I am an Engineer and when something is broken you fix it, put a new part in and away you go for another few years. 4 months ago after my heart attack and stents fitted, I have learned the body is different, a lot different. In the past I have had sports injuries, the usual illnesses, and once got betten by a scorpion, but they all got better and life went on. With heart failure it doesn't work that way, the axiety, fear, depression and even anger all come into the algorith.
I haven't been a religious person since i was a kid and I am now 67, but 10 years I married a Buddhist gal and this being a phylosphy absent of a superior being, it has always interested me.
Now I am in the doodoos I am looking at it more seriously, hoping it can help me straighten my head out which from day to day is all over the shop. Watched a few things on Youtube, with people like Richard Gere and wondered if anyone else had headed down that route, or was thinking of doing so.
Some of it does work, my wife often gets me to sleep with Buddhist chants, when I have scrambled eggs between my ears and the pill ain't working. Plus she is a calm person anyway, after looking at my face she can go away, wipe away her tears and come back and help me. Haven't worked out the meditation side of it yet, but apparently that helps.
I am perticularly vulnerable as I don't live in the Uk and get zero support where I am.