How do you could with surgery receptionists who refuse to let you see a doctor?
Turned away at surgery yet again. - British Heart Fou...
Turned away at surgery yet again.

Are they refusing to let you make an appointment?

Why? Do you mind saying why you want an appointment? They should at least give you a telephone consultation as they are not medically qualified having only been to the Cruella de Vil customer care school!
That is so wrong! Is there an out of hrs Doctor service that you can see? Surely everyone should be allowed to see a doctor & register @ surgery
Ask to speak to the practice manager or write and express your dissatisfaction simply and politely and ask for a copy of their complaints procedure.
I understand that GP’s have schedules to keep and cannot see walk ins without appointments but the receptionist should be able to offer alternative options without the patient having to go to A&E if it is not an emergency.
Can you change surgery? Is there another one near you?
Same at mine. I had 6 stents in March for Angina, tried to see myGP not a prayer. After going back to the Heart clinic for a 6 month check up they sent my practice a letter of recommendations for meds. This got buried and I did finally get a phone appointment where upon yet another new GP ended up screaming down the phone at me arguing about meds. I tried to explain the consultant had changed some pills but he kept ranting he wanted to see me before changing meds EXACTLY!!! I want to see a GP no chance. Tried to change practices but out of catchment area so stuck. Then I get a call from the practice low and behold my letter shows up and your prescription is ready...... joke, so I says that was weeks ago and I need to discuss the new meds....WHY???.... can I make an appointment? .... next one is 6 weeks away ...bless em My GP just retired in his early 50s having been on TV closing 2 of his 4 practices due to incompetence..... says it all
Tell him/her she is not qualified to make that decision and insist you want to see one. I would make a fuss, shy does cut it in this world.
Put everything in writing and go and see your member of parliament. Keep copies of everything. It is all a bit of a pain but somebody will eventually realise that you are building a case against them and move into action?
I guess the appointment would depend on what it’s for? And if you’re insisting on specific GP/times? I’m very lucky/unlucky and the staff all know me as the cardiac patient and almost have a free pass!
Do your clinic have an early morning list you can get on as an emergency? In the past I’ve got appointments on that basis, whilst reminding the receptionist I would be calling 999 for an ‘emergency’ but I definitely need to see a clinician today.
What exactly do you mean by refusing to let you see a doctor? Most surgeries will have some kind of filtering system for dealing with patients who want to be seen that day. My own surgery has a triage system, so if you want to be seen as an emergency a doctor will phone you back and decide whether you are urgent enough to be seen that same day. Other surgeries have different systems, so it's a question of finding out how your surgery operates. Otherwise if it's not urgent it's a question of finding the GP in the practice with the shortest list.
I don't think the practice can tell you point blank you can't see a doctor, so if that is the case I would ask to speak to the practice manager.
What's the position Ridi?
I have some sympathy for Ridi, getting an appointment at my GPs is very difficult, 3 weeks is usual! Even a phone call takes a week or more.
Hi ridi,
Mines a little bit of a long story but long story short as I can
Back in early March of 2019 had heart attack, mild but nonetheless still a worry as my family suffer from this problem all my uncles & father has died from heart disease.
Got home from a days work (Truck driver) ate my dinner then the worst bear hug around my chest I could wish for, as my 82 year old mother was sat in front of me I decided it best to not worry her & went to a quiet place upstairs on my own by the grace of God it passed. The evening after went to my G.P practice to get sum help but was told by the receptionist we are not a walk in service and cannot just be seen on a whim & a prayer, so I told her I will just go away & die then, she didn't bat an eye lid!!!
Then the day after I spoke to my cousin who was working in the same quarry as me & told him of my experiences. He then tells me I must see a doctor ASAP, we both tried to ring my doctors surgery for the next 45minutes, engaged engaged engaged!!!
Cousin says leave it with me i'll get misses to keep phoning. Six hours or so later doctor phones me &ask why I haven't seeked medical advice & that I must get to surgery ASAP.
Tells her what's happened, blood pressure check & ecg came back OK but to be sure booked in cardiac unit in local hospital morning after, Two weeks later left hospital after triple heart bypass in a wheel chair. I Hate that receptionist she very nearly cost me my life.
Blame this on the present government, they have starved the NHS and GPs of money for the last 10 years. I've attended the surgery 3 times recently and found no appointment has been made except I know they have! My friend works there and she's leaving because her nerves she can't continue working not one of the GPs at the practice works full time. It was never like this it was a wonderful practice with GPs who had time for you. I went to see the female doctor in Sept 1989 as I felt something on my left breast where a young boy accidentally kicked me in the pool. She didn't po po me she referred me to a consultant immediately and I had a mastectomy on 2nd November. Everything is going to hell in a handcart now.
I phone my surgery earlier for my husband to find an on call dr or nearest 🙄 the message was to phone 111 fir emergencies 😳
I had the same last week. Had been to the hospital for an assessment for a small operation, and my bp was 209/98. They wrote a letter for my doctor and told me to see him, as they said I can't have the operation with my bp this high. I phoned the doctor and the receptionist said I could not see the doctor only a nurse. I didn't bother and rang back later and got an appointment in two weeks. I really think these receptionists will be responsible for the deaths of many soon if this doesn't stop. But they must be being told by the doctors to say this, which is very worrying