Just wanted to let anyone know whose in similar situation.. had AF ablation done in March...was running and cardio exercise 1month later..all is well...never felt better actually and so glad i went ahead..the risks which they have to tell you scared me to death but i would definitely have another if i needed to...Just had heart scan this week and my atria which was dilated has gone back to normal size !!!..Another positive reason to act now !!!!.. hope thishelos anyone in doubt !!
Post AF ablation : Just wanted to let... - British Heart Fou...
Post AF ablation

Your post is v helpful. I’ve Just bern told I’m getting AF, so knowing there’s something that might help it, is v good news. Thanks.
Would definitely talk to your cardiologist re ablation... obviously every case different but mine was straight fwd..ive had Paroxysmal AF for 5 yrs..im 52 and as still young and v active was the best way fwd for me...good luck .
Thanks for posting that. Good to hear of a positive outcome. I had a radio frequency ablation yesterday so pleased to hear of your success. The risks are potentially frightening but the benefits are tremendous. I'm looking forward to doing some exercise in due course!
What does your cardiologist think..?..did you have paroxysmal af?
Sorry to hear your problems..i think you must go to the nearest doctor or hospital and have a check up .. paroxysmal means individual episodes..it means it is not persistent..
Good luck
Good luck with everything x
Gosh I wish cardiologist had suggested that to me but had cardioversion and within 2 weeks back in AF. I wish she had suggested that I’ve had to have a pacemaker in had it done 7 weeks today and it’s the MRI one which is big.
Yeah im surprised too..but i guess every case is different?..
Hi many thanks for posting your comments. I am due to have an ablation this month having put of the procedure once last year. It was reassuring to hear from someone who has been through the procedure. Thanks again
Hi..I haven't posted for a while..im 7months on.now post ablation...I can honestly say its the best thing I ever did..feel so much better and the psychological benefits are enormous too....I sort of feel cured..but of course I dont know that as you never know..however my left atria was enlarged before and had gone back to.normal size on.the scan 2 months later..amazing..I can breath better and my running has never been.better...hope this helps..believe me it took me over a year to decide to do it I was so scared..and now I would go and do it again without a thought...good luck