Just want to wish all you Hearties out there a happy and healthy(well relatively!) New year.Not going out tonight for fear of alcoholic poisoning and I want to say a big thankyou for all the support,kindness and info I`ve received since joining the forum but most of all thank you for the jokes and banter which I love.Laughter really is the best medicine.I feel as though I`ve made a whole new group of friends xxx
Early night!: Just want to wish all you... - British Heart Fou...
Early night!

Happy New Year to you. I'm staying in tonight all well. I'd like to say that I'm unusually staying in, but that's not really true as I spent last NYE in an Acute Care room in hospital, so really staying in tonight is a big improvement on last year 😊

Happy New Year
Let's hope 2020 is full of fun and laughter
Thank you.Let`s hope so x
I made an enormous Mary Berry casserole (the one she made with William and Kate) with oven chips, a chicken and bacon pie and a quiche; a trifle ( No sherry) and an orange cake and we spent the evening at home with 3 friends and two crazy dogs. Laughed ourselves silly and crawled to bed at 2am. I had casserole only and a rather generous helping of trifle and toasted the new year with precisely one inch of lager. ( I haven't had a drink in 19 years.) I can honestly say it was the best evening I've had in years. I rarely get out of the house but that's what life is about and how I want next year to be; good friends, good company and good food and reasonably good health. I wish the same to all of you and thanks for all the help I've had over the last year.I didn't get up today until 11am and I don't care. A year ago I thought I would be lucky to see another New Year in. I start a disabled exercise class in a couple of weeks; one resolution I will NOT break and I'm learning Norwegian. What a difference a year can make. Make the most of every day.
Gosh Qualipop,such culinary skill and learning Norwegian.So glad you had a brilliant night with friends xx
I have Norwegian dogs and Norwegian friends. I thought it was only polite to try to learn the language. It's NOT easy; well the grammar and a lot of words are like German or English is but the pronunciation is awful. Anyway they reckon learning a language at my age staves off dementia LOL. Use it or lose it! Happy New Year.
Yes, it is a very rough and ready language, Personally I think you are completely barking to even attempt it. It makes your throat go all husky and you will have to collar a really good teacher before you attempt it.
Some people find that it gives them nightmares and they wake up howling in the night, exchanging glances, and more howling in the night. Others find that a good text book is something to get you teeth onto. Skol. Godt nytt år.
I`m sure the dogs will appreciate being spoken to in their mother tongue and correct any mispronunciations.Im`going stick to Italian,it`s fairly easy compared to Dutch,Norwegian etc .We`ll have to compare notes on progress,in English of course or we won`t what the devil we`re talking about!Good luckx
I tried Italian many years ago but couldn't get the hang of it. They spoke too fast for me. I remember one man in Verona giving us directions and all we could do was jot down L or R according to which way his arms pointed. Couldn't understand a single word.
I tried Italian as well but gave it up in the end as I kept slipping into Spanish.
Yes I think the two languages are similar but my brother who`s fluent in Spanish says not.
Your brother is correct - there are significant differences between Italian and Spanish. But there are enough similarities in common words that I couldn't stop myself if I used two or more of the similar words in a sentence.
Sad, I really wanted to learn Italian at least as well as I speak (and read, and write) Spanish. But I just couldn't wrap my brain around it.
Well you`re way ahead of me.I prefer classes but I`m miles from any classes and not really disciplined enough to learn by CDs but I will struggle on.What with the yoga,swimming and twice daily dog walking plus I want to get back to painting it all takes a lot of organizing and that is my big failing! I`ve never ever managed to organize my time efficiently.I have a dream of a perfectly well run existence but I`m running out of time!!
True but people learning English say just the same about us!
I love learning other languages. We usually go to France on holiday so I can practice but didn’t go this year because of my heart attack. You’ve given me an idea to take my mind off my illness so I’ll be getting my Mandarin books out. I studied it for 5 years when I was in my mid fifties. I still try to practice from time to time.