I recently saw a comment here on intervention, stent and meds not always solving things first time. Has anyone experienced this please?
I had a mild nstemi and one stent fitted just over 5 weeks ago but am still getting on and off soreness and discomfort, sometimes up to 3 or 4 out of 10 pain level but mostly very mild. Both the rehab nurses and my GP are saying that this shouldn't still be the case at this stage. It's worrying as I constantly flit from feeling like I'm getting over the Cardiac event but then switching to worrying that my issue wasn't solved by the angioplasty and feeling in danger.
A little after the stent was fitted I ended up calling 999 through some quite bad pain but, once the Accident and Emergency department of my local hospital had established that it wasn't another heart attack, they weren't interested in finding out what it actually was and merely sent me home. This now means that I'm never quite sure what to do when I get pain which to be fair is usually either brief or mild. When I've used the GTN spray most of the time it helps but doesn't solve for a brief period then the issue returns.