Hi sorry if it sounds stupid to ask does COVID-19 virus attack pacemaker patients had my pacemaker over 3 years out of the blue getting pain around pacemaker site in self isolation.
pacemaker and COVID-19: Hi sorry if it... - British Heart Fou...
pacemaker and COVID-19

Hi jo thank you for reply will give it a couple of more days to see if it gets better or worse then see if can get to see gp thank you.
Coronavirus attacks everyone if we all social distance and follow the strict guidance in England then more of us stand a chance of survival.
The virus usually starts in the throat and attacks Airways hence high temperature and constant cough. Yours sounds like it's more pacemaker related.. Have you knocked the site and may have bruising just a thought... But yeah Skype your gp
Yes - it might seem like a stupid question...
...but I was feeling rough for a week or two - and there is a remote possibility it might have been Covid-19 - and I have had a scabby, bleeding "spot" on my pacemaker insertion scar... not the scar where they inserted the latest pacemaker, but where they inserted the original one a decade or so ago.