Just realised last night that high blood pressure was a high risk factor for fighting the corona virus. What is the research showing?
Link between high B P and survival of... - British Heart Fou...
Link between high B P and survival of corona virus
Well it seems to suggest that good BP control is essential. I have improved mine, lost weight, reduced cholesterol and HbA1c levels by diet, exercise and taking the prescribed medication. In the current situation though avoid extreme it crash diets as they will lower your immune system.
The above article shows just how little they really know about Corona Virus and what effects it actually has on people dying.
Taking on board the premise of the article, let us postulate:
I have an, as yet, untreated Dilated Aortic Valve (6cm), the management of which has brought an almost complete end to any physical activity on my part. The results being that i have put weight on, am not as fit as i once was and my BP has gone up.
If i were to contract Corona Virus and during that time experience a heart attack - would i have died as a result of the effects of my failing heart, or would i have died because of the effects of Corona Virus?
The Paragraph 2 alone would give grounds to saying it would not be a total surprise if I were to die because I was just unlucky not to get the AVR so badly needed to return me to normal health and activity, and my heart was not in a good place, along with weight and increased BP.
Without proper testing of all those infected with Corona Virus, or who have died to see how much of an effect Coroan Virus had on their death, it's still just pie in the sky numbers and evidence.
If the figures are right from Italy and 79% of Italians who passed away with Covid-19 were patients with high blood pressure, with resistant very high BP it’s total isolation for me for as long as it takes. Hubby too as he has cancer, but the worry for him is that he has to attend frequent hospital appointments for treatment and there are Covid-19 patients there, two of whom have sadly passed away.
As for the Government endeavouring to slow/flatten the curve so as not to as they say “overwhelm the NHS”, isn’t the real reason that they so need the time to get hold of testing kits/lab resources, ventilators, even critical care beds in a long under-resourced area.
Stay safe everyone,