so fed up with feeling like something is wrong..please someone help ive got anxiety,depression and my parents got told when i was small i had asthma im now 22 and im so scared that something bad is going to happen been having tightness in chest for about two months ive had blood tests,spirometry test,chest xray been to so many doctors they have used stephstope on me had ambulance car out..i cant stop thinking it something bad..i went and seen a doctor the other day and instead of taking the brown inhaler twice in morning and twice at night to do it once in morning and night for two weeks then stop for obsessed with asthma i keep looking here there and everywhere..the lady said i could of outgrown it but im scared could i been outgrown it i see so much about your oxygen dont have to be bad or you dont have to be wheezing and the stephstopes dont always pick up stuff😔😔
i cant stop and i cant carry on😭😭xxxx