Lockdown imminent : Anyone else heard... - British Heart Fou...

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Lockdown imminent

76 Replies

Anyone else heard this rumour?

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76 Replies
Rose54 profile image

No but I am sure it will be sooner than later

tapfoot profile image
tapfoot in reply toRose54


Rose54 profile image
Rose54 in reply totapfoot

London I belive was mentioned last night

ali161 profile image

Yes, there are news online about it. Not sure if it's true or not, but I do think it could help. I think already we are far behind in terms of measures. We should learn from other countries' mistakes/delays,not being reactive to the situation because we felt overconfident!

in reply toali161

I think it’s getting the timing right. There needs to be a widespread, effective testing system put in place ASAP . The core lesson from other countries is test, test, test.

The sector I work in is rife with it, it’s gone round our office like a whirlwind... thing is without testing, the general assumption is Everyone who even looks like they’re gonna sneeze 🤧 has got it.

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply toali161

Sorry but how have you come to your conclusion ?? do you have an inside track to Medical Profession if you don't please don't speculate we have enough to sift through without more speculation.


ali161 profile image
ali161 in reply toPrada47

It's not from a medical profession perspective. It's from seeing the government doing 180o turn in strategy in a matter of days. From 'herd immunity' approach to lockdown is a pretty big leap, and from the outside it does look as if we are being reactive. Of course I really hope I'm wrong!

in reply toPrada47


Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to

I didn't vote for the WHO The people I voted for are running my/our country. The WHO has never covered it's self in Glory on anything, Did they Help Italy, or any other country. We can all find links on the internet You have to rely on your own Government nothing else is available to you or me. so stop looking and trying to blame your Government,

I think the WHO are looking for a Role to Play, the Americans have ignored them as We have and Spain.

in reply toPrada47

Oh my goodness. Please don’t tell me what to do or think or say for that matter. Thank you very much

Mac_meister profile image
Mac_meister in reply to

U tell them boo boo lol

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply toMac_meister

U tell them who is them ??

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to

I have removed my comment

in reply toPrada47

Is there really any need to be so offensive and rude to people

fergusthegreat profile image
fergusthegreat in reply toPrada47

Yes and all 3 of those countries have spiralling numbers of cases

tapfoot profile image
tapfoot in reply toPrada47

If the Prime Minister follows his usual pattern, he hints at measures being introduced about 5 days before he implements them. It is sensible to expect we will have to placed under stricter measures for the benefit of us all. We don't have a good track record in acting for the general good in this country.

in reply totapfoot

Yes your right, I remember him saying ‘ we’re 4 weeks behind italy’.

I think in Wuhan the lockdown has stopped the virus in its tracks. Just hope they’ve shut down that flipping market we’re it all started.

TriciaGreg profile image
TriciaGreg in reply toPrada47

Hey, it’s not speculation. It’s a carefully considered view on what might happen next based on observations. Or risk analysis.

People need somewhere to ask questions and share their worries.

Don’t slap them down. Help them.

Maisiemay13 profile image

Be kind

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

Before we speak perhaps consider the following is what we say truthful said with kindness and is it necessary?

Adaboo profile image
Adaboo in reply toMilkfairy

Yes “we” should

stevejb1810 profile image

I’ve heard some mention of maybe going to greater lengths than we are now especially for London but as a general lock down, no, nothing

Becksagogo profile image

There was something doing the rounds on social media yesterday about a 15 day lock down being iminent but whether it was fake news or not I don't know. By the look of the shelves in my local Tesco last night at 6pm, a lot of people have seen it and gone in to panic mode.

Keep safe all x

MountainGoat52 profile image
MountainGoat52 in reply toBecksagogo

Some supermarket shelves have been empty for weeks. It's called hamstering - I am alright Jack and blow others! Thankfully the supermarkets are dealing with this. We will need to shop around for what we want which unfortunately increases our contact with others.

ollie16 profile image
ollie16 in reply toMountainGoat52

Opening early for the elderly is certainly a good step

ollie16 profile image
ollie16 in reply toBecksagogo

They raided the shelves long before this ,simply the words “self isolation” put people into panic mode

russino1 profile image

I expect it to happen at some stage

. From what i can see, the Gvnmt are reluctant to introduce this too early.

I think they figure many people will tire of it, so want to keep any lockdown (or other serious measure) to an absolute minimum.

I expect perhaps by end next week ?

COYW profile image

What does lockdown even mean? Think about it. Is it all stay at home? Obviously not or we would all die at home. So who is in ‘lockdown’ and who isn’t? And who will police that? If it’s a curfew well I live in the country. No one would see me outside especially not at night. Public transport stopping? Nope. How would key workers move around? I wouldn’t worry about lockdown. Worry about keeping yourself safe.

Needtodo profile image
Needtodo in reply toCOYW

I understand that "lockdown" is when only allowed to leave home for food/medicine shopping, work and exercise(alone and observing distancing rules).

COYW profile image
COYW in reply toNeedtodo

How might that be enforced rural and urban?

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply toCOYW

FRance has gone into lockdown as well as other EU countries. I have friends in France. They must stay at home and only allowed out for certain things. Food shopping, doctors and walking eth dog or essential work travel. They must download form and fill it in giving reasons for being out. There are police checkpoints and random stops and if you are out without the form you are heavily fined.

ollie16 profile image
ollie16 in reply toCOYW

Very good points ,totally impractical the police and army are over stretched as it is, what hope have they got of enforcing people only make “vital journeys”.

benjijen profile image

It took me over 36 hours to manage to book a home delivery and that's for 4th April!! Lockdown is not an option for me as I am the main carer for my 88 year old mother and she will not let anyone else in (she has dementia as well as other problems). I have several underlying health problems so will keep my distance from people. My stage 4 rehab classes have now stopped so will aim to go out for a walk most days as well - away from others. I think it's a case of using common sense. I'm sick of the scaremongering.

MountainGoat52 profile image

You can go online and read about the path that other countries have taken.... Italy, Spain, Germany, France... all heading the same way, now in lock down to varying degrees. The restrictions in place are set out for all to read about. It is inevitable that the UK and other countries will take the same path on a timescale that their individual Governments deem is appropriate and in each case the decision will be based on the advice available to those Governments.

We all need to apply common sense as is appropriate to our own situation. In my family we have a 92 year old with multiple health issues living 70 miles north of us and a 39 year old with two special needs children living 270 miles south of us. We cannot assist with both situations and physical contact with either has risks attached. Everyone's situation will be different and will need thinking out.

With lock down coming at some point, the best we can all do is to use common sense, minimise contact with others and keep in touch with famiy and friends daily via the phone, text, email and Skype. We have a family WhatsApp group. I think that we all need to be thankful that these modes of communication are available to us in this modern age.

Adaboo profile image

Yes lockdown is coming , it will be announced either today or tomorrow. Stay safe

ollie16 profile image
ollie16 in reply toAdaboo

Not according to BBC NEWS at 1pm

ollie16 profile image
ollie16 in reply toAdaboo

Scaremongering doesn’t help anyone

Adaboo profile image
Adaboo in reply toollie16

It isn’t scaremongering at all. Why be scared of a lockdown, it will make everyone safer. Keep calm.

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply toAdaboo

Whilst I do believe that lockdown will certainly calm down the panic buying, the PM has categorically denied London is going into lockdown, so it's certainly not on the cards at the the moment. Plus measures are being put in place to stop the panic buying which in itself its fueling further panic.

ollie16 profile image
ollie16 in reply toAdaboo

But it is Scaremongering, you are obviously are more informed than Boris Johnson,I am certainly not afraid of a Lockdown, I just think it’s totally impractical ,people still need Food, urgent medical appointments, plumbers in case of an unexpected flood ,gas companies for gas leaks ,many important other reasons to interact.

TriciaGreg profile image

Yea. Just said on news probably this weekend.

ollie16 profile image
ollie16 in reply toTriciaGreg

Where?.,Boris insisting it’s language that should not have been used by the media and yet more Scaremongering

TriciaGreg profile image
TriciaGreg in reply toollie16

Yea, Sky news said earlier that was likely, then later said it was not. I really don’t think they are scaremongering, just trying to get the best news to their audience. That’s ok?

ollie16 profile image
ollie16 in reply toTriciaGreg

I would like to know how they will limit the hoards of people in close contact at Supermarkets that we have seen so much, it ridicules the idea of self isolation.Stores can’t cope with home deliveries,people won’t stop panic buying ,even when the stores are depleted

TriciaGreg profile image
TriciaGreg in reply toollie16

Click and collect is a reasonable compromise.

Whilst it seems unfair and unkind to panic buy, most are probably just trying to do the best they can for their families.

Having said that, I’m surprised that there is no official control, seems to be the most urgent need with the least attention.

stevejb1810 profile image
stevejb1810 in reply toTriciaGreg

I agree about the official control bit - panic buying could be stopped by government edict and/or the supermarkets applying limits on amounts of goods that can be purchased at any one time (as is somewhat belatedly, now happening). I actually disagree about click and collect - availability of those slots is every bit as bad as home deliveries where I am. It’s total mayhem everywhere!

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply toTriciaGreg

Perhaps it would have been a good idea for sky news to have been sure of their information before announcing the news of a lockdown and then having to renounce it!! Media reporting at its very worst?

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply toLezzers

It wasn't just the SkyNews, it was nearly all (if not all, I only look at a few so I can't say 'all'). Even the Daily Telegraph had a 'front page' piece on a 'possible imminent lock-down'.

But talking to my son (in the US) last night, he said 'Mum, you know if they say 'absolutely not!' you can almost certainly count on it happening within 48 hours at the latest'. He said it laughingly but followed up reminding me of the times a denial was quickly followed by a U-turn.

Not trying to throw petrol on the bonfire here - I'm waiting and watching. Personally I can't imagine it happening and if it does somehow happen, would other UK cities like for example, Glasgow and Edinburgh be far behind?

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply toSunnie2day

I do largely agree with you Sunnie bout government u turns etc. But I do think the media, to some extent, should take responsibility for the mass hysteria that seems to enveloping the country, who would have thought tinned tomatoes would be so hard to find! 😂

Would be interested to know who the sources are when they say 'reports are coming in'.

Hope you're keeping well, thought you'd be interested to know that I did try to buy isopropyl and some alcohol wipes, but the delivery charge was over £60!!

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply toLezzers

Lezzers, I SO agree with you - in my opinion the media has been irresponsible in the way they've presented the 'news' - raised eyebrows, sneering voices, treating rumours as though 'soon to be announced fact', aggressive 'gonna got'cha' questions at Q&As. Hmmm. I'd better stop now before I go full rant at the way the media have not only added to the confusion but seemingly deliberately so. grrrrrrrrrrrr!

£60+ - the seller should hang his/her head in utter shame! But I'm seeing the same kind of price hiking all over - the company I buy our single use latex-free gloves from has hiked priced over £10 per bundle (I usually buy the 1000 bundle at £26 and free P&P - checked yesterday and the new price is £38).

Doing well - dare I say it? The wheezing is so nearly gone as to be gone and the chest pain has died back to the usual dull roar. For so many reasons I am looking forward to being able to hear the practice nurse say - 'No rub, you're free' and I'll be floating home from the surgery on candy floss clouds:)

TriciaGreg profile image
TriciaGreg in reply toLezzers


Well I’m sure they said something like “we are getting reports that .....”.

They are doing their best.

Now, I did hear something very interesting indeed which is very significantly important.

ollie16 profile image
ollie16 in reply toLezzers

Absolutely agree.Totally irresponsible and very poor reporting

Berniel69 profile image

Many people are not taking it seriously and carrying on as before. Don't they realise that although they may survive the virus they may well be passing it on to the more vulnerable amongst us. The Gov. with have to impose a lock down very soon to stop this insane behaviour.

ollie16 profile image
ollie16 in reply toBerniel69

A lockdown that limits movement, well I hope when they let people out and they rush to to the Supermarkets yet again to panic buy, the shelves and freezers are empty, certain items are limited and the hoards who never heeded advice to panic buy in the first place are all huddled together and throw caution to any words of being in close contact with others

there is an irony to a lockdown.

That is: it would be nice to still visit those places at the seaside or countryside that do not require us to get close to each other. just enjoy the walk or sit watching the world go by.

Underneath it all, we are still animals and still like ot get out from our homes etc when ever we can.

One assumes the government would be funding costs of home delivery for groceries etc as we would be unable to leave our homes in a lockdown?

Trinityzero profile image
Trinityzero in reply to

Most countries under lock down allow trips out for food and medicine. Some allow walking alone for exercise. National Trust won't be charging for entry into their gardens and parks. I walk the dogs at 6am so only see a few runners and a couple of dog walkers in the distance. If everyone is sensible and takes it seriously we won't lose our freedom - I hope!

in reply toTrinityzero

it would be nice to retain the ability to visit Landguard Reserve or Felixstower prom - i find them extremely therapeutic. Even if current health means i'm almost restricted to sitting with my flask anmd watching the world go by...

Trinityzero profile image
Trinityzero in reply to

Sounds like a very pleasant way to spend a hour or two. Enjoy.

ollie16 profile image
ollie16 in reply toTrinityzero

Italy where they line up outside stores for them to open like the UK now, where close contact comes to who gets to the freezer section or depleted shelves first

84green profile image

A few London tube stations shut this morning and some bus routes cancelled. So, I guess this is a precursor for a full public transport shutdown sooner rather than later.

HMG will have to do it in a way that ensure essential workers can still get to work.

Not sure “lockdown” is an accurate phrase - there will be some movement allowed. The government has clearly given strong advice for people to change their routines and whilst it has had an effect, clearly not enough of one.

A friend in France needs a document to leave the house.

I’m sure the rest of the country will follow London.

Statex profile image
Statex in reply to84green

Radio 5 live broadcast the PM's Speech at 5 pm and last night he said that the voluntary measures may become compulsory.

Trinityzero profile image

I am in the vulnerable category but due to hamstering I had to visit Pets at home, Tesco, Lidl and eventually Asda to find dry dog biscuit. I have a German Shepherd and a border collie. Never have a problem normally. Didn't get more than I usually do. I can only assume people with minature-poodles and dachunds are suddenly buying 12kg bags of food.

Have you nothing better to do than help spread "rumours" ? get a life will you and stop being part of the problem!

gladliz profile image

What I can't get my head round is what is being 'panic bought' in the shops. Went into local Sainsbugs yesterday and while I expected loo rolls to be gone, frozen pastry, most types of flour, except exotic ones, and bread mixes were as well. However Freefrom, Vegan and ready meals seemed to still be plentiful. As we are not noted for being a nation of home cooks these days I can't help wondering who is buying it all and where they are storing it. On another note keeping a safe distance in queues is a joke. While paying for my shop the couple behind me had moved so near I had to ask him to move just so I could reach the card machine. Even without the virus I hate it when people invade your space like that. They won't get served any quicker.

ollie16 profile image
ollie16 in reply togladliz

Very good points, we are being told to self isolate and only make essential journeys ,but those essential journeys are surrounded by panic shoppers ,hygiene at the stores?..,People only care about raiding shelves and freezers and pushing the next person out of the way

not2worry profile image

FYI -The BVI will shut down their borders and not allow anyone in for 30 days starting tomorrow, Thursday March 20, 2020.

Howardl profile image

Will all this make the virus go away? If self isolate for 3 months will it be gone? And 6 months? We are not following Asia and cleaning the virus away. This is an island the virus has nowhere to go.

COYW profile image

Government just confirmed they have no plans to bring in the army or ‘lock down’ London. I’m happy to stay at home. I’m retired, healthy, (despite dodgy ticker😀) writing a book and have a garden so Im isolating. Next door have C19 and very poorly so I’m not underestimating the problem and we too have friends in France. But they re still getting out and about. You have to take care in the ways we have been told but ‘lockdown’ is a drama where we really don’t need one. 🤞

Sunnie2day profile image

Turns out it actually was a rumour - one quite stoutly denied by No.10 late this morning.

valezio profile image
valezio in reply toSunnie2day

Yes did hear that althiugh part of London Underground closure was true. xxx

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply tovalezio

Honestly I think the closure of those routes fuelled the wildfire of rumour re 'London on lock-down any second now'. I know one minister said something last week about not running ghost trains (Grant Shapps, I think but am not sure now) so I wasn't all that surprised at the partial Underground closures, and it did have me thinking, 'Well, maybe they are going to shut down London' especially when I read 'credible' sources reporting the 20K troops build up to 'assist' with the coronavirus crisis.

In the end (hahahaha, I don't think we're really going to see an end anytime soon), I think we all need to take a deep breath and look at everything not officially from No.10 as rumour and nothing more.

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply tovalezio

Some underground stations are closing mainly those with no interchange with another line or in close proximity to other stations

0ut of 270 stations only 40 are closed.

Eg Mornington crescent on the Northern line.

They are running a reduced service as fewer people are travelling by tube.

Confirmed by my sons who are studying at London universities.

Sunnie2day profile image

I definitely think the rumours are what is behind the so-called panic buying. I wish people were only taking twice or maybe three times what they need rather than going mad and buying all the lav roll and tinned tomatoes on the shelf, but I do understand why they're running on panic.

My son said some of the panic buying photos and video clips of the mayhem all over supposed first-world countries remind him of: WalMart/ASDA on 'Black Friday', and hurricane buying where he lives in the US.

Bigbrian profile image

Hi, does anybody know anyone who has the virus? As In tested positive ?

Or have they all just got a bit of a cold, in March, same as last year at this time...........

TriciaGreg profile image
TriciaGreg in reply toBigbrian

Yes. 3.

Lockdown not imminent. Not sure that’s a good or a bad move. However, given the reaction to people panic shopping, I think it’s the right move, because some steam needs letting out of the pressure cooker.

I think tonight’s overall news conference was the most positive to date, particularly the news on a anti bodies test.

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