Having had a quadruple bypass on 28 August and being discharged from hospital (most of the time in the High Dependency Unit) on 7 September I now have an appointment with the practice nurse tomorrow 19 September "to examine surgical wounds and take blood"
Personally I tend to prefer the practice nurse to the doctor as being more hands-on, practical and sympathetic
12 years ago I had vascular surgery on my left leg following which I had a surgical stocking and had to go to the surgery to have it renewed-it all seemed a bit messy
This time I have had a long vein removed from the other leg to provide the pieces needed to replace the 4 arteries round the heart
The surgeons certainly believe in making bold incisions and I have what looks like a sabre scar down my thigh and calf-a product of a fencing club at Heidelberg University!
This time no surgical stocking and the wound has been left open and I think they said it has been glued rather than stitched together
It was looked at in hospital and always seemed ok to me though it got very sore at times and I needed the painkillers
The main wound on the chest seems a very neat job and looks as if I have been "done up like a kipper"
I know that I have to wait at least 6 weeks before the sternum has healed and I can drive Then it is 8 weeks before "light work" and then 12 weeks for a "full recovery"
It has not been easy finding a comfortable sleeping position but not too bad either and again there are painful times
Otherwise there are various healed scars on my chest where "drains" went in and I think they removed electronic tabs which was quite painful
Also painful were the injections in the stomach though to be fair I was warned by the nurse "this is going to hurt"
I can remember having a lot of wires and "lines" hanging out of my neck If they got caught between the surgical gown and the bed they would pull painfully
In the end even the weight of them was hard to bear and it was a big relief when they came out-my neck had got very sore and itchy
My ankles are swollen but then they always are because of weak valves in the groins and this week I have started walking 1,000 steps a day on the common and plan to increase each week until I am walking at least the recommended 30 mins a day after 6 weeks
Normally I can clock up 20 miles a week even allowing for at least one rest day
All in all I am hoping the practice nurse will find it fairly straightforward and I needn't bring up my obsession with the side-effects of medication which was changed on discharge and my experiences with Delirium after surgery
Next week marks the "end of regular pain relief" and this week the end of the first 2 weeks at home which is dependent on support from family and which has been largely blessed with sunny weather in the garden