Angiogram imminent now: Hello all.... I... - British Heart Fou...

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Angiogram imminent now

Flowerfanatic profile image
39 Replies

Hello all....

I said I would update when I heard when my angiogram (with aortagram and “aortic pullback” - not that I really know what those two are!) is to be scheduled. Heard earlier in the week that its is to be done next Monday 14th. Just returned from having the pre-procedure blood tests etc.

Completely nervous 😥- the idea of being conscious whilst it is all happening is really getting to me. And then knowing that the next hurdle after this is the AVR is making for some sleepless nights I have to admit. Also wondering about time scales between the angiogram and the AVR - I suppose that is the “how long is a piece of string?” question .... And exactly what they see/ find on Monday.

Any advice / help reassurance would be so appreciated.

Thank you for listening.

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Flowerfanatic profile image
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39 Replies
080311 profile image

Hi, can really understand what a scary place you are looking into, firstly I don’t know what aortagram and aortic pullback are, but the angiogram I had before my Aortic valve replacement was ok, I had a sedative so was very relaxed, they went through my wrist, it was like being on the deck of the Star Ship Enterprise! It’s very high tech, Lots of tv screens my cardiologist was taking me through as the pictures of my artery and then my heart came onto the screen, everyone is very reassuring, I was already in hospital so was taken back to the ward. Going through your wrist you have a band put round with a little window over where they went in and they keep checking to make sure there isn’t a bleed. They found I also needed a bypass as well as the AVR and time scale was a few weeks.

Remember you will be well looked after, it’s one more step on the road to having a mended heart. I know my saying try not to worry is silly but you will be ok, let us know how you are next week and what the outcome is.

Will be thinking of you Pauline

Flowerfanatic profile image
Flowerfanatic in reply to080311

Ahh thank you so much Pauline .... I keep trying to tell myself that it will be fine.... 😳and I know that I will be well looked after. Really appreciate you taking the time out of your day to write with all the valuable information and yes, I will report back next week.

Best wishes


Jaycey profile image
Jaycey in reply toFlowerfanatic

I did not have a sedative but I did have pain. The minute I said something the team dealt with it immediately. Everyone was so attentive and caring. They know you are anxious and will do everything they can to make you comfortable.

Flowerfanatic profile image
Flowerfanatic in reply toJaycey

Thank you so much Jaycey and for taking the time to write in. And I do know that I will be in the best hands. All the best to you,


Nannysue1 profile image
Nannysue1 in reply to080311

I was going to reply but you've said it all. I'm a complete woose with medical procedures but like you, with the sedation the experience was more weird that scary. Thankfully with mine , I only needed some tweaks with my meds.

Flowerfanatic profile image
Flowerfanatic in reply toNannysue1

Thanks Nannysue1 ! Ha yes I am also part of the “woose club” too ! Will be interesting to see what they find but at least I will know exactly what I’m dealing with. All the best and thanks for writing,


080311 profile image

Hi Sunnie just read your great post, remembered after they brought me back to the ward after my angiogram my brother phoned from the States, remember he asked if I had been out for a drink as I was talking nonsense 😂 my husband took the phone to explain 😉

Best wishes Pauline

Flowerfanatic profile image
Flowerfanatic in reply to080311

That’s so funny Pauline 🤣

Flowerfanatic profile image

Hi Sunnie2day

Thank you so much for all this information and taking the time to write to me. So much appreciated. And I will most definitely do an update and like you I hate needles so, so much and am a complete wimp to boot and will ask for maximum sedative / anxiety relief etc.

Will be back on the forum next week.

All best to you (and hope your scarring stays “trivial” for many years! )


Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply toFlowerfanatic

I'll be thinking of you Monday morning, hopefully once you're back in the bay, you'll be saying to yourself 'Oh, that wasn't so bad after all!'.

Flowerfanatic profile image
Flowerfanatic in reply toSunnie2day

Oh I do hope so and judging by the descriptions and comments from everyone about the “calming stuff” they give you well, I’m quite looking forward to that part 😂!!

Thanks again.


080311 profile image

Think it’s something like the drug you are given before surgery, remember the anaesthetist came to speak to me, in the room before the theatre proper, wasn’t the guy I had seen the day before was told he had been working through the night on an emergency, so he would be taking care of me, remember his very smiley face and his very nice Italian accent saying was that ok, he could have said we are now going to take your head off and I would have still nodded. 😂 as you say great stuff😉

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to080311

LOL, and you're right, if the cardiologist had said that to me (head off) I would have smiled and nodded. I didn't feel loopy, just very detached and care-free. Great stuff if facing something so worrying (ha! 'worrying'=terrifying, I was sure I was going home after several stents and multiple bypass!) but once that medication took hold, I was happy as Larry to be there on that table.

Handel profile image
Handel in reply to080311

😂 xxx

StevepH2012 profile image


I too found it very unsettling having to wait between appointments without knowing when the next one would be. The timing of my pre-op visits were June 12 - full MRI, July 4 - CT Angiogram, 25 July - AVR + root graft. (With a couple of COVID tests thrown in between)

My understanding is that the angiogram is scheduled to be as close to operation as practical so I would expect call within a week or so of that.


Flowerfanatic profile image
Flowerfanatic in reply toStevepH2012

Hi Steve - thanks so much for this information- am wondering if my path to an AVR be as fast? Hopefully (maybe?) I will know more after Monday. May I ask you, how were you health wise before your AVR.... presume your Aortic valve was severely stenosed? Mine is apparently (and like you I was born with a bicuspid valve) “severely” but my symptoms aren’t so terrible that they stop me from doing most things. A bit breathless at times and the heart does crazy pounding and erratic jumping about when I lie down but apart from that not all that bad..... I guess though if it is left for too much longer the thinking is that it may start affecting other parts of my heart. Just read your AVR heart journey. Hope all continues along well for you.

Best wishes


IanMK profile image

My experience of an angiogram was very much like Pauline’s - nothing to worry about at all. I had a sedative but didn’t really feel any different and was slightly amused at being assisted to and from the theatre as if I was old and infirm 😉. The tea and biscuits while they waited for the cannula site to close was nice.

Flowerfanatic profile image
Flowerfanatic in reply toIanMK

Hi IanMK - thank you for replying - am happy to hear that ... and hope I get some nice tea and biscuits afterwards too !

all best wishes, Sarah

Denva profile image

You are sedated so you miss quite a bit. I was given two stents and if I have to have it again I would be quite happy. In someways I was grateful to find out what was going on. In fact when I went to the cardiologist the first time he told me that my tests were quite good. (I couldn’t do the stress test). I started to have angina all the time and it was a bit scary. I rang the cardiologist and he said okay I’m putting you straight in for an angiogram. Even as I was wheeled into theatre he was still saying that he didn’t think he would find anything. He did. He stented the worst ones And may need to get the other ones done down the track. However he believes in medication and isn’t convinced you need to have stents. He also discovered that I had CAS. So don’t be frightened. Just keep reminding yourself about how lucky we are that we can get this treatment. My Nanna died of a heart attack at 62. She had angina for years but there wasn’t much help for her. We are so lucky. Good luck. Let us know how it goes.

Flowerfanatic profile image
Flowerfanatic in reply toDenva

Hi Denva, you’re so right - at least the angiogram gives a far better and clearer picture of what is going on with our hearts and we are so lucky with modern medicine nowadays.

Thank you for taking the time to write and for your good wishes. Will definitely let you all know how it goes next week.

All the best to you


jmpond90gmailcom profile image

Good morning. I didn't know what an angiogram was 8 weeks ago. I am now in the very exclusive club of having an angioplasty and an angiogram in that time! Both procedures are relatively comfortable and are both miracles of the medical profession in my opinion. You can expect a room full of professionals and friendly people who are all there to help you. I think the not knowing is always the worst bit and can often be made worse by our own thoughts which often end up being worse than any reality. If you have any other questions or doubts please raise them and am sure that someone who reads will be able to help. Good luck on your road to to help you all the way


Flowerfanatic profile image
Flowerfanatic in reply tojmpond90gmailcom

Thanks so much Jim for writing and for your reassurance and you’re so right... my thoughts often tend to err on the side of imagining the worst compared with reality ! Will report back next week.

All best wishes,


Purbecklady profile image
Purbecklady in reply toFlowerfanatic

Mines Friday 18th . Jenny

Flowerfanatic profile image
Flowerfanatic in reply toPurbecklady

Time enough then for me to get back to you then Jenny. Hope you’re not worrying too much and having a nice weekend.


Purbecklady profile image

Hiya , I have my angiogram next week too , I am also very anxious , I think it comes with the territory , when I spoke with the cardiac nurse about my concerns she was very reassuring saying lots of people are watching me very closely ! I’ll be thinking of you !

Flowerfanatic profile image
Flowerfanatic in reply toPurbecklady

Hi there Purbecklady - yes definitely comes with the territory doesn’t it?! 😬And the nurse that rang me was very reassuring too. Which day is yours? I will try and update you on my experience before you go in.

Thanks for writing and your kind thoughts all the best to you.


Surreychica_1 profile image

Do not worry. I found it fascinating. I watched every move. There is very little pain, but a burning feeling in the heart at one time but not so bad when you know they are looking for blockages and I could see mine. The cardiologist explained to me the before and after when the stent was in. I was sorry I didnt have a better view as I had to crane my neck to see properly. You will be fine and the cardiologist will know exactly what to do. Take care and try not to worry. I was so pleased to be having it done I fairly jumped over the moon. I was so afraid I would have a heart attack until they did the angiogram. I was frightened to go to sleep in case I didnt wake up again.

Flowerfanatic profile image
Flowerfanatic in reply toSurreychica_1

Hello to you Surreychica_1.

Thanks so much for writing and for sharing your experience- will try my hardest not to worry 😉. Great that you are feeling so much better about things now you have your stent in too.

All the best to you


road2ruin profile image

Sitting in my garden now with a cup of coffee, 10 months post AVR. My angiogram was done in May 2019 and was pretty simple and mostly painless, a little discomfort in the arm. I did not have any sedative or pain relief either. Mine was through the wrist, which gives you a quicker recovery time, but you don't have a choice it's down to the surgeon.

My AVR was then in October 2019, this will depend on a number of factors they find or not.

With regards to the AVR I have a very extensive diary, which I have posted on here, please look for it under my user name, it goes into a lot of detail about how things went. I am more than happy to answer any particular questions though, like most of us are.

Good luck and best wishes.


Flowerfanatic profile image
Flowerfanatic in reply toroad2ruin

Thank you so much for writing Peter and for all the information.... Think you’re so right about the timings (for AVR) being dependent on the outcome of the angiogram etc.

And I will definitely read your diary on here. Thank you and for your kind wishes.

All the best to you


Qualipop profile image

No idea what the other two are but have had 2 angiograms. I was sedated but certainly not "OUT" . I desperately wanted to watch all the screens but he wouldn't let me. They went through my wrist- never felt a thing. The first one I bruised terribly right up to my elbow. Second one not even a pin prick. Back to recovery room for tea and oast until they could release the pressure cuff on my wrist then home. I left home at 8.00 am and was back home by 130 - we are 40 minutes from the hospital

Flowerfanatic profile image
Flowerfanatic in reply toQualipop

Hello Qualipop.... Thank you for taking the time to write and for explaining your experiences. Interesting your 2 angiograms were so different. Am expecting bruising as I bruise quite easily but not to worry. My appointment is quite early at 8am so hopefully will be home early afternoon- fingers crossed.

All best wishes to you


Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply toFlowerfanatic

Wow, that's early; first in. Good luck and don't worry

Tessie28 profile image

Try not to over think. I won't lie I didn't like the angiogram [had no sedative] but I loved being able to see that my arteries were really clear. They go in through the wrist mostly now. Arm ached for a few days. Had mine about 2 weeks before I was operated on. Get it done as soon as you can, not least in case this damn virus closes wards to heart patients. Honestly, just finished the ironing and my 50 minute rehab routine! Could never have done that 6 months now. Then after lunch we will do a 6000 step walk. Good luck xx

Flowerfanatic profile image
Flowerfanatic in reply toTessie28

Thanks so much Tessie28. Will be interested to see exactly what is going on and to know. And that was my thought too - wonder if wards will be closed again due to COVID. Really great to hear that you are doing so well 6 months after your procedure.

Thanks for writing and all best wishes


Handel profile image

Hello Sarah. If my hubby's angiogram was anything to go by, he was fascinated by the 'live action' on screen and felt nothing at all.

The pressure put on his wrist after the procedure wasn't too bad but like everyone, expect a little bit of bruising there.

All the very best to you and let us know how you get on xxxx

Flowerfanatic profile image
Flowerfanatic in reply toHandel

Thank you Handel - that’s good to know and thank you for writing and your kind wishes too. Will be reporting back next week.

All best to you


Pablo317 profile image

Hi Flowerfanatic. You may be surprised at how simple and painless the angiogram is. The worst bit may be the worrying about it. Good luck_Pablo x 😎⚽️🍷

Flowerfanatic profile image
Flowerfanatic in reply toPablo317

Hi Pablo - that is very good to know and yes, knowing me (a worrier by nature!) maybe this bit is the worst. Thanks for writing and your good luck wishes

All the best to you,


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