) and Hank Marvin at Destination Docklands. Hank's skill set is incredible!

Prada47 profile image

Apache was so good 1960 I was 13 lol

Stay Well Stay Safe

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Prada47

I to was born 47, did you ever listen to radio Luxembourg? The way it use to fade in and out!

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to 080311

and the crackle we lived in Lancashire so Radio Caroline was pretty good !!

208 on the medium wave wow where did that come from lol

Stay well Stay Safe

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Prada47

Was born and brought up in Cheshire, loved radio Caroline,

You stay safe to

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to 080311

Brought back memories when we used to walk round the dance floor seeing 2 girls and we used to say lets split them two sometimes it worked other times given the cold shoulder lol

Good Music surprising how many songs/lyrics you can remember from that period !!

Stay Strong Stay Safe

in reply to 080311

It always seemed to fade out about 2 seconds into the "Radio Lumexbourg power play", very irritating. These digital dudes don't know they are born now.......

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to


gladliz profile image
gladliz in reply to 080311

Radio Luxembourg on a Sunday night? I remember 'The Ovaltinies' and 'Smokey Mountain Jamboree'. Also born '47 and living with Grandparents as Dad was a POW in Korea for 31/2 years. Came home in '53.

Good post I missed it yesterday. My Dad died in 1975 at 55 after 3 or 4 years of misery really, coming home and almost sitting on top of the fire to warm up and relieve his Angina, and after serving in Burma as well. I would probably be the same if it wasn't for our NHS and the advancement of medicine. He had a big philips "stereogram" that took half the house up, on which he played his Louis Armstrong, Count Basie and Matt Munroe records along with loads of others I can't even remember now, bless him.

Sunnie2day profile image

Yesterday (Sunday) was our official dedicated Unplugged Day so I missed out - hope it's ok to post a day late! If it helps any, we spent the day remembering our late fathers (oddly both passed the same year, 1985, my husband's dad from complications of his Type2Diabetes, mine from congestive heart failure and COPD).

My father loved the Blues - Chicago, New Orleans, Memphis, he loved it all. His all time favourite was the title song Blues In The Night by Harold Arlen and Johnny Mercer for a 1941 film.

The song was 'covered' by every female singer from 1943 to the 1980s including Dinah Shore, Shirley Bassey, and of course, the incomparable Miss Ella Fitzgerald but it was originally written for a male singer lamenting his involvement with a 'two-face woman' despite his mother's warning against such ladies. Not sure why my father loved that song so much - my mother was anything but - his second favourite was Cab Calloway's Minnie The Moocher, and third was Cab Calloway's haunting St James Infirmary. Again, my mother was a lady through and through so I'm not sure why those three songs struck such a chord with my father.

Rest in peace, Pop. You are always missed.

Thank-you for this post, Michael!

in reply to Sunnie2day

Yep, Ella got a lot of airtime on the stereogram as well! Brilliant Blues.

stillaboveground profile image

My dad passed away 47 years ago, he was a church verger so he liked quite a few hymns, I think he was fond of Abide with me. Take care Michael, keep safe. Ruth

Itsmeagain1 profile image

Billy don't be a hero was one of my dad's favourites by paper lace and shutup your face by Joe dolchy spelt that wrong my dad has been gone since 1987 😢 54 years old gone way too soon

Bichon76 profile image

hi mine is spirit in the sky as that was his favourite song and we played it at his funeral

Qualipop profile image

Anything by Glen MIller. My dad played drums in a dance band. Our house was always full of Glen Miller. I could watch "The Glen Miller Story" every day.

Patsy10 profile image

As I loved the Hollies, it is obvious that your dad was taken to soon. I saw them once and they were one of the groups that were actually better live. He obviously had good taste.

My dad died ten years ago, he dropped dead with a heart attack on his way to visit my mother who had recently gone into a home suffering with dementia. It was the way he always said he wanted to go. He was 84. He liked all songs by Mario Lanza and sang them regularly, he had a good strong singing voice. However, I used to love him singing Danny Boy and that is the one that brings tears whenever I hear it. Memories.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to Patsy10

Yes my dad, and his brother and father - all with HA. I raised my concerns but was told my cholesterol and BP were fine. Developing angina was good luck in my case as I had a quadruple eighteen months later.

Like you dad it was the way my father wanted to go but not on the early train.

Cazz1954 profile image

My dad died in March this year. Had a chapel service for 8 people couldn’t go to the cremation and no wake, he loved glen miller, he used to take us 4 girls to all the concerts with people like the Rolling Stones, sandie shaw, and many more.

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Cazz1954

Hi Cazz1954

So sorry for your loss and not being able to have the send off you would normally have given him.

From your words he sounded like a wonderful caring Dad, keep those memories close in your heart.❤️

Stay safe best wishes Pauline

Cazz1954 profile image
Cazz1954 in reply to 080311

Thank you pauline, he was a very quiet man, but did a lot for us all, and I know We are not the only family in this situation

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to Cazz1954

Hi Cazz

I think my first crush was on Sandie Shaw your Dad had good taste. God that sounds so old now "my first Crush "

Stay Well Stay Safe

Cazz1954 profile image
Cazz1954 in reply to Prada47

I know it must of been in the 1960’s, a lifetime ago, the good old days,

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Prada47

Remembering no shoes and “Puppet on a String“ longed to have hair as shiny as hers!

Hey Michael

Gladys Knight, first time ever I saw your face


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