Update on Cardiac scan results, need ... - British Heart Fou...

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Update on Cardiac scan results, need a little advice

Brandibell profile image
9 Replies

Hi all, so off I go to get my results from the GP, turns out it's a locum so he has never met me and vice versa. It turns out I am not as bad as they thought I am clear from Coronary AD and plaque which is great news and I have mild LVSD and to come back for a Echo in 12 months. That is all fine for me. ..

This is where it gets complicated or not? I was on 80mg Statins aspirin(75mg) Rampril/Bisoprolol(both 1:25mg)when I was discharge, now in that time I was taken off all statins due to a deranged Liver. Then Bisoprol/rampril due to side effects and low blood pressure. Finally Aspirin.

Yet,according to my cardiologist in Blackpool Who I have never met I need to reduce my statins from 80/20mg. Then apparently according to them I am also on 5mg of Rampril/Bisoprol and I need it raising to 10mg...

Now I told this Locum that I am only on half of a Bisoprol 1.25 mg which is what was agreed with the regular GP. The locum has told me to now come of the Bisoprol..

So I am now not taking anything I have a 6 month check up with one cardiologist at a different hosp and a 12 month one with the hosp. That treated me....

Feeling quite anxious and in shock, almost like what just happened( blue lighted to two hosp. In one evening on the verge of a HA.) but also happy that it isn't anything too serious.

Should I go and see my regular GP and see what he says about coming off everything as this doesn't seem right when my cardiologist thinks I am on the above doses of 5mg.How will my cardiologist know I am not taking anything?.... i could be putting more strain on my ticker... which is not easing my anxiety but I am also trying to put some trust in the GP...as they are qualified I am not!

Apologises for waffling and probably confusing you all....😁👍🤔

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Brandibell profile image
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9 Replies
rankin1st profile image

Go back to GP who knows you just tell them your concerns. Drs are just human and don't know it all even if they do. My GP said it stands for general practitioner means I know general info about most things which is why I refer you to specialist so they can give you specialist info about their subject of knowledge. I would Ask GP to clarify with cardiologist and feed back to you. That way will help you not stress about it. All the best

benjijen profile image

I agree with rankin1st - go to see usual GP and he can contact Cardiologist for confirmation.

dunestar profile image

Hi Brandibell. If you're feeling confused in all this I wouldn't blame you at all. I think what happens is that as soon as there's a sign of any heart issues you get put on a standard "package" of drugs. That's what happened to me and I guess the same would have happened to you when you got taken to the hospital. Then as they get further information about the issues from the tests etc the medication gets tweaked.

As others have suggested I would go back to GP and ask him to be clear about what your diagnosis is, what medication is prescribed and why. If he has to consult the cardiologist, that's fine. Then it's a question of seeing over time whether the medication is addressing your symptoms.

Morleyone profile image

Hi I would definitely go back and see your gp and sort your medication out I think I would be slightly confused good luck .My gp will not tell me my outcome of my ct scan I've got to wait while October to see cardiologist his manner is very abrupt .

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to Morleyone

Agree with your suggestion the OP speak with the GP - hopefully Brandibell will update us as it's been a month since the original post.

And my do I ever agree about an abrupt cardiologist! Mine is abrupt to the point of being properly labelled as unnecessarily brusque. But I actually like him (I'm one of the very few who does from what I've overheard in the waiting area) - I was SO happy to hear him call my aortic valve scarring 'trivial' and my pericardial effusion so minimal he had 'no plans to go in after it' I practically danced out of the consult room.

And best of all, when I gasped and clutched my chest (no, really, I did) at his suggestion he order a cardiac catheterisation, he very quickly booked me for a cardiac MRI and an nearly immediate follow-up consult to discuss the results - although he did roll his eyes when I gasped.

LOL, in my mind he can be as brusque as he wants to as long as he continues being the best NHS cardiologist in my area - I will very gladly endure his bad bedside manner even if he ends having to give me bad news. Hopefully if he ever does have to give me a more grave diagnosis he'll do so with a bit more kindness but if not, at least I know whatever treatment he offers will be the very best.

Brandibell profile image
Brandibell in reply to Sunnie2day

Hi, here is an update. I actually went to see another GP in my surgery who I haven't met. Now this one appears to be the best out of the bunch of four GP's I have seen and female. I have been told that they can't explain why I was on the verge of a cardiac arrest in May it was a blip they think as I have no plaque/ CAD. I have Mild LVSD and will have a check up.

The GP said it is up to them how I am treated from now on in, not the cardiologist. I explained I cannot tolerate the drugs and i am no longer taking any statins/ Rampril/aspirin/and just taking 0.62mg of Bisoprolol to be told to come off it all and to go and live life after testing my BP which is ideal and my HR 72.

I have been clear of all drugs for 2 weeks, my energy has come along in leaps and bounds I am back exercising, no anxiety etc... I believe that the standard package of drugs is not always needed and if you feel they are too strong then I would cut all tablets in half.

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to Brandibell

Thank-you for the update - what super news, I'm so happy for you!

Morleyone profile image

Sorry I mislead you my cardiologist is nice I mean my Gp he's abit like dr martin from the tv show abrupt.

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to Morleyone

Ah! Sorry your GP is Doc Martin-ish but hopefully he is a competent medic.

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