Is there anything to cure this tiredn... - British Heart Fou...

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Is there anything to cure this tiredness

pennyc02 profile image
13 Replies

Hi all. Do any of you take anything to help you with tiredness? Ever since my mum had a heart attack and heart failure she’s constantly tired. Just wondered with all the medication she’s on is there anything safe that she could to help with the tiredness.

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pennyc02 profile image
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13 Replies
vinixxx profile image

Maybe some light activities.

Keep-it-ticking profile image

Is she on Beta Blockers ? I had to come off them because of fatigue.

It is lovely to hear the compassion in your voice about this, because fatigue is one of the hardest things I have had to deal with, and it is beginning to cause the patience of those around me to wear a bit thin. Mine too. But there is nothing I have discovered yet that is a ‘silver bullet’. I agree with everyone else’s comments. The exercise one is really tough, because I’m too tired to get dressed, so exercise has to be sitting exercises just now. These I learnt from Cardiac Rehabilitation. Has Your mum had that? They are very good.

I also agree with ‘Keep it ticking’, it is sometimes more about coming off things, than taking something extra (with a doctor’s say-so). A lot of heart drugs are designed to ‘protect’ the heart, but that also has the effect of preventing the person being able to actually live a normal life. If this goes on too long, muscles deteriorate, confidence and balance can too, and before you know it mobility becomes an issue, leaving a heart patient the victim of their own treatment.

So alongside all the above advice, I would prescribe love, encouragement, hope and (Yet More) patience from you, because she can come through this.

Robinface profile image
Robinface in reply to

Someone talking sense at last! My husband had mild stroke 8 yrs ago leading to carotid artery clean followed by lots of medications! He wasnt on anything prior, was reasonably fit, could walk in/out of our local town (hilly here) several times per day easily! Since meds -nope! Quality of life is reduced- we no longer walk miles like we did and even going up stairs causes breathlessness and runny nose!! Gp just says its hayfever! Had every nasal spray etc no joy! We lost our activities network and he has aged Considerably! No referral to ENT cos of covid and no contact with cardio since surgery!!

Clerkenweller profile image

None of us are health care professionals so we can only relate our own experiences. I developed angina and had a stent 2 years ago. I had a great deal of of difficulty in the early months with the raft of medications I was put on Causing symptoms akin to fatigue. I kept a symptom log and talked to my GP and cardiologist having my drugs changed and dosage adjusted until my energy levels improved. Recently a new drug was prescribed to further help my heart. Unfortunately it reduced my BP too much causing a blanket of tiredness to fall on me. My BP dropped to 105 over 55 and I nearly passed out. I am no longer on that drug. Whatever the root cause for your mum this must be found in discussion with her GP and cardiologist. Good luck.

Patjo profile image

If she is on bisoprolol. If her doctor agrees to prescribe an alternative it could make a difference, it did for my hubby.

Constant tiredness is a symptom of heart failure because the heart isn’t operating at full strength. There is no cure but it is important your mum follows her doctor’s advice on medications, fluid management and sodium restrictions. Age, diet, exercise, sleep, anxiety and depression etc also impact tiredness - a doctor can advise what will work best. I hope she is able to find a balance that works for her.

Qualipop profile image

It may well be one of her tablets causing the extreme tiredness. IMpossible here to suggest which but do speak to her doctor about possible change of drugs. After my heart attack one of mine made me so tired and weak I couldn't get out of the chair but I can't remember now which one it was.

Egq2016 profile image

I felt exhausted for months . The cardiologist reduced the bisoprolol and it made a huge difference to my energy levels.

S11m profile image

I thought I might have a sleep problem - but I was just getting too much sleep.

I now use the AutoSleep App which tells me how much sleep I need.

I set an alarm to make sure I do not over-sleep - and I seldom get to bed before midnight.

itsme63 profile image
itsme63 in reply to S11m

How does the app calculate how much sleep you need please?

S11m profile image
S11m in reply to itsme63

It works with my Apple Watch.

FrankFrank profile image

Betablockers can knock the stuffing out of you and make you more tired than you have ever felt before. I asked for different options,tried many and after about a year lots of discussions with pharmacist and doctors including cardiologists settled with Ivabradine ,as an alternative that didn't make me always exhausted but did slow my heart rate..I would strongly recommend asking about this,it's readily available but not all GPS are aware of it but specialistswould be.

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