Link between statins and eczema? - British Heart Fou...

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Link between statins and eczema?

Carealot profile image
23 Replies

Hi, I’ve been watching this site since my diagnosis of CVD some 18 months ago. I am a 72 yr old female and was prescribed statins for first time (along with many other meds). I’m reasonably slim, don’t smoke, eat healthily, do not over-consume alcohol and try to exercise.

Now I’ve developed eczema on my legs! Never had it before and have just spotted this piece. Thoughts anyone?

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Carealot profile image
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23 Replies
Sorc profile image

Hi Carealot I too wondered whether there was any link to Statins v Excema, I was put on 80mg last September following 3 stents and started to get Excema breakouts on my legs. I had my 6 month appt with Cardiac Doctor last Thursday and did ask the question she dismissed it saying there was no connection, I have however been reduced to 40mg so hopefully it will improve.Hope this helps, take care

Carealot profile image
Carealot in reply to Sorc

Hi Sorc, you we’re dismissed by your cardiologist? I wouldn’t be happy with that myself. I have 3 blocked arteries (75% and one being LAD). My cardiologist thought at first I might need a bypass but after a stress and nuclear test, he decided to medicate me. Then he discharged me. They’re supposed to listen to the patient and I’m sorry you were dismissed as ezcema can cause much misery. I hope the 40mg helps you. I’m only on 40mg myself (atorvastatin) but sadly it didn’t work for me but like I said to the others I’m going to ask for a review. I’m afraid I just won’t leave it alone just because my concern is poo-poo’d by some dismissive doctor. I think we should be raising their awareness of the implications of their prescribing. Thanks for your response and let us know if your new dosage helps with your eczema.

Peony4575 profile image
Peony4575 in reply to Carealot

I think you should see another cardiologist Privately if you can . You will get in quicker and can choose your cardiologist . It’s just one of those where my sixth sense wonders if you would have been treated differently if you were a man .

Carealot profile image
Carealot in reply to Peony4575

I asked that question Peony because I had seen other research which had suggested that men are more likely to be offered bypass than women. I’ve got the link somewhere in my notes. The doc of course disagreed but he was convinced my blood was flowing ok through the smaller arteries and used the analogy of blood diverting down A roads and away from motorways. I did grill him though at the time.

Peony4575 profile image
Peony4575 in reply to Carealot

Are stents out of the question ? My friend ( female) was stented two weeks ago for blockages less severe than that . I don’t believe a man would have been left with that degree of blockage . What happens in the A roads if the motorway blocks ? They don’t cope . Silly man

Carealot profile image
Carealot in reply to Peony4575 bypass, he said that the location of the blockage in LAD would mean that the heart would have to be be lifted out which was risky. As for stunting, it would mean that I would have to go on aspirin for life and I’m allergic to them. So, he would have to admit me into hospital to be de-sensitised. Now, he told me all this at the very very early stages of the pandemic so whether that influenced him, who knows? I’ve got a GTN spray which I rarely use (touch wood) and I try my best with diet etc. I’ve been prescribed propranolol due to my high heart rate, amlodipine, (I was already on clopidogrel, antihypertensive (dosage just lowered) plus drugs for other issues..and of course a statin. Why was your friend Stented? Was there an event? I’m not looking for surgical intervention I have to admit...not at present anyway if I can help it

Peony4575 profile image
Peony4575 in reply to Carealot

No my friend didn’t have an event . She didn’t have angina. She had a few “ funny” feelings when she didn’t feel right . They tried imaging but she had a lot of calcification so they had to do an angiogram and whacked a stent in while they were in there. My partner has been stented twice . The second time it was his LAD. That was a few years ago now and he has been fine . Are there no alternative anti clotting agents that can be used instead of aspirin in this day and age ? Aspirin is dirt cheap of course . We are lucky as our local centre of excellence is Brosdgreen Ghe Liverpool Csrdio thoracic central and they really are whizz kids over there

Carealot profile image
Carealot in reply to Peony4575

Hmmm...the clopidogrel I’m on is a blood thinner. I had a lot of calcification which is why I ended up having an angiogram. The cardiologist is an interventional cardiologist so he must have known his stuff. I was with the Birmingham Queen Elizabeth and so I would have thought they’d be on the ball...but, a pandemic was brewing. Now, I have bronchiectasis and asthma so a tad concerned about being in any hospital 🤷‍♀️

Peony4575 profile image
Peony4575 in reply to Carealot

Yes you would think the Queen Elizabeth would be good . And that they would have stented you while they were in there if it had been possible . Now isn’t a good moment to be in hospital agreed. Though two of my friends have had to go in for procedures recently and you couldn’t fault the precautions . They had to isolate and go to the hospital two days before for a Covid test. The staff are tested several times a week . I hope very much you are ok . You take very good care of yourself xx

Peony4575 profile image

Hi I don’t take statins so can’t comment on a link between the two, but I do know as we age we become more susceptible to auto immune problems . I started with patches of eczema for the first time about two years ago and have worked out my main trigger is sugar but there are others . It may well be that statins are a trigger for yours . I have friends who have developed various other auto immune problems, asthma, crohns, biliary cirrhosis , thyroid problems having never had a problem before. The joys of ageing

Carealot profile image
Carealot in reply to Peony4575

Thank you Peony for responding. Yes, indeed, the joys of ageing...something we all have to face. I’ve cut out dairy but no change. I’m pleased you’ve found your trigger. I agree, our bodies and particularly our immune systems tend to get tired and overloaded. If I could see my regular acupuncturist I would but even that’s out of the question right now. I’ll persevere but I will be asking the doctors for a review of my meds as I think I’m on too many right now and I’m hoping I can cut one or two least a change of statin in any event. I’ll also speak about my own research findings. Take care and stay safe

Peony4575 profile image
Peony4575 in reply to Carealot

Good luck with getting it sorted . You be safe and take care also x

Carealot profile image
Carealot in reply to Peony4575

...and you x

Peony4575 profile image
Peony4575 in reply to Carealot

A brief look on google seems to indicate there is a link x

Carealot profile image
Carealot in reply to Peony4575

That’s the same study Peony. Glad to see you’ve found it too. Sorry to hear you too have started with eczema ...a pain isn’t it? Are you on any other meds which might be a trigger?

Peony4575 profile image
Peony4575 in reply to Carealot

Oh sorry I didn’t realise you had it . No I think my eczema is triggered by other things. It started with bad scalp eczema. I washed my hair less frequently and discovered dry shampoo and that disappeared as if by magic . Sugar causes really deep angry weals on my torso which take ages to go . I do get bits and pieces here and there but wonder if that is just general dryness that happens as we get older . I do moisturise . Only on aspirin but have been on it for a decade and the eczema is more recent so not blaming that

Fethiye21 profile image

Hi there! I started on Crestor 40mg in December and have developed eczema in the last month or so. It is mainly on my arms and legs. I read that Statins make your skin porous and susceptible to excess moisture loss.

Peony4575 profile image
Peony4575 in reply to Fethiye21

You should all yellow card your reactions as a step to getting it recognised as a side effect

Carealot profile image
Carealot in reply to Fethiye21

Hi Ferhiye, interesting that you too have started with eczema since being prescribed a statin. My dosage of Atorvastatin is also 40mg. Maybe worth our while pushing for reviews of our the very least advise our medics. We should get this info out there. The last thing we need is a nasty skin problem...with itching and burning...alongside a heart condition. Thank you for that snippet about the skin becoming more porous with statins. I had no idea before. Thanks

Liverpool101261 profile image
Liverpool101261 in reply to Carealot

Hi Carealot, what was your cholesterol reading from your blood test.



Carealot profile image
Carealot in reply to Liverpool101261

Hi Norman I can’t remember. I know it wasn’t high. I also can’t recall if the 2 readings LDL and HDL were greatly abnormal. I was in fact told by my GP earlier that my cholesterol was good but I think the cardiologist did a belt and braces on me...saying that statins stabilised the plaque, stopping it from breaking away. I had already been taking a blood thinner (clopidogrel) for a few years due to high BP, family history of heart disease and a query whether I had a TIA some 10 yrs ago (although I don’t think I didn’t show on CT scan and I felt it was another belt n braces). Thanks for reminding me about cholesterol. I haven’t had it checked since being referred some 20 months ago now

Liverpool101261 profile image
Liverpool101261 in reply to Carealot

Thanks Carealot, I recently had a reading of 5.2 cholesterol reading and I also have had pretty high BP 170/90 beginning of the year, changed my diet although I didn't think it was bad beforehand, latest readings have seen a reduction in BP on average at 140/80 so going in the right direction, I've also started taking 20mg of Atorvastatin so I'm trying to be positive as heart conditions run in the family. I hope your keeping well.


Carealot profile image
Carealot in reply to Liverpool101261

Thanks Norman, I think my cholesterol was maybe just over 2...not entirely sure now. Pleased to hear your BP is stabilising. We have a lot to thank our parents for don’t we...passing these conditions down the line haha? I’ll feel better if the dermatologist and GP listen to my concerns. I know they’re all under pressure and I do wish I didn’t feel so guilty for giving them a call. Good luck and stay positive. Thanks also for your responses

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