Hi all. My mum is 77 had a heart attack and heart failure 4 months ago. She’s just on medication as they couldn’t put a stent in. Anyway her recovery has been slow but she’s getting there. My main concern is that she’s lost weight without trying and she certainly doesn’t need to lose any. She’s only 5 ft and weighed 8 stone when she had her heart attack then came out of hospital 7 stone 7....I managed to get her up to 7 stone 10 but now she’s back to 7 stone 7 and she is eating well and gone full fat on everything but still losing weight. Is this normal? I’m guessing not. I’ve tried her on complan but it doesn’t agree with her. Is there anything else she could take to build her up?
Unintentional weight loss: Hi all. My... - British Heart Fou...
Unintentional weight loss

Sorry to hear about your mum. I am unsure what you mean by "full fat" as both high fat and high sugar are not ideal.
Their is another produce similar to Complan called Ensure that a friend's mother preferred.
Years ago they used to recommend Guinness to invalids. If her GP is happy would she enjoy this? I would! 🤣
I’m sorry to hear about your Mum .
I had a HA in April this year and also lost a lot of weight . I am only now starting to put it back on again I think it takes a bit of time for your body to get back to normal .
I agree with the other post I am enjoying a stout every now and again so perhaps your Mum would too ?
I hope she getswell soon ,
Sheila x
Hi, I had my HA about 8 weeks ago, I have also lost a stone ( good for me ). If she is on water tablets, they can reduce your weight, we are 60% water after all.I am constantly reminded to let rehab know if I put on weight as this could be further heart failure - Paul
Hi Penny, I was diagnosed with AF and HF in April. I weighed 10st 4lbs before, I now weigh 9st. 9lbs-9st.11lbs. I worried about losing weight, as never could before no matter how much I tried. I just have my normal diet although have cut back on fat, sugar etc. I am sure that your Mum`s weight will settle soon.
Hi pennyc02. I can only speak for myself when my husband was poorly and needed a quad bypass. He had the operation in November 2018.
I hardly ever weighed myself but for some reason I did Christmas 2018 and found I'd lost just over a stone!!
As I have cancer and have been in remission for years, I thought the big C was back.
Long story short, no cancer but weight loss put down to stress and worry!!
Over the next 6 months I put all the weight back on and more! I'm sure your mum will be fine once everything has settled.
Best wishes to both of you xxxx
How is her energy level, and her general sense of well-being? If normal or 'I've never felt better', it might be her metabolism reasserting itself as increased energy and sense of well-being usually leads to increased activity - and for many, increased activity means weight-loss.
Have you or she reported the weight loss to the medics? If not, perhaps that would be the next step - genuinely unexplained weight loss can be an indication investigation is wanted to look for the cause.